EXC 2112 Consumer Behaviour
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EXC 2112 Consumer Behaviour Responsible for the course Even Johan Lanseng Department Department of Marketing Term According to study plan ECTS Credits 7,5 Language of instruction English Introduction This course will introduce you to basic consumer behaviour problems and perspectives and the contexts in which they arise. It will help you develop an ability to structure and analyze such problems, and provide the appropriate tools and concepts for solving them. The course will concentrate on consumer behaviour topics, which will help the marketing manager to understand the needs and wants of the consumers. Learning outcome Acquired knowledge The students will get to know important concepts and central consumer models like customer needs and wants, information processing, attitude formation, evaluative criteria, segmentation and social influence, all seen in a financial perspective. Acquired skills The students should be able to understand and to predict the consumers' behaviour in different situations, and see how this information might influence the product and the service portfolio and the resulting consequences for the company’s or the organization’s ability to reach it’s goals. Reflection The student should be able to reflect on ethical issues related to how consumer behaviour is contributing to an understanding of the customer’s needs and wants. Prerequisites A basic course in marketing is required. Compulsory reading Books: Schiffman, Leon G. and Leslie Lazar Kanuk. 2010. Consumer behavior. 10th ed., Global ed. Pearson/Prentice Hall Recommended reading Course outline
Computer-based tools No specified computer-based tools are required. Learning process and workload The course objectives are to be reached through a combination of lectures and students working on assignments. Assignments can be cases and/or individual tests. You will work with the cases in groups, and present the solutions in class. Typical group size is 3 students. Further instructions on cases, individual tests, deadlines, and organization of case work and presentations will be given in class. Coursework requirements Three assignments will be given (see over). At least two of these must be approved by lecturar to be able to take the exam (term paper). Recommended workload in hours
Coursework requirements In order to take the term paper students must get approved at least two out of three assignments. See learning process and workload. Examination A term paper concludes the course. The term paper will be given in the beginning og the course and must be handed in at the end of the semester. It may be solved individually or in groups up to three (3) students. Examination code(s) EXC 21121 - Term paper. Counts for 100 % of the grade in EXC 2112 Consumer Behaviour, 7,5 credtis. Examination support materials All support materials allowed. Examination support materials at written examinations are specified under exam information in our web-based Student Handbook. Please note the use of calculator and dictionary. http://www.bi.edu/studenthandbook/examaids Re-sit examination Re-sits are offered every term. Students who have not got approved the assignments must retake these work requirements during the next scheduled course. Students that have not passed the term paper or who wish to improve their grade must retake the term paper in connection with the next scheduled course. Additional information |
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