MAN 2135/2136/2258/2259 Management of Employment Law


MAN 2135/2136/2258/2259 Management of Employment Law

Responsible for the course
Bjørn Eriksen

Department of Accounting - Auditing and Law

According to study plan

ECTS Credits

Language of instruction

This program aims to provide insight into and an understanding of the legal regulation of employment and labour relations. The participants will learn to understand and handle legal problems that arise when businesses and public institutions undergo reorganizations in Norway and internationally.

Learning outcome

    Bachelor degree or equivalent and 4 years work experience. Please consult our Student regulations.

    Compulsory reading
    Borgerud, Ingeborg Moen ... [et al.]. 2007. Arbeidsrett : særlig om omstilling i offentlig sektor. Universitetsforlaget. Hele boken
    Fougner, Jan ... [et al.]. 2004. Kollektiv arbeidsrett. Universitetsforlaget. Kap. 1 til 14 (348 s.)
    Fougner, Jan ... [et al.]. 2013. Arbeidsmiljøloven : lov av 17. juni 2005 nr. 62 om arbeidsmiljø, arbeidstid og stillingsvern mv. : kommentarutgave. 2.utg. Universitetsforlaget. Historisk innledning side 1-20 samt kommentarer knyttet til pensumrelevante lovbestemmelser.
    Fougner, Jan ... [et al]. 2011. Omstilling og nedbemanning. 2. utg. Universitetsforlaget. 400 s
    Fougner, Jan. 2007. Endring i arbeidsforhold : styringsrett og arbeidsplikt. Universitetsforlaget. Hele boken (329 sider)
    Langfeldt, Sverre Faafeng, red. Næringslivets lovsamling 1687- ... til Lov og rett for næringslivet. Siste utg. Universitetsforlaget / Focus forlag. Alle pensumrelevante lover
    Lødrup, Petter, John Asland. 2013. Oversikt over erstatningsretten. 8. utg. Cappelen Damm akademisk. Hele boken

    2005. 24 (2005-06): Om lov om endringer i lov 17. juni 2005 nr. 62 om arbeidsmiljø, arbeidstid og stillingsvern mv.
    2005. 49 (2004-05) Ny lov om arbeidsmiljø, arbeidstid og stillingsvern m.v. (arbeidsmiljøloven)
    2006. Ot.prp. nr. 84 (2005-2006) Om lov om endringer i arbeidsmijøloven (varsling). Hele dokumentet. Dokumentet er tilgjengelig på
    2012. Prop L 2011-2012 nr. 74; Likebehandling ved utleie av arbeidstakere
    Lovforslag (Lovproposisjoner), utdelt materiale, herunder dommer.

    Recommended reading
    Engelsrud, Gerd. 2009. Styring og vern : arbeidsrett i kommuner og fylkeskommuner. 4. utg. Cappelen akademisk
    Holo, Lars. 2006. Ferieloven av 29. april 1988 nr. 21 med kommentarer. 3. utg. Gyldendal akademisk
    Jakhelln, Henning. 2006. Oversikt over arbeidsretten. 4. utg. Damm
    Kjølaas, Christian. 2010. Personvern i arbeidsforhold. Universitetsforlaget
    Skarning, Nicolay. 2005. Nedbemanning og sluttpakker : en praktisk håndbok. Universitetsforlaget
    Skarning, Nicolay. 2009. Permitteringer og nedbemanninger i praksis : en håndbok med råd, regler, fremgangsmåter og eksempler. Hegnar media
    Skarning, Nicolay. 2011. Sykefravær : nye arbeidsoppgaver, omplassering eller oppsigelse. Universitetsforlaget
    Steen, Sven Iver, Ingeborg Moen Borgerud, Rune Njøs Jacobsen. 2006. Obligatorisk tjenestepensjon : pensjon til alle. Universitetsforlaget
    Storeng, Nils H., Tom H. Beck og Arve Due Lund. 2011. Arbeidslivets spilleregler. 2. utg. Universitetsforlaget
    Ulseth, Terese Smith. 2006. Daglig leders stillingsvern : samspill og kollisjon mellom selskapsrett og arbeidsrett. Universitetsforlaget

    Course outline
    1st course module Labour Law. Foundations; forms of regulation;
    recruitment and hiring
    2nd course module Collective bargaining agreements and
    employment contracts; wages and working
    3rd course module Readjustment, outsourcing, workforce
    4th course module Termination of employment contract - changes
    and employment protection
    5th course module Transfers of undertaking, international business
    and labour law across borders

    Computer-based tools

    Learning process and workload
    The programme is conducted through five course modules, a total of 150 lecture hours.

    Project tutorials differ in each Master of Management program. It will consist of personal tutorials and tutorials given in class. Generally the students may expect consulting tutorials, not evaluating tutorials. The total hours of tutorials offered is estimated to two hours pr. students following an ordinary Master of Management program. For students taking the program as their final Master of Management program the tutorials offered are estimated to a total of six hours.

    The students are evaluated through a term paper, counting 18 credit hours and an individual written exam, counting 12 credit hours. Both evaluations must be passed to obtain a certificate for the program. The term paper may be written individually or in groups of maximum three persons.

    For students taking this program as the final Master of Management Program the following applies:
    The students are evaluated through a term paper, counting for 24 credit hours and an individual written exam, counting for 6 credit hours. The term paper may be written individually or in groups of maximum two persons. Both evaluations must be passed to obtain a certificate for the program.

    Examination code(s)
    MAN 21351 - Term paper; 18 credits; counts for 100 % to pass the program MAN 2135.
    MAN 21361 - written exam; 12 credits; counts for 100 % to pass the program MAN 2136.
    Both evaluations must be passed to o obtain a certificate for the program.

    For students taking this program as the final Master of Management Program the following applies:
    MAN 22581 - Term paper; 24 credits; counts for 100 % to pass the program MAN 2258.
    MAN 22591 - individual written exam; 6 credits; counts for 100 % to pass the program MAN 2259.
    Both evaluations must be passed to obtain a certificate for the program.

    Examination support materials
    Norges Lover (consolidated statutes, in Norwegian)

    Re-sit examination
    At the next ordinary exam.

    Additional information