SLM 1005 Measuring Customer Experiences
SLM 1005 Measuring Customer Experiences
Customer experience is comprised of the cognitive, emotional, physical, sensorial, and social elements that mark the customer’s direct or indirect interaction with a (set of) market actor(s). The focus in this course is various ways of measuring and capturing customer experiences and to make sense of these measures.
Understanding that measuring customer experiences is a multifaceted endeavor
Understand how emotions influence customer behaviour
Understand the role of our senses (sight, hearing, touch, smell, taste) in the formation of specific customer experiences
Understand how customers may be nudged to make decisions.
Conceptualize and understand drivers of customer experiences.
Develop tracking procedures for drivers of customer experiences.
Have a sense of new ways of measuring experiences
Have an over-view of various tools
1. Measuring and understanding cognition
2. Emotions what it is and how is it measured
3. Sensory measurements
4. Neuroscience tools
Kurset gjennomføres 100% nettbasert. Undervisningen foregår online og består av webinarer og andre digitale læringselementer, som undervisningsopptak, podkaster og videosnutter.
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Kurset er en del av SLM-kursserien, Customer Experience Management, som består av består av SLM-kursene SLM 1004 Introduction to Customer Experience Management, SLM 1005 Measuring Customer Experiences, og SLM 1006 The Digital Customer Experience. Kursene er basert på kurset BIK 2954 Customer Experience Management, 7,5 ECTS. Dersom du har gjennomført tre kurs fra samme SLM-kursserie, og oppfyller opptakskravene for å ta eksamen på BI, kan du avlegge en eksamen innen den kursserien, som totalt gir 7,5 studiepoeng.
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