MRK 3414 Marketing Management
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MRK 3414 Marketing Management
Responsible for the course
Even Johan Lanseng
Department of Marketing
According to study plan
ECTS Credits
Language of instruction
This course is an introduction to marketing management principles. The course addresses how companies organize, communicate and deliver their market offerings, and how companies continuously revise and adjust their market offerings due to the changing dynamics of customer needs and market competition.
Marketing management is about developing and securing revenues and gross profit, and therefore also a strategic subject addressed by senior management. Marketing management is a fundamental part of any modern business education and therefore also a basic course in all BI’s bachelor programs.
Learning outcome
The marketing plan is the key learning goal in the course. Because the market is in constantly changing companies must continuously analyze the market and develop an overall strategy and a plan for how changes and opportunities will be met. Through the course students will acquire sufficient knowledge and competence to develop a marketing plan, and acknowledge how difficult and important this task is for a company.
Acquired knowledge
The overall learning goal is that the students have acquired sufficient knowledge and competence to develop a marketing plan. The subjects covered are:
- Definition of market orientation and how it affects company performance
- The content of a marketing plan and the process of developing it
- The main principles in marketing management.
Managing the portfolio of customers:
- segmentation
- customer strategy -
Managing product portfolio and value delivery
- products and product category
- marketing mix
- product strategy -
Managing the brand portfolio
- definition of brand and the brand's role
- brand strategy and management - Analyzing markets and marketing
(A more detailed list of acquired knowledge will be given in the course.)
Acquired skills
Students shall be able to develop a marketing plan that specifies the challenges and opportunities facing the business. The students should be able to demonstrate thorough skills in analysing market and business marketing. This also includes the ability to identify concrete actions for change, communicate them in a convincing way, and prepare an overall estimate for the company's revenues and expenses over the next three to five years.
Be aware of the complexity in practice oft marketing management, and a moral consciousness regarding customers interests and general social responsibility.
Compulsory reading
Selnes, Fred og Lanseng, Even J. 2014. Markedsføringsledelse. Gyldendal
Collection of articles:
Even Lanseng. 2014. Artikkelsamling til MRK 3414 Markedsføringsledelse. Handelshøyskolen BI. Artikkelsamlingen vil inneholde artikler som utdyper og eksemplifiserer utvalgte tema fra pensum. (Oversikt over artikler som inngår i artikkelsamlingen vil bli publisert på It's Larning. Artiklene kan lastes ned fra
Recommended reading
Course outline
- Market orientation and market plan
- Developing and managing a customer portfolio
- Developing and managing a product portfolio
- Developing and lmanaging brands
- Segmentation and positioning
- Analysis of the market, competition and marketing
- Financial consequences
Computer-based tools
Learning process and workload
Central in the course is the work with the project paper, and it is expected that the students is working with this through out the course. The project paper is to prepare a marketing plan for a specific company. The students will get information about this company in the beginning of the course. In addition to this information it is expected that the students also search for information from open sources on the Internet. The students should also do some basic assumptions, because there will be some information about the company and market that will not be available in this kind of assignment.
It will be handed out four exercises which are connected to different parts of the project paper. Students use these exercises to improve their project paper during the course. It is only the final project paper that is a basis for evaluating the quality of the work.
At the beginning of the course the students will get information about the time schedule and when different subjects will be lectured. The students will also be informed of the learning outcomes for the course. The will also be given a schedule of when the exercises has to be handed in and when they will be reviewed in the classroom. The exercises will be handed in through it’s learning.
The Project paper and the exercises can be solved individual or in groups of 2 - 3 students. The exercises should be approximately 1- 3 pages and the Project paper should be approximately 20-30 pages. The Project paper will contain one part which is formulated as a management document; one part that contains a professional basis for choices made and expected effect of these choices, and one part that contain self evaluation of the project paper. The Project paper has to be handed in at the end of the term. Here the students will be able to show their knowledge they have acquired about the subject and developed the reflections about the subject that is required.
Recommended use of time:
Activity | Use of hours |
Participation in class | 39 |
Preparation for class | 80 |
Project paper and exercises | 81 |
Total use of hours recommended | 200 |
The Project paper can be solved individual or in groups of 2-3 students. The Project paper should be approximately 20-30 pages. The Project paper will contain one part which is formulated as a management document; one part that contains a professional basis for choices made and expected effect of these choices, and one part that contain self evaluation of the project paper. The Project paper has to be handed in at the end of the term.
Examination code(s)
MRK 34141 - Project paper, counts 100 % of the grade in the course MRK 3414 Markedsføringsledelse, 7,5 credits
Examination support materials
All support materials are allowed.
Re-sit examination
A re-sit examination is held in connection with the next scheduled exam in the course.
Additional information