MAN 5132 Strategic Change Management in the Education Sector

MAN 5132 Strategic Change Management in the Education Sector

Course code: 
MAN 5132
Leadership and Organizational Behaviour
Course coordinator: 
Tom Colbjørnsen
Course name in Norwegian: 
Strategisk endringsledelse i utdanningssektoren
Product category: 
EMM - Educational Leadership, Specialisation
2019 Spring
Active status: 
Level of study: 
Teaching language: 
Course type: 
Associate course

The programme is part of the Master of Management degree in School Management at Norwegian Business School BI and can also be taken as a separate part-time programme. 

Management and Change in the School -  MAN 3164/3165/3166/3167 -  comprises the foundation of the Master’s program in School Management, while Strategic Change Management in the Education Sector is included in its entirety together with 3 other courses, each of them for 15 credits.   

As a part of the Master’s programme in school management, Strategic Change Management in the Education Sector is meant to function as a link between the first and third year of study.  While the first year of study (headmaster’s school) gives a broad overview of school management and the third year engages students by having them analyze their own schools and develop a strategy to change them, Strategic Change Management in the Education Sector – as one of two courses in the second year -- aims to give students a deeper theoretical  understanding of strategy and management (approached for the school sector), such that students have a better professional foundation in their work to change their own school in the third year.  The programme will in this way function as a link between the first and third years of the Master’s in School Management and make this a more integrative Master’s degree.

Learning outcomes - Knowledge

The programme sets the foundation for students to establish a professional platform in strategy, organisation and leadership with relevance for making and implementing decisions regarding the course your own organisation will be taking.  The predominant goal for choice of direction should be to strengthen pupils’ learning outcome. The course has been designed to help students develop insight into how educational institutions’ environments can be more flexible and demanding and how leaders can meet this by developing organisations that combine well-defined roles and responsibilities with the ability to adapt. The programme is meant to give students the possibility to increase their insight into what impacts organisations’ effectiveness in carrying out strategies and the possibilities school leaders have to function as drivers of change in their own organisations.  

Learning outcomes - Skills

The course presents a professional platform that students can use to carry out strategic and organisational analyses of their own educational institutions.  Participants will learn how they can implement the directional choices in their action plans and follow-up plans for improving pupils’ learning and how they can effect measures to lift teachers’ competence, create a collective learning culture and strengthen the institution’s professional reputation and innovative capacity. The course will give students the possibility to utilize a professional point of departure for identifying organisational and managerial success factors for leaders in the education sector in order to strengthen their capacity to implement change and to manage demanding change processes.

Learning Outcome - Reflection

The programme will enable students to engage in critical reflection with regard to the relationship between the professional perspectives the course is based on and the education sector’s “mission”, values, goals and daily activities. Participants will also be given the opportunity to train at identifying ethical dilemmas that can arise in connection with the implementation of strategic directional choices, with pupils’ learning outcomes as a key premise governing the fashion in which ethical dilemmas are managed.   

Course content

Strategic analysis and their implementation in educational institutions

  • Point of departure: the school’s “mission” and goals
  • Environment: significant players and drivers of change  
  • Governmental framework conditions
  • International development characteristics  
  • The activity’s strategic resources and priorities
  • Directional choices and priorities
  • Action plan for implementation

    Education leadership for effective organisation and implementation

  • Organisational roles, authority and responsibility
  • Minimum hierarchy: delegation to the lowest effective level
  • Effective decision-making and implementational processes in organisations
  • The moment of truth: the meeting between teacher and pupil  
  • Professional sub-cultures and professional cooperation  
  • Horisontal processes and coordination
  • Cooperation with external players  

    Management of strategic change processes in educational institutions  

  • Phases of the change process
  • Management “top-down” and adaptation “bottom-up”
  • Change willingness and change opposition
  • Management of strategy and change processes
  • Conflict management, power and negotiations
  • Influence and change of organisational cultures
Learning process and requirements to students

The part-time programme is comprised of three modules for a total of 75 hours. The scope of the counseling contribution will vary somewhat in the different Master of Management programs. Personal counseling will be provided, as well as counseling provided during the lectures. Generally speaking, students can expect consultative counseling as opposed to evaluative counseling.

Active participation is expected during the modules. 

Participants will be divided up into groups of three that will produce their own project papers.  After each module the group will produce a chapter of between 10 to 15 pages using the following structure:

  1. Presentation of one of the theories/professional approaches that have been discussed during the module
  2. Adaptation of that theory/approach in one’s own enterprise
  3. A comparison of the three schools represented in the group

The project paper will be comprised of three such chapters. 

Software tools
No specified computer-based tools are required.

You have a Bachelor’s degree – 180 study points/credits – from a college, university or the equivalent. .
You are at least 25 years of age.
You have four years of work experience fulltime.  For applicants who have a Master’s degree, the requirement is three years. 

Exam category: 
Form of assessment: 
Written submission
72 Hour(s)
72 hour take-home exam counts 40% for a grade in MAN 5132.
Exam code: 
MAN 51321
Grading scale: 
Examination when next scheduled course
Exam category: 
Form of assessment: 
Written submission
Group/Individual (1 - 3)
1 Semester(s)
Project paper counts 60% for a grade in MAN 5132.
Exam code: 
MAN 51322
Grading scale: 
Examination when next scheduled course
Exam organisation: 
Ordinary examination
All exams must be passed to get a grade in this course.
Total weight: 
Sum workload: 

A course of 1 ECTS credit corresponds to a workload of 26-30 hours. Therefore a course of 15 ECTS credit corresponds to a workload of at least 400 hours.

Reading list