BIK 2926 Effective Teams - Influence Through Leadership
BIK 2926 Effective Teams - Influence Through Leadership
Bruken av team som arbeidsform har økt kraftig de siste årene. Oppgavene bedrifter står overfor er gjerne mer komplekse og krever høyere grad av samhandling enn før. Men trenden med å jobbe i team har også en skyggeside. Ethvert samarbeid generer også prosesstap, og i mange team er dette tapet større enn gevinsten av å samarbeide. Det kan være uklarheter om målene, møtene kan skape misnøye og kjedsomhet, tillit kan utvikle seg til mistillit og konflikt, og eierskap og stolthet til gruppen kan forsvinne som konsekvens av uønsket gruppedynamikk. For å jobbe godt i team, trenger vi kunnskap om team. Vi må vite hvilke prosesser som øker prestasjonen i målarbeidet vårt, samtidig som vi skaper en gruppe preget av godt samspill og trivsel. Gjennom forelesninger, diskusjoner og praktiske teamøvelser har dette kurset som mål å gi nettopp denne kunnskapen.
- Being familiar with different types of team effectiveness models
- Knowing the factors that influence team effectiveness
- Gaining knowledge on communication strategies that contribute to effective information sharing and reducing conflict
- Team creativity knowing what stimulates creative processes in teams
- Virtual teams have knowledge on how to deal with the common obstacles in virtual teams
- Being familiar with the leadership theories: transactional leadership, transformational leadership, self leadership / super leadership, and situational leadership
- Knowledge on team leadership
- Team development being able to influence team functioning by using empirically validated interventions
- Being able to counteract conflict
- Having the right skills to compose well-functioning teams
- Being a better team leader by knowing when to use different kinds of leadership strategies
- Being able to reflect upon how to understand and apply the science on teams
- Knowing when to work in teams, and when not to
- Being aware of the ethical issues of leading teams
Team effectiveness models What makes an effective team?
Team development
Communication in teams
Team creativity
Virtual teams
Leadership theories Transactional leadership, transformational leadership, self leadership / super leadership, and situational leadership
What does the effective team leader do?
The course consists of three modules over a semester. Each module consist of two days with lectures. Besides lectures, group work will be used to create dialogue and explore certain topics. Cases, tests and skill training will be used to enhance the learning process. Lecturers will not cover the whole syllabus. The purpose of the instruction is to point out main topics and delve into certain themes and examples. Participants are responsible for going through the entire syllabus.
Higher Education Entrance Qualification
Assessments |
Exam category: Submission Form of assessment: Written submission Weight: 100 Grouping: Group/Individual (1 - 3) Duration: 1 Semester(s) Comment: The students will be handing in a term paper at the end of the course. They will be working on this paper throughout the course individually or in groups of up to three persons. The topic of the paper may be obtained from one’s own place of employment and could explain how teams/one’s own team functions (strengths and weaknesses). This will then make the basis for considering efforts to improve the team’s performance. The term paper will increase the practical value of the course. Exam code: BIK 29261 Grading scale: ECTS Resit: Examination when next scheduled course |
A course of 1 ECTS credit corresponds to a workload of 26-30 hours. Therefore a course of 7,5 ECTS credit corresponds to a workload of at least 200 hours.