Minors and free electives

Minor & Free Electives

Minor Students can create a minor by choosing 4 courses from one of the other major areas. Please note that there can be a difference between the majors whether some of the courses are mandatory in order to create a minor. Also, students need to check the prerequisites for the courses and the timetable.

In addition to courses in "majors" students can select courses from the list below. Some of the free elective courses can lead to a minor, as long as four courses in the field are taken. Please note that not all courses are offered every year.

Electives Students choose four elective courses freely from the wide range of MSc courses that are available. MSc in Business and Economics students take electives or minors. MSc in Management students are allowed to take more than six courses in the major, and can therefore choose to have free electives/minor. MSc in Marketing students have to choose a major and a minor, one of these must be in Marketing. Students who take major in Marketing, can choose their minor in Management, or other course portfolio offering. Students in the MSc Program in Financial Economics, Leadership & Org. Psychology and International Marketing & Management do not have minor/electives. Elective courses

Course code Course name Course type
Semester 1 (Autumn)
Semester 2 (Spring)
Semester 3 (Autumn)
Semester 4 (Spring)
GRA 2416 Project Management Specialisation
GRA 3109 Corporate Innovation and Innovation Systems Specialisation
GRA 3136 New Venture Creation Specialisation
GRA 6014 International Business Ethics - a strategic approach Specialisation
GRA 5911 Petroleum Economics and Administration Specialisation
GRA 6663 Multilevel Analysis (see more information) Specialisation
GRA 6829 Strategy for Industrial Competitiveness Specialisation
GRA 5913 The EU Policy Process Specialisation
E= elevtive M=mandatory BI reserves the right to make changes or alterations in the course portfolio