GRA 8089 Technology Management


GRA 8089 Technology Management

Responsible for the course
Espen Andersen

Department of Strategy and Logistics

According to study plan

ECTS Credits

Language of instruction

Thanks to the relentless increase in computer performance (often referred to as Moore's Law,) information technology is increasingly pervasive in all aspects of business or public administration. IT has a significant portion of business investments (frequently, second only to housing). Many of the most difficult decisions (strategic or administrative) taken by managers involve information technology, both as medium and content. Many actions (both external and external to the organization) are carried out in information technology, sometimes (for companies in hypercompetitive industries) information technology is the dimension through which strategy is both constructed and executed. Yet understanding of the strategic impact of information technology and how to manage it can be poorly understood, particularly in non-traditional industries.

Learning outcome
The intent of this course is to give the student an understanding of the role of information technology in organizations, the impact of the rapid technology evolution for business environments, and the challenge of managing the technology and the organizational units charged with its introduction and support within the context of a large business organization.


Compulsory reading
Pearlson, Keri E. & Carol S. Saunders. 2009. Managing and using information systems : a strategic approach. 4th ed. Wiley

Articles and cases as outlined on the course web page, at

Recommended reading

Course outline
The course will be based on four themes, with roughly the same time devoted to each. They are:
Managing IT for competitive advantage: Understanding whether and how IT can give the organization a competitive advantage, and how to sustain that
Understanding the role of IT in organizations: This part of the course will analyze organizations in terms of the chains, shops, networks framework, trying to
understand how value is created in each of these strategic configurations, and how IT supports this value creation.
Managing the IT resource: Understanding the organizational challenges of IT management, the interface between IS and the business, governance models and
organizational processes, systems development and delivery, outsourcing.
Understanding technology evolution: Focus on how technologies evolve, how to position your self as a provider or user of technologies, phases of competition,
sustaining and disruptive technologies, network externalities and intellectual property.

Computer-based tools

Learning process and workload
Taught over 24 hours at Part Time level. The course is case-based and will involve substantial preparation and classroom participation.

For administrative reasons the students are registered at the program code GRA 8090 in the first semester. In the second semester they are registered at the program code GRA 8091 .

Evalutation will be based on classroom participation as well as individual and group hand-ins.

Examination code(s)
GRA 80891 - Classroom participation and individual and group hand-ins; counts for 100 % to pass the program GRA 8089, 5 credits

Examination support materials

Re-sit examination
Re-takes are only possible at the next time a course will be held. When course evaluation consists of class participation or process elements, the whole course must me re-evaluated when a student wants to retake a exam. Retake examinations entail an extra examination fee.

Additional information