GRA 6433 Theories and Methods in Marketing Communication
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GRA 6433 Theories and Methods in Marketing Communication Responsible for the course Bendik Samuelsen Department Department of Marketing Term According to study plan ECTS Credits 6 Language of instruction English Introduction Communication is a fundamental part of most marketplace transactions. In its purest form price communicates the information necessary for a transaction. In most other deviations from perfect competition, any marketer has to communicate more than price in order to establish, sustain, and grow his business. This course aims to provide deep understanding for theoretical perspectives on marketing communication as a field of scientific research. The course will draw extensively on advertising research due to the richness and maturity of this perspective, and we will give detailed attention to methodological challenges in advertising research. In other words, this is not a course in creating advertising, but a course covering the premisses for how communication works, and how to assess communication effects. Learning outcome To address the managerial challenges of marketing communication in an analytical manner, the primary learning outcome of this course is the establishment of a sound platform of knowledge based on attitudes and persuasion research from social psychology, as well as learning and memory principles from cognitive psychology. Dual process theories like the elaboration likelihood model (ELM), and the heuristic-systematic model (HSM) represent fundamental models from which to derive rich insights into the information processing perspective on marketing communication. Through these models, students will learn how attributes of the recipient, the message, the context, and the sender interact in producing communicative effects. As a logical implication, communication effects can be analyzed. An additional learning outcome is the ability to construct experimental designs enabling tests of communication effects. The students should also understand the steps in communication planning from a managerial perspective, and be able to address the role of creativity in marketing communication Prerequisites GRA 4145 Brand Management or equivalent from other leading programmes. The course can be taken in the same semester as GRA 6433 Theories and Methods in Marketing Communications. Compulsory reading Collection of articles: Compilation of articles Other: During the course there may be hand-outs and other material on additional topics relevant for the course and the examination. Recommended reading Course outline - Overview of marketing communication planning - The information processing perspective/ persuasion - Attitudes and persuasion - Dual process models - Learning and neural networks - Communication process entities - Source - Message - Recipient - Context - Methodological issues in communication research Computer-based tools None in particular, however, SPSS latest version will be utilized. It's learning Learning process and workload A course of 6 ECTS credits corresponds to a workload of 160-180 hours. Part one: Marketing communication from a managerial perspective |