MAN 3034/3035/3036/3037 Teamwork and Leadership; Applied Organizational Psychology - MAKEUP EXAM


MAN 3034/3035/3036/3037 Teamwork and Leadership; Applied Organizational Psychology - MAKEUP EXAM

Responsible for the course
Hallvard Føllesdal, Kathrine Johannesen

Department of Leadership and Organizational Behaviour

According to study plan

ECTS Credits

Language of instruction


    Learning outcome

      Bachelor degree or equivalent and 4 years work experience. Please confirm our Student regulations.

      Compulsory reading
      Andersen, Jon Aarum. 2009. Organisasjonsteori : fra argument og motargument til kunnskap. Oslo : Universitetsforl. Ikke kapitlene 1,2, 9, 12, 13. 176 sider
      Forsyth, Donelson R. 2010. Group dynamics. 5th ed. Belmont, Calif. : Wadsworth Publishing Company. Ikke kap 1, 15, 17. 437 s. Dette er hovedboken
      Hackman, J. R.. 2002. Leading teams: Setting the stage for great performances. Boston, Massachusetts: Harvard Business School Publishing.
      Langdridge, D.. 2006. Psykologisk forskningsmetode. En innføring i kvalitative og kvantitative tilnærminger. Oslo: Tapir akademisk forlag.
      Luthans, F., Youssef, C. M., & Avolio, B. J
      . 2007. Psychological capital: Developing the human competitive edge. New York, NY US: Oxford University Press. 276 s
      Moxnes, Paul. 2005. Positiv angst i individ, gruppe og organisasjon : et organisasjonspsykologisk perspektiv. 3. utg. Oslo : P. Moxnes. 220 s
      Moxnes, Paul. 2007. Fasett-mennesket : personlighet og rolle : et lederopplæringsperspektiv. Oslo : Forl. Paul Moxnes. 295 s.
      Schein, E. H.,. 2009. Helping: How to offer, give and receive help. San Fransisco, CA: Berrett-Koehler Publishers.
      Sharp, Daryl. 1992. Personlighetstyper : C. G. Jungs typologi. Oslo : Paul Moxnes. 105 s
      Young, Jeffrey E. and Janet S. Klosko. 1994. Reinventing your life : the breakthrough program to end negative behavior - and feel great again. New York : Penguin. Kap. 1-5 (side xi-57). 63 s. En selvhjelpsbok.

      Collection of articles:
      Brousseau, Kenneth R.; Driver, Michael J.; Hourihan, Gary; Larsson, Rikard. 2006. The seasoned executive's decision-making style. Harvard Business Review, 84(2). 110-121. 12s.
      Cialdini, R.B. 2001. Harnessing the science of persuasion. Harvard Business Review, 79(9). 72-79. 9 s
      Ekeland, Tor-Johan. 2005. Roller: Organisasjonens skuespill. Kap 12 i S. Einarsen og A. Skogstad (red): Den dyktige medarbeider. Behov og forventninger. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget. 297-317. 20 s
      Larsen J.T.; McGraw A.P.; Mellers B.A.; Cacioppo J.T. 2004. The Agony of Victory and Thrill of Defeat: Mixed Emotional Reactions to Disappointing Wins and Relieving Losses. Psychological Science, 15(5). 325-330. 6 s
      McAdams, Dan P. 2006. Life scripts, life stories. Chap 10 in Dan P. McAdams: The Person. A new introduction to personality psychology. 4. edition. John Wiley & sons. 386-426. 40 s
      McAdams, Dan P. 2006. Motives and goals: What do we want in life?. Chap 7 in Dan P. McAdams: The Person. A new introduction to personality psychology. 4. edition. John Wiley & sons. pp. 248-300. 52 s
      Moxnes, Paul. 1999. Deep Roles: Twelve primordial roles of mind and organization. Human Relations, 52(11). 1427-1444. 15 s
      Niederhoffer, K. G. & J. W. Pennebaker. 2002. Sharing ones's story: On the benefits of writing or talking about emotional experience. Fra Snyder, C. R. & Lopez, S. J. (Eds.). Handbook of Positive Psychology. Oxford University Press. 10 s
      Rise, Jostein og Einarsen, Ståle. 2002. Å lede er å lede grupper: Sosial identitetsteori og ledelse. Kap 7 i A. Skogstad og S. Einarsen (red): Ledelse på godt og vondt. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget. 147-165. 18 s
      Schein, Edgar. 1987. Hvordan kultur oppstår og får sin form: teoretiske perspektiver. Kap 7 i E. Schein: Organisasjonskultur og ledelse. Oslo: Libro Forlag. Sidene 126-156. 30 s

      Recommended reading
      Beck-Karlsen, Jo. 2003. Gode fagtekster : essayskriving for begynnere. Oslo : Universitetsforlaget. 158 s.
      Bråten, Stein. 2004. Kommunikasjon og samspill : fra fødsel til alderdom. 2. utg. Oslo : Universitetsforlaget. 290 s
      Ghauri, P., & Grønhaug, K.. 2010. Research methods in business studies. 4th ed. Essex, England: Pearson Education Limited

      Abele, A.E & B. Wojciszke. 2007. Agency and communion from the perspective of self versus others. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 93(5). 751-763. 12 s
      Mast, M.S & Hall, J.A. 2003. Anybody Can Be a Boss But Only Certain People Make Good Subordinates: Behavioral Impacts of Striving for Dominance and Dominance Aversion. Journal of Personality. 71(5). 871-892. 21 s
      Van Vugt, Mark. 2006. Evolutionary Origins of Leadership and Followership. Personality and Social Psychology Review. 10(4). 354–371. 17 s

      Monsen, Jon T. 1997. Silvian Tomkins affekt- og scriptteori. I S. Karterud og J.T. Monsen: Selvpsykologi. Ad Notam Gyldendal. 105-119. 15 s

      Course outline

      Computer-based tools

      Learning process and workload


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