KLS 3630 Film, Television and Digital Media

KLS 3630 Film, Television and Digital Media

Course code: 
KLS 3630
Communication and Culture
Course coordinator: 
Terje Gaustad
Course name in Norwegian: 
Film, TV og digitale medier
Product category: 
Bachelor of Creative Industries Management - Programme Courses
2018 Autumn
Active status: 
Level of study: 
Teaching language: 
Course type: 
One semester

More than perhaps in any other industry, the film, TV and digital media industries are dependent on a balance and interplay between the creative and artistic aspects on the one hand and the economic and administrative aspects on the other. These industries are primarily project-based, and each project may demand significant resources, which again places a high demand on economic and administrative competences. Yet, such competences are of little value unless they also preserve the artistic and creative processes that are the basis for the industries' value creation.

The course takes a primarily strategic and economic perspective on the industry and contains three main sections: First, the industry value configuration system and its institutional environment are analyzed to provide a sectored overview over the players and their interactions. Attention is then turned to the markets, including the audience market, the markets between producers, distributors and retailers/outlets, as well as the industry labor markets. Finally, cash flow and financial project analysis is applied to create break-even estimates for specific films and to better understand the impact of and dependence on public subsidy and the risk-exposure of distributors, producers and investors.

While focus is primarily on the Norwegian industry, it is emphasized how what is seen in Norway is a case of how the industry works internationally, only in thsi case shaped by the particular institutional environment and market conditions under which the Norwegian industry operates.

Learning outcomes - Knowledge

The student will gain knowledge of the film, TV and digital media industries' value systems and organization, their economies and driving forces, as well as their institutional environment.

Learning outcomes - Skills

The student will develop skills to (a) carry out basic analyses of film, TV and digital media projects, (b) identify and analyze industry challenges, and (c) communicate his/her analyses and recommendations from a industry perspective through professional writing.

Learning Outcome - Reflection

The course will promote respect, understanding and tolerance for both the artistic and commercial values governing the film, TV and digital media industries and for the dilemmas and tensions that may arise between these sets of values.

Course content
  • Political perspective: The Norwegian and International Industries
  • Business Structure and Organization
  • Production
  • Marketing
  • Distribution
  • Exhibition
  • Key Economic Characteristics
  • Transactions and Rights Management
  • Product and Cash Flows
  • Project Financing
  • Financial Project Analysis
  • Relationships to other Creative Industries
Learning process and requirements to students

The course includes lectures, as well as case work, presentations and discussions in class. 

Software tools
No specified computer-based tools are required.
Additional information

Re sit examination
Students that have not met the coursework requirements, must complete the exercises during the next scheduled course.

Students that have not passed the written examination or who wish to improve their grade may re take the examination in conjunction with this course's scheduled exam.


Higher Education Entrance Qualification.

Required prerequisite knowledge

No particular prerequisites.

Mandatory courseworkCourseworks givenCourseworks requiredComment coursework
Mandatory43The course has 4 assignments which are due before they are discussed in class, and 3 of 4 must be approved for a student to participate in the examination.
Mandatory coursework:
Mandatory coursework:Mandatory
Courseworks given:4
Courseworks required:3
Comment coursework:The course has 4 assignments which are due before they are discussed in class, and 3 of 4 must be approved for a student to participate in the examination.
Exam category: 
Form of assessment: 
Written submission
Group/Individual (1 - 4)
2 Week(s)
Exam code: 
Grading scale: 
Examination every semester
Exam organisation: 
Ordinary examination
Total weight: 
Student workload
24 Hour(s)
Feedback activities and counselling
3 Hour(s)
Feedback and discussions.
Prepare for teaching
16 Hour(s)
29 Hour(s)
Student's own work with learning resources
88 Hour(s)
40 Hour(s)
Sum workload: 

A course of 1 ECTS credit corresponds to a workload of 26-30 hours. Therefore a course of 7,5 ECTS credit corresponds to a workload of at least 200 hours.

Reading list