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BØK 2213 Finans II - KONTINUASJONSEKSAMEN Kursansvarlig Geir Bjønnes Institutt Institutt for finansiell økonomi Semester Vår Studiepoeng 6 Undervisningsspråk Norsk Innledning Mål The first objective of this course is to understand how managers of corporations make decisions regarding how corporations are financed and how they pay out dividends. To begin to understand these students need to consider what an e.cient financial market is and why e.ciency in financial markets is important for these decisions. Managers can finance investments through raising equity or debt. The decision regarding how much debt relative to equity should be used will form an integral part of this section of the course. Moreover students will learn how the choice between debt and equity can influence the capital budgeting decision discussed in Finance I. The second objective of the course is to give students a basic understanding of a set of additional topics in finance. These are related to the issuance of securities, the decision of whether to buy or lease, merger and acquisition activity, risk management and issues in international finance. Forkunnskaper BØK 2212 Finance I Obligatorisk litteratur Bøker: Berk, Jonathan and Peter DeMarzo. 2009. Corporate finance. 2nd ed. Boston : Prentice Hall. Ny utgave ventet mars 2010 Anbefalt litteratur Annet: Eksamensoppgavesamling med løsningsforlag i finans. 1997. Oslo: BI Forlag Emneoversikt Part I: Financing
Dataverktøy Students are recommended to use computer-based tools, such as spreadsheets and statistical software. Such tools, however, are not allowed at the examination. Gjennomføring The course is based on 36 teaching hours, primarily presentations and discussions of the readings assigned to the topics listed above. Students are expected to have read the material before each class meeting. In addition to regular lecturing, there will be 6 hours of problemsolving. Eksamen A three-hour multiple-choice exam concludes the course. Eksamenskode(r) BØK 22131 - Three hour multiple choice exam, counts 100% of the grade in BØK 2213 Finance II, 6 credits. Hjelpemidler til eksamen Interest tables and BI-defined exam calculator are permitted during the exam. TEXAS INSTRUMENTS BA II Plus™ Exam aids at written examiniations are explained under exam information in our web-based Student handbook. Please note use of calculator and dictionary. http://www.bi.edu/studenthandbook/examaids. Kontinuasjon Dette kurset ble undervist siste gang våren 2011. Deretter tilbys kontinuasjonseksamen hvert semester tom. våren 2013 Tilleggsinformasjon |
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