SLM 1006 The Digital Customer Experience
SLM 1006 The Digital Customer Experience
Digital technologies have changed the way in which consumers and brands interface and interact. The constant and rapid evolution of digital environments, as well as the growing availability of tools for brands to engage and interact with their customers, have created multiple opportunities and challenges for firms associated with the way in which they understand consumers, brand touchpoints and user/customer experiences, integrated marketing communications, and market orientation, among others.
This course introduces digital marketing and approaches such opportunities and challenges from a multidisciplinary perspective, involving marketing, psychology, and human-computer interaction (HCI). This approach will allow the participants to learn concepts and tools to understand how customers perceive, judge, and behave toward brands. In addition, it will provide them with concepts and tools to derive data-based consumer insights for brand experience design and to develop novel interactions by means of digital interfaces.
Understand the customer experience in a changing landscape of digital marketing
Understand and conceptualize multisensory experiences in offline, online, and mixed reality (offline and online) environments.
Introduction to human-computer interaction design
Understand and manage customer experiences and journeys in digital platforms
Utilize metrics that facilitate customer-based marketing strategies
Plan, develop, and implement multisensory experience prototypes for digital and mixed reality environments
Utilize interaction design methods from human-customer interaction
Digital and mixed reality customer journey analysis and development.
Multisensory experience design along the reality-virtuality continuum.
1. Introduction to customer experiences in the context of digital marketing
2. Digital multisensory marketing: The changing landscape of brand touchpoints
3. Introduction to interaction design
4. Final reflections around marketing organization considering digital environments
Kurset gjennomføres 100% nettbasert. Undervisningen foregår online og består av webinarer og andre digitale læringselementer, som undervisningsopptak, podkaster og videosnutter.
Litteraturlisten for kurset BIK 2954 Customer Experience Management, finner du her. Se for øvrig leseplan i læringsportalen og tilleggsinformasjon
Kurset er en del av SLM-kursserien, Customer Experience Management, som består av består av SLM-kursene SLM 1004 Introduction to Customer Experience Management, SLM 1005 Measuring Customer Experiences, og SLM 1006 The Digital Customer Experience. Kursene er basert på kurset BIK 2954 Customer Experience Management, 7,5 ECTS. Dersom du har gjennomført tre kurs fra samme SLM-kursserie, og oppfyller opptakskravene for å ta eksamen på BI, kan du avlegge en eksamen innen den kursserien, som totalt gir 7,5 studiepoeng.
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