ELE 3707 Social Media

Norwegian version

ELE 3707 Social Media

Responsible for the course
Cecilie Staude

Department of Marketing

According to study plan

ECTS Credits

Language of instruction

Big data, The media-marketplace, with its traditional communication pattern is faced with drastic change. Social networks as Facebook, Twitter and blogs create new arenas for political, social and opinion exchange, where the future for this online social communication have been for tolled an important democratic role in the modern society.

Social network have shaped new social environments and possibilities for sharing information, knowledge and experiences in a wider extent than previous noted. This provides the foundation for possibilities and challenges for all that have a profound interest in reputation- and communication management. In this new media scene it’s important to understand the requirement behind the methods of efficient and trustworthy communication with your key interest segment.

Learning outcome
Aquired Knowledege

  • To understand what social media is and how the new media-market change the premises for communication and marketing
  • Create a understanding for central key motivators behind user involvement and dialog in social networks
  • To broaden the understanding behind the interaction between new and traditional media

Aquired Skils
  • Be able to account and discuss how online social environments and online activity can strengthen the democratic participation and change a potential power stronghold
  • Be able to create personal, conversational and value based communication in social edia
  • Be able to account for traditional and social medias strengths and weaknesses in regards to communication and marketing. Besides, be able to identify different strategies that build on each medias strengths and weaknesses to create communication synergies.

The students should be able to openly reflect upon the transparency behind communications core values. Besides, the students should be able to see that dialog is a prerequisite behind creating value for the communicator.


Compulsory reading
Heggernes, Tarjei Alvar. 2013. Digital forretningsforståelse : fra store data til små biter. Fagbokforlaget
Li, Charlene, Josh Bernoff. 2011. Groundswell : winning in a world transformed by social technologies. Expanded and rev. ed.. Harvard Business Press
Aalen, Ida. 2015. Sosiale medier. Fagbokforlaget. 150 sider

Collection of articles:
Et utvalg av artikler vil tilgjengeligsgjøres for nedlasting av studentene på Itslearning

Recommended reading
Bradley, Anthony, J. and McDonald Mark P.. 2011. The social organization : how to use social media to tap the collective genius of your customers and employees. Harvard Business School Press. 272 sider
Enjolras, Bernard ... [et al.]. 2013. Liker - liker ikke : sosiale medier, samfunnsengasjement og offentlighet. Cappelen Damm akademisk
Kotler, Phillip, Hermawan Kartajaya og Iwan Setiawan. 2010. Markedsføring 3.0 : fra produkter til kunder til den menneskelige ånd. Hegnar media. Finnes også i engelsk utg. Marketing 3.0

Course outline
  • Big data and the role of social media in the development of democracy
  • Social media, different characteristics
  • Social Media Platforms, characteristics and properties
  • Social media in the marketing communicaiton mix
  • Strategies
    • Personality
    • Conversations
    • Value
  • Challenges
  • Social media and authority- changed power-structures, legal aspects

Computer-based tools

Learning process and workload
The course is conducted through classroom lectures,video lectures group assignments and discussions on Facebook. Three assignemnts are required in the course.

Recommended use of hours:
Participation in lecture
Preparation to lecture /case studies/reading literature/discussions on Facebook
Project paper / roal presntation
Recommended allocated time-effort

    A project assignment that is solved individually or in groups of three (3) students concludes the course.
    The project should appear as acomunication plan in social media. In addition, each student must hand in a self-assessment that provides a brief description of the learning outcomes in relation to the course learning objectives, and a reasoned character suggestions. The project paper must be in accordance to BI's template references and should be a maximum of 20 pages (excluding self-assessment, cover page, table of contents, references and any appendices).
    The Term paper and self-evaluation count for 100% of the grade.

    Examination code(s)
    ELE 37071 Term paper, counts for 100 % to obtain final grade in ELE 3707 Social Media, 7,5 credits.

    Examination support materials
    Alle support materials allowed.

    Re-sit examination
    Re-sit is offered at next sceduled course.

    Additional information