MRK 3544 Global Economy
MRK 3544 Global Economy
Kursets formål:
Kurset er en innføring i de viktigste over- og mellomstatlige organisasjoner som regulerer internasjonal økonomisk aktivitet, med særlig vekt på den historiske bakgrunnen for, oppbyggingen av og virkemåten til WTO og EU. En spesiell oppmerksomhet vies regimer av relevans for markedsføring og forbrukerhensyn, likeså hvordan det internasjonale sivile samfunn har befestet seg som en sentral opinionsdannende aktør.
Students will gain a basic understanding of the global economy, and understand how organizations, in particular the WTO and the EU, contribute to regulation of international economic activity. They will learn how different theoretical perspectives lead to different conclusions regarding current major issues such as free trade, economic development, the global financial system and environmental change.
The students are to acquire a clear understanding of how cross-border economic activity takes place in a complex regulatory regime, where national government and supranational competencies interact. Students will be able to understand how marketing is regulated as both supranational cross-border services, and as a part of corporate and national states' economic strategies.
Students will be trained to understand the value-based reasons for the supranational regimes, and to have a mature and reflective approach to the problems and weaknesses that characterize these regimes. Likewise, they gain an understanding of how markets need regulation to function.
- Global political economy - theory and framework
- Globalisation
- International regimes for trade and cooperation (including WTO, IMF, WB, EU, EEA)
- The international monetary and financial system
- Economic development
- The global environmental challenge
The course consists of 39 hours constituting a combination of lectures and feedback on students’ work.
60% of the final grade is given relative to two papers written during the semester. The students will be given an opportunity to receive feedback on the papers, and make changes and corrections, before final hand-in at the end of term.
Students are expected to actively engage to enhance learning both in and between lectures.
Re-sit examination for MRK 35441 will be autumn 2018 and last time spring 2019. From autumn 2019 (2019/20) students need to take both MRK 35442 and MRK 35443.
Det stilles ingen spesielle krav til forkunnskaper.
Vurderinger |
Eksamenskategori: Innlevering Vurderingsform: Skriftlig innlevering Tilsyn med eksamensvakter Vekting: 40 Gruppering: Individuell Hjelpemidler:
Varighet: 3 Time(r) Eksamenskode: MRK 35442 Karakterskala: ECTS Kontinuasjon: Eksamen hvert semester |
Eksamenskategori: Innlevering Vurderingsform: Skriftlig innlevering Vekting: 60 Gruppering: Gruppe/Individuell (1 - 3) Varighet: 1 Semester Eksamenskode: MRK 35443 Karakterskala: ECTS Kontinuasjon: Eksamen hvert semester |
Alle eksamener må bestås for å oppnå karakter i kurset.
Aktivitet | Varighet | Kommentar |
Undervisning | 39 Time(r) | |
Forberedelse til undervisning | 83 Time(r) | |
Innlevering(er) | 75 Time(r) | |
Eksamen | 3 Time(r) |
Et kurs med 1 studiepoeng tilsvarer en arbeidsmengde på 26-30 timer. Et kurs på 7,5 studiepoeng tilsvarer derfor en arbeidsmengde på minimum 200 timer.