FAK 2632 Insurance Economics 1

Norwegian version

FAK 2632 Insurance Economics 1

Responsible for the course
Ina Due-Tønnessen

Department of Law

According to study plan

ECTS Credits

Language of instruction

The course is primarily intended for employees who have worked in the insurance business for a while but may also be useful for younger managers and trainees. The course will be relevant for decision-makers and advisers both in the insurance industry and for users of insurance services in public or private enterprises. It will be particularly useful for employees in accounting departments. The course is compulsory for Risk and Insurance

Learning outcome
Acquired knowledge
The students shall understand the insurance company’s role as part of the finance sector. They shall also understand the structure of the company’ investment strategy and be familiar with the regulatory framework. The students must read and understand the profit and loss account and the balance sheet of the annual accounts. They must also understand how and why stress tests are carried out.

Acquired skills
The students shall have an overall understanding of the general regulatory framework for insurance companies. Based on the balance sheet of a life insurance or general insurance company the students shall be able to explain the accountancy of the main items in the accounts such as financial assets and insurance appropriations. The students shall also understand the fundament for calculating capital requirements They must also be able to interpret stress tests and be able to explain which measures that perhaps must be implemented. The students shall be able to explain basic forms of reinsurance and when an insurance company needs to employ various forms of reinsurance.

The students are expected to gain a conscious attitude to the laws and regulations that apply for the finance industry and to be aware that the choices they make and the advice they give in their profession may be very important for other people

The course assumes that the students have a basic understanding of the Norwegian industry. The course Introduction to insurance should have been completed.

Compulsory reading
Clausen, Tore, Bjørnar Engelsen, Per Hovelsen, Thore Jordet, Kari Opsjøn. 2016. Forsikringsøkonomi : en innføring. 16. utg. BI Forsikring. Uaktuelle deler fjernet


1) Prop. 125 L (2013–2014) til Lov om finansforetak og finanskonsern (finansforetaksloven)
Kapittel 6.1, 6.2, 6.7, 6.8 og 6.9, Virksomhetskrav og kapitalkrav mv. for finansforetak

2) Lov om finansforetak og finanskonsern (finansforetaksloven)
Kapittel 13 - underkapittel I og II, Kapittel 14 - underkapittel II og III, § 18-3
https://lovdata.no/dokument/NL/lov/2015-04-10-17?q=lov om finansforetak

3) Forskrift til finansforetaksloven om gjennomføring av Solvens II-direktivet (Solvens II-forskriften)

4) Forskrift om overgangsregler mv. til lov 10. april 2015 nr. 17 om finansforetak og finanskonsern (finansforetaksloven)

5) Høring - forskrifter til finansforetaksloven
Del II og III i høringsnotatet, Hovedkapittel 2, 3 og 10 i Forslag til forskrifter (Vedlegg 1)

6) Lov om forsikringsvirksomhet (forsikringsvirksomhetsloven)
Kapittel 1 - Kapittel 7 i endret lov gjeldende fra 1.januar 2016.
https://lovdata.no/dokument/NL/lov/2005-06-10-44?q=lov om forsikringsvirksomhet

7) Rundskriv Tekniske standarder for gjennomføring av Solvens II

8) Implementing Technical Standards supplementing Directive 2009/138/EC (Solvency II Directive)

9) Risikoanalyser/stresstester i forsikringsselskaper og pensjonsforetak

10) Jone Engh: Forsikringsvirksomhetsloven, kap. 7.1-7.4 (relevant tolkningsgrunnlag for den nye finansforetakslovens §§ 13-1 og 13-2)

11) Finanstilsynets tilsynsmetodikk med bruk av risikomoduler, Modul for markeds- og kredittrisiko i forsikring: Evaluering av styring og kontroll

Foreløpig versjon, forventes å måtte oppdateres etter endringer i Forsikringsvirksomhetsloven og den nye Finansforetaksloven
Rundskriv 13/2012, Rettleiing til rekneskapsregelverket for forsikringsselskap

1) Lov om årsregnskap 1998:56

2) Forskrift om årsregnskap for skadeforsikringsselskaper og livsforsikringsselskaper

3) Forskrift 18. desember 2015 om årsregnskap for livsforsikringsselskaper
https://lovdata.no/dokument/SF/forskrift/2015-12-18-1824?q=årsregnskap for livsforsikringsselskaper

4) Forskrift 18. desember 2015 om årsregnskap for skadeforsikringsselskaper
https://lovdata.no/dokument/SF/forskrift/2015-12-18-1775?q=årsregnskap for skadeforsikringsselskap

Tillegg (ikke i dokumentsamling)

Solvens II (informasjonsside fra Finanstilsynet)

Solvens II (informasjonsside fra EU-Kommisjonen)

Forskrift av 21. desember 2015 om utfyllende regler til Solvens II-forskriften

Høringsnotat om tilpasning av årsregnskapsforskrifter til IFRS

Gleditsch, Jon.. 2016. Reassuranse - en innføring. BI Forsikring. Hefte som etter hvert vil komme i bokformat. Mindre rettelser gjort i 2016 versjonen.

Recommended reading

Course outline
Course outline

- Trends – changes, the insurance company as part of a financial conglomerate
- General parameters for insurance companies’ activities (capital backing, capital adequacy requirements, regulations, performance management)
- Asset management and capital requirement
Investment risk and insurance risk
- Profit and loss account and balance sheet
Basic accounting principles
Valuation rules
The requirements for annual accounts and the annual report
- Reinsurance

Computer-based tools

Learning process and workload
Course structure

The course is given as distance education with self-tuition and voluntary assignments. Intensive teaching is given in a 5-day session, attendance is compulsory

Participation at intensive teaching 5 days
Preparations for lectures
Work on syllabus
Exercises/activites on its learning
Do hand-ins (2)
Total recommended workload

Students must have access to the Internet. The spread sheet program Excel is used.

A four-hour individual written exam concludes the course.
Examination code(s)
FAK 26321 written exam. The exam accounts for 100% of the grade in the course FAK 2632, 7,5 credits

Examination support materials
Alle support materials allowed + BI approved exam calculator. Examination support materials at written examinations are explained under examination information in the student portal @bi. Please note use of calculator and dictionary in the section on support materials (https://at.bi.no/EN/Pages/Exa_Hjelpemidler-til-eksamen.aspx).

Re-sit examination
It is only possible to retake an examination when the course is next taught. All retaken examination will incur an additional fee.

Additional information