BST 2411 International Business
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BST 2411 International Business Responsible for the course Jon Erland Lervik, Tor Grenness Department Department of Communication - Culture and Languages Term According to study plan ECTS Credits 15 Language of instruction English Introduction This course together with BTH 2412 Bachelor thesis - International Business - constitutes the specialization in International Business, which will be stated on BI's Diploma. This specialization prepares students for working in an international business environment. The course addresses critical macro level factors in the environment and meso level factors in the organization that are fundamental for a manager to be competent in international business. This course will give students knowledge of the institutional, organizational and interpersonal factors and challenges that are critical to successful international business. International Business is about firms engaging in cross-border economic activities or doing business abroad. International Business is an integrative perspective that draws on several functional areas of management including Strategy, marketing, Leadership and Human Resource Management. The course begins with an overview of the global business environment and introduces the international organization and key decisions managers have to face when going international. Strategy and structure of the international business organization will be examined. The international trade and investment environment for these organizations is explored and the global monetary system introduced. The environmental and organizational context will provide the backdrop for an in-depth analysis of culture and management. Special focus will be placed on the concepts of global leadership and international human resource management. In the final section of the course, students will have the opportunity to develop their skills sets based on their knowledge of culture and management to be effective negotiators. The course is built on a research-based foundation, and uses practical cases where either a marketing or an economic perspective can be used to solve the cases (drawing on the students' different backgrounds). Learning outcome The overall objective of this specialization is to provide students with knowledge of the international business environment and how to manage international and global companies, and culturally diverse employees. Acquired knowledge After having completed the course, students should have acquired knowledge of central factors in international business - both on the macro-, meso-, and micro level. In particular they should have knowledge of the national differences in the international business environment, firms’ strategies for serving foreign markets and engaging in global competition, as well as culture's consequences for leadership, HRM and negotiations. Acquired skills The students will be able to apply core models and concepts to practical situations. They should develop skills in managing a diverse workforce as well as negotiating across cultures. Reflection The students should be able to reflect on the meaning of culture and culture's impact on people's expectations and perceptions of management. They should be able to reflect on the effects of globalization (negative as well as positive) and to see how a changing world impacts business both at the macro and the micro levels. Prerequisites Students need to have completed the first 2 years of a Bachelor program including Statistics MET 3431 or MET 2920. Compulsory reading Books: French, Ray. 2010. Cross-cultural management in work organisations. 2nd ed. CIPD. chap 2,3,4,6,7,9,10 Peng, Mike W. and Klaus E. Meyer. 2011. International business. Cengage Learning. Chapters 1-6, 8-16 Recommended reading Books: Dicken, Peter. 2011. Global shift : mapping the changing contours of the world economy. 6th ed. Sage Schramm-Nielsen, Jette, Peter Lawrence, Karl-Henrik Sivesind. 2004. Management in Scandinavia : culture, context and change. Edward Elgar Course outline The course consists of seven modules. The first day of each module is on international business from an economics & strategy perspective, and the second day addresses leadership and cross-cultural management.
Computer-based tools No particular computer-based tools are used in the course. Learning process and workload The course consists of 78 teaching hours. The learning process emphasize a mix of lectures, student presentations, analysis of cases of business decisions and management challenges, as well as written assignments. Active participation and involvement in class is expected and encouraged. Recommended use of hours for the students will be:
Examination The total grade for the course is based on the following exam activities: 1) Process evaluation 40 % is based on the following activities: Part 1) Assignment 1 produced in groups of 2 - 3 students, count 20 % Part 2) Assignment 2 produced in groups of 2 - 3 students, count 20 % For each of the two assignments, we facilitate a learning process in class with peer review from other students and a presentation with feedback from lecturers, before students revise and hand-in final version for grading. 2) A 5-hour written open book examination, which accounts for 60 % of the final grade Both exams must be passed to pass the course. Examination code(s) BST 24113 - Process evaluation 40 % of the grade in BST 2411 International Business 15 credits BST 24114 - Written examination counts 60 % of the grade in BST 2411 International Business 15 credits. Examination support materials All support materials plus the calculator TEXAS INSTRUMENTS BA II Plus™ are allowed. Examination support materials at written examinations are specifies under exam information in our web-based Student Handbook. Please note the use of calculator and dictionary. Re-sit examination A re-sit is held at the next scheduled exam in the course. Students who are taking new exam must take the course all over including all the activities on which the prosess evaluation is based. Re-sit examination for BST 24111 Process evaluation, 0 % and BST 24112, 100 % Written examination is held autum 2012. Additional information |
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