ELE 3721 Place Management
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ELE 3721 Place Management Responsible for the course Arne Osvik Department Department of Marketing Term According to study plan ECTS Credits 7,5 Language of instruction English Introduction "Place Management" is a free elective course, targeting several groups of students, in particular students at bachelor level within retail management, marketing, tourism, and property management. The place management course deals with shopping places as constellations of value creation centres and service units, usually on a larger scale. The development and competitive position of a shopping place is at any time dependent on an attractive and appropriate localization of outlets, experience arenas, and social meeting places. Shopping places may be termed under-organized systems, which lack the effective, strategic coordination needed to secure optimal value creation and an ability to adapt. This constitutes great challenges with regard to establishing formal and informal partnerships, and employing new methods for market analysis and network governance. The course discusses strategies for development, marketing, branding and collaboration at several system levels, including:
The value creation in such systems is primarily oriented towards the local and regional population, even if such places can be important tourist destinations. These systems are quite different from industrial clusters and networks, which ignore the spatial dimension and the importance of spatial convenience for the customer, and which do not take into consideration customers social and cultural demands. The course represents a new and important management area. Concepts about strategic management and marketing of such systems and shopping places have to a large extent been missing in practical work. Learning outcome Acquired knowledge On completion of the course the students will have knowledge of:
Acquired skills On completion of the course the students will be able to:
Reflection On completion of the course the students will:
Prerequisites None in particular are required. Compulsory reading Collection of articles: Omholt, T. and A. Osvik. 2012. Collection of articles: "Place Management". Handelshøyskolen BI. 589 pages Recommended reading Books: Mossberg, Lena og Erik Nissen Johansen. 2008. Storytelling : markedsføring i opplevelsesindustrien. Fagbokforlaget Pine, B. Joseph and James H. Gilmore. 2011. The experience economy. Rev. and updated ed. Harvard Business School Press Course outline The course outline reflects a combination of various managerial orientations to secure an integrated understanding of this type of processes and systems: Development trends: The process of place and centre development, changes in regional and local centre structures, social trends and changes in shopping behaviour, international trends and innovative examples of place revitalization, strategies for developing centre and outlet formats based on economies of scale and scope, new centre formats oriented towards time usage and management of complexity. Centre development and place planning:planning process, centre design, public regulation and governance, political marketing, principles for collaboration and management in hybrid networks. Analytical methods and decision support:
Framework and development conditions for various types of shopping places and centre formats; strategies for development, marketing and collaboration:
Place branding and marketing: • How can we create places that are unique and differentiated with regard to experiences and service, and what can supplement a practice that often leads to standardization and lack of identity? • How can we effectively utilize new methods of place marketing based on the Internet (web systems and blogging)? Computer-based tools None Learning process and workload The course is normally taught over one term with 36 hours of lectures, including guest lectures and visits to nearby centres. The conduct of the course can to a great extent be adapted to the participants’ own and local interests. In addition to guest lectures, the course is secured a practical orientation by the requirement of doing and presenting a project paper related to a local centre or place of shopping, possibly the participant’s own organization. Recommended work load:
Examination The course is concluded by a 4-hour individual written examination.. Examination code(s) ELE 37211 Written examination, counts 100 % towards the grade in the course ELE 3721 Place Management - 7,5 credits. Examination support materials No support materials allowed. Examination support materials at written examinations are specifies under exam information in our web-based Student Handbook. Please note the use of calculator and dictionary. http://www.bi.edu/studenthandbook/examaids Re-sit examination A re-sit is held at the next scheduled examination in the course. Additional information The collection of articles will consist: I. Introduction: Economic and socio-cultural trends in place development Zentes, J. 2007. Store location-Trading area analysis and site selection. Chap. 7 in Strategic Retail management, Gabler. (10 p.) Zukin, S. 1998. Urban lifestyles: Diversity and standardization in spaces of consumption. Urban Studies Vol. 35:5-6. (11 p.) Guy, C. 2007. An evaluation of retail planning policy. Chap. 10 in: Planning for retail development. Routledge. (17 p.) Dawson, J. 2004. Retail change in Britain during 30 years. The strategic use of economies of scale and scope. Centre for the study of retailing in Scotland. (22 p.) Miles, S. 2010. Introduction, the individualized city. Chapters 1 and 2 in: Spaces for Consumption. (34 p.) Jensen, J.B. 2007. Future consumer tendencies and shopping behaviour (utdrag). Trend lab: Steen&Strøm. (24 p.) Omholt, T. 2003. Participative urban governance and knowledge requirements. Paper presented at Academy of Management Meeting in Seattle, USA.(21 p.) II. Governance and organizing for place development ATCM. What is town centre management? (4 p.) Landry, C. 2000. Assessing and sustaining the creative process. In: The creative city.(16 p.) Florida, R. 2002. Place-making after 9/11. Chap. 8 in The rise of the creative class.Routledge. (16 p.) Omholt, T. 2009. A social systems approach to the development and management of self-organizing networks. Paper presented at 3rd conference on Management & Social Networks. Annecy, France. (15 p.) Chen, C-Y. & Webster, C. 2005. Privatising the governance and management of existing urban neighbourhoods. Property Management, 24:2. (17 p.) Wood, E.H. 2005. Measuring the economic and social impact of local authority events. International Journal of Public Sector Management, 18:1. (16 p.) III. Consumption places and spaces III.1 Urban issues Jacobs, J. 1961. The death and life of great American cities. Chap.7: The generators of diversity. Vintage Books. (9 p.) The economist 08.11.08: Lump together and like it. (2 p.) Whyte, W.H. 1980. The social life of small urban spaces (excerpts). (60 p.) Leo, D.Y. & Philippe, J. 2002. Retail centres: Location and consumers satisfaction (utdrag). The Service Industries Journal. Vol. 22:1 (3 p.) ATCM 1999. Building a competitive location. (13 p.) Padilla, C. & Eastlick, M.A. 2009. Exploring urban retailing and CBD revitalization strategies. Int. Journal of Ret. & Distr. Mgt. Vol. 37:1. (16 p.) III.2 The shopping mall Hernandez, T. & Lorch, B. 2009. The boxing of the Canadian mall. Research Review. Vol. 16:1. (6 p.) Levy, M. & Weitz, B.A. 2009. Retailing management (excerpts chap. 5). McGraw-Hill. (3 p.) Moore, C.M. m.fl. 2000. Brands without boundaries. Eur.Journal of Mkt. Vol.34:8 (17 p.) Hauge, A. 2008. Liminal spaces: negotiating symbolic value in the fashion industry. Uppsala University. (25 p.) III.3 Revitalizing the district- and community center Guy, C. & Duckett, M. 2003. Small retailers in an inner city community: a case study of Adamsdown, Cardiff. Int. Journal of Ret. & Distr. Mgt. Vol. 31:8 (7 p.) Roberts, J. 2010. Building retail tenant trust: neighbourhood versus regional shopping centres. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 38:8 (16 p.) Saven, M. 2010. Future-proofing the shopping mall. Retail Property Insights 17:1 (5 p.) Yan & Eckman 2009. Are lifestyle centres unique? International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 37:1 (17 p.) III.4 Tourism, themed parks and spectacular events as spaces for consumption Gilmore & Pine 2007. Setting the stage. The show must go on. Chap. 2 and 3 in The experience economy. Harvard Business School Press.(41 p.) Miles, S. 2010. Themed parks. In: Spaces for consumption. (22 p.) Bennison. D. m.fl. 2007. The role of quarters in large city centres: A Mancunian case study. Int. Journal of Ret. & Distr. Mgt. Vol. 35:8. (15 p.) Holloway 2010. Meaning not measurement. International Journal of Event and Festival Management. 1:1 (12 p.) Guthrie & Andreson 2010. Visitor narratives: researching and illuminating actual destination experience. Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal. 13:2 (19 p.) IV. Place marketing and branding Warnaby, G. & Medway, D. 2004. The role of place marketing as a competitive response by town centres to out-of-town retail developments. Int. Rev. of Ret., Distr. and Consumer Research. Vol. 14:4. (21 p.) Gilmore, J.H. & Pine II, B.J. 2007. Authenticity. Chap. 8: From marketing to placemaking. Harvard Bus. School Press. (29 p.) Guy, C. 2006. New identities for district centres. Proceedings CIRM 2006. (5 p.) Henderson, N. & Turnbull, A. 2006. Destination branding: promoting Shetland. Proceedings CIRM 2006. (9 p.) |
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