SLM 1004 Introduction to Customer Experience Management
SLM 1004 Introduction to Customer Experience Management
There is an increase in focus on “customer experience” as a source of competitive advantage. Organizations and customers interact through a wide variety of physical, online, and mobile channels during various stages of the customer journey (before, during, and after purchase). Importantly, all these interactions need to be managed as marketing managers need to develop and sustain consistent brand experiences across these channels.
This course introduces you to the field of customer experience management. We will discuss what customer experiences and customer experience management actually are and which insights organizations need to collect. We will also illustrate how organizations can optimize the customer journey, outline how servicescapes/experiencescapes can support the customer experience, and finally, demonstrate how adopting a customer experience management logic requires the entire organization to become more customer centric.
Understand what a customer experience is and how it can be managed.
Understand how customer experiences can be formed in different contexts.
Creating different forms of illustration of customer journeys
Understand how a change process for customer experience can be implemented to enhance customer experience.
1. Introduction to customer experience
2. Touchpoints and Goals
3. Customer Journeys
4. Experiencescapes
5. Designing and innovating experiences
Kurset gjennomføres 100% nettbasert. Undervisningen foregår online og består av webinarer og andre digitale læringselementer, som undervisningsopptak, podkaster og videosnutter.
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Kurset er en del av SLM-kursserien, Customer Experience Management, som består av består av SLM-kursene SLM 1004 Introduction to Customer Experience Management, SLM 1005 Measuring Customer Experiences, og SLM 1006 The Digital Customer Experience. Kursene er basert på kurset BIK 2954 Customer Experience Management, 7,5 ECTS. Dersom du har gjennomført tre kurs fra samme SLM-kursserie, og oppfyller opptakskravene for å ta eksamen på BI, kan du avlegge en eksamen innen den kursserien, som totalt gir 7,5 studiepoeng.
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