BØK 1322 Finans II
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BØK 1322 Finans II Kursansvarlig Geir Bjønnes Institutt Institutt for finansiell økonomi Semester Høst Studiepoeng 7,5 Undervisningsspråk Norsk Innledning Kursbeskrivelsen eksisterer kun i engelsk versjon. Læringsmål Acquired knowledge Upon completion of the course, students are required to master tasks such as:
Acquired skills Students having completed the course are required to satisfactorily conduct analytical exercises such as:
Reflection The students should be able to understand the importance of the models underlying assumptions. They should be able to discuss whether the assumptions are reasonable in the real world, and what may happen if the assumptions are violated. The students should also be able to see the relevance of the theory when confronted with real-world issues Forkunnskaper Finance I Obligatorisk litteratur Bøker: Hillier, David ... [et al.]. 2010. Corporate finance. First European ed. McGraw-Hill Higher Education Anbefalt litteratur Emneoversikt Part I: Financing
Dataverktøy Students are recommended to use computer-based tools, such as spreadsheets and statistical software. Such tools, however, are not allowed at the examination. Læreprosess og tidsbruk The instruction consists primarily of presentations and discussions of the readings assigned to the topics listed above. Students are expected to have read the material before each class meeting. Relevant problems that will be discussed in class will be formulated. In this case, students are expected to solve the problems before each class meeting. Please note that while attendance is not compulsory in all courses, it is the student’s own responsibility to obtain any information provided in class that is not included on the course homepage/It's Learning or in the textbook. The course consists of 36 lecture hours and 6 hours of, instructor-guided problem solving in class. Students are recommended to allocate hours of studying as follows:
Eksamen A three-hour multiple-choice exam concludes the course. Eksamenskode(r) BØK 13221 - Multiple choice examination, counts 100% towards the grade in BØK 1322 Finance II, 7,5 credits. Hjelpemidler til eksamen Interest tables and the BI-approved exam calculator, TEXAS INSTRUMENTS BA II Plus™ are permitted during the examination. Examination support materials at written examinations are specified under exam information in our web-based Student Handbook. Please note the use of calculator and dictionary. http://www.bi.edu/studenthandbook/examaids. Kontinuasjon A re-sit is offered in connection with the next ordinary examination. Tilleggsinformasjon |
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