VHL 3407 Corporate Reputation in Retail Management - RE-SIT-EXAMINATION


VHL 3407 Corporate Reputation in Retail Management - RE-SIT-EXAMINATION

Responsible for the course
Odd Gisholt

Department of Marketing

According to study plan

ECTS Credits

Language of instruction

Various circumstances lately have seriously put reputation management on the agenda for companies and organizations within the retail sector. A good reputation gives you advantages with regard to sales, recruiting people, price, and branding. Your trustworthiness and credibility as well as the ability to communicate the messages are important for a good reputation and a strong position in the market.

Learning outcome
Acquired knowledge

  • Knowledge of methods and communication tools for building strong relations to stakeholders
  • Understand the connections between reputation, sales and customer loyalty
  • Understanding that reputation increasingly is linked to ethics and moral within the retail sector
  • Knowledge about the media and their role regarding reputation
  • Knowledge due to the new media situation
  • Awareness that the new media landscape provides new possibilities as well as threats for companies within the retail sector

Acquired skills
  • Ability to analyse stakeholders
  • Ability to take part in the company’s process of building reputation
  • Awareness of the connections between branding, sales and reputation
  • Ability to see the connections between reputation, ethics and corporate social responsibility
  • Ability to analyse the media and identify what is news
  • Demonstration of innovation with regard to media channels and marketing mix
  • Demonstration of insight in methods and tools with regard to marketing PR

After the course, the students should be able to ask critical questions and reflect over the fact that reputation increasingly is connected to ethical standard and corporate social responsibility.


Compulsory reading
Brønn, Peggy Simcic og Øyvind Ihlen. 2009. Åpen eller innadvendt : omdømmebygging for organisasjoner. Gyldendal akademisk. 255 sider

Recommended reading
Apeland, Nils M. 2010. Det gode selskap : omdømmebygging i praksis. 2. utg. Hippocampus
Harr, Erik. 2006. Medielobbyisme : kunsten at sætte en dagsorden. Børsen. hele boken
Hatch, Mary Jo & Majken Schultz. 2008. Taking brand initiative : how companies can align strategy, culture, and identity through corporate branding. Jossey-Bass. 288 sider

Course outline

  • The retail sector, the mass media and the environment
  • Building reputation – strategy, roles, relations and process
  • Stakeholder analysis – relations and networking
  • Identity
  • Reputation and branding
  • Communication channels and marketing mix
  • Crisis management
  • The news media and reputation
  • Media strategy
  • Credibility and trustworthiness
  • Ethical and corporate social responsibility

Computer-based tools
No specified computer-based tools are required.

Learning process and workload
The course is based on process teaching for 45 hours. There will be individual assignments, group projects, and oral presentations as well as individual and collective guidance. The course is practical/theoretical due to the fact that the students follow a real company throughout the whole course and are going to solve real communication and reputation problems for the company. The students have to accomplish five assignments during the course. All the assignments need to be placed in a student portfolio.

The different assignments will be evaluated all through the course but will not be graded.
Use of hours
Lectures (participation in class) I
Lectures (participation in class) II
Preparation for tutorials
Preparation for lectures/reading literature
Case work
Total recommended use of hours

Feedback on assignments:
In each lesson the students will be told what kind of assignments have to be solved for the next session. The teacher will evaluate some of these in class, and the students will also evaluate each other. The students can continue working on their assignments throughout the semester. At the end of the semester, the students have to choose four out of five assignments that will account for 100 percent of the grade in the course. A self- reflection report is required, and needs to be handed in at the end of the course.

    The grade in the course is based on a term-project.

    Examination code(s)
    VHL 34071 – Term project, accounts for 100 % of the grade in the course VHL 3407 Reputation Management in Retailing, 7,5 credits

    Examination support materials
    All exam support materials are allowed.

    Re-sit examination
    This course was lectured for the last time autumn 2012. Re-sit exam will be offered autumn 2013 and last time spring 2014.

    Additional information