ORG 3640 Management and organizational communication - RE-SIT EXAMINATION
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ORG 3640 Management and organizational communication - RE-SIT EXAMINATION
Responsible for the course
Peggy S Brønn
Department of Communication - Culture and Languages
According to study plan
ECTS Credits
Language of instruction
Norwegian and english
Communication is the process for managing the stakeholder relationships that drive value and build reputation for organizations. Communication is often taken-for-granted but it is the core of organizing and organizations are seen as fundamentally communicative creations. Further, effective communication is also seen as the bedrock of modern organizations. It is important that business students are provided an adequate opportunity to understand the practice and study of communication within organizational settings since the greatest portion of the work of leaders and managers is communication related.
Learning outcome
Students will learn the basic concepts of communication in organizations and will improve their understanding of communication within organizations and learn how communication relates to general management and the achievement of organizational goals. This includes learning how organizational structure and culture contributes to communication, the role of communication in organizations and the various forces and stakeholders that can affect an organization and its reputation.
- Understand and explain the major theories and perspectives used to examine organizational communication.
- Recognize communication issues in organizations and apply organizational communication concepts, models, and theories to resolve such issues.
- Analyze organizational communication systems, processes, and structures from multiple perspectives.
- Demonstrate knowledge of internal communication channels necessary for effective performance in different organizational contexts
Students will develop the ability to sense accurately the meanings and feelings of oneself and others in the organization and a sense of organizational as well as interpersonal ethics.
Compulsory reading
Shockley-Zalabak, Pamela. 2012. Fundamentals of organizational communication : knowledge, sensitivity, skills, values. 8th ed. Pearson Education
Recommended reading
Brønn, Peggy Simcic og Øyvind Ihlen. 2009. Åpen eller innadvendt : omdømmebygging for organisasjoner. Gyldendal akademisk
Hatch, Mary Jo and Majken Schultz. 2008. Taking brand initiative : how companies can align strategy, culture, and identity through corporate branding. Jossey-Bass
Pjetursson, Leif. 2011. Når ledelse er kommunikation : en medreflekterende bog om lederens kommunikative kompetencer. 2. utg. L&R Business
Smythe, John. 2007. The CEO - the chief engagement officer : turning hierarchy upside down to drive performance. Gower
Course outline
- Organizational Communication: A Competency-Based Approach
- Thoretical Perspectives for Organizational Communication
- Communication Implications of Major Organizational Theories
- Organizational Communication: Values and Ethical Communication Behaviors
- Individuals in Organizations
- Groups in Organizations
- Leadership and Management Communication
- Participating in Organizations: Developing Critical Organizational Communication Competencies
- Organizational Conflict: Communicating for Effectiveness
- Strategic Organizational Communication: Professional Applications of Organizational Communication
- Organizational Change and Communication
- Applications of Organizational Communication
Computer-based tools
No specified computer-based tools are required.
Learning process and workload
The course consists of 36 hours of lectures.
During the lectures the main emphasis is put on central concepts, but will also give room for discussions, assignments, activities and more. Advising will be given to the term paper.
Activity | Use of hours |
Lectures | 36 |
Preparations for lectures | 36 |
Term paper | 50 |
Homework and reading syllabus | 42 |
Preparations for exam | 36 |
Anbefalt tidsbruk totalt | 200 |
A project paper concludes the course. The paper is handed out in the beginning of the term and must be solved individually or in groups of up to three students.
Examination code(s)
ORG 36401 - Project paper, counts 100% to obtain final grade in ORG 3640 Management and organizational communication, 7,5 credits.
Examination support materials
All support materials allowed.
Re-sit examination
Re-sit examination is offered autumn 2013 and last time spring 2014.
Additional information