ENT 2803 Developing a business plan and founding a company - RE-SIT EXAMINATION
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ENT 2803 Developing a business plan and founding a company - RE-SIT EXAMINATION Responsible for the course Heidi Wiig Aslesen, Nils-Otto Ørjasæter Department Department of Innovation and Economic Organisation Term According to study plan ECTS Credits 6 Language of instruction Norwegian Introduction Students on this course will develop a business plan, as well as a comprehensive understanding of how a business works. The course will include work on authentic cases. Students are encouraged to present their own business ideas, but this is not a precondition for participation. No guarantees can be given that student ideas will be incorporated as cases in coursework. Business ideas and business plans will be developed to the stage of final decision-making documents and possibly registering companies. Emphasis is placed on process work, presentations and discussions. Particular emphasis is placed on the need for interplay between a number of specialised areas in order to create the totality required when commercialising a business idea and establishing a business. Students are to transfer skills acquired in sessions on subjects such as accounts or marketing to developing a business idea. They will also build business models using Excel, for example scenarios of how a business changes operatively and financially as a result of implementing different strategic options. Objective The course will enable students to:
Prerequisites The course is based on knowledge students are expected to have acquired during the previous semesters. In particular, students must have acquired knowledge equivalent to ENT2700, ENT2703 and ENT2706. Compulsory reading Books: Byrd, Mary Jane. 2008. Small business management : an entrepreneur's guidebook. 6th ed.. McGraw-Hil. Chapter 13, 14, 15 Utgård, Odd og Helge Refsum, red. 2007. Fra idé til ny virksomhet : en håndbok for nye vekstselskaper. 2. utg. Universitetsforlaget Wickham, Philip A. 2010. Strategic entrepreneurship. 5th ed. Harlow : FT/Prentice Hall. Part 2, chapter 14, 15. Total 38 p. Ny utg ventet juni 2010 Other: AA: Utvalgte artikler Recommended reading Other: Etablererdokument fra Bedin. 150 s. http://www.bedin.no/cwobjekter/Etablerer_hoved.shtml Mamut har en elektronisk mal for utvikling av forretningsplan. Denne inneholder nødvendige elementer og har forklaring til de ulike elementene. Malen har også egen budsjettmodell. Malen er gratis Course outline
Computer-based tools Course structure The course will consist of lectures and working seminars. Group work, presentations and discussions will ensure a high level of interactivity. Electronic portfolios are used on the course as a part of evaluation, as well as during the working process. A portfolio is a systematic collection of work (such as elements of a business plan) showing student efforts, process, progression and reflection throughout the semester. Each student is to set up an electronic portfolio based on a standard template. The portfolio, consisting of individual publications, will be on the Internet and fellow students will respond to publications. Evaluation by fellow students will be a means of enhancing motivation and learning. The exact times for publications will be given at the beginning of the course. Examination A term paper that has to be handed in within six weeks. The term paper has to be solved individually and has to be between 20-25 pages. Examination code(s) ENT 28031 – Term paper. Counts 100% towards final grade on course ENT 2803|, 6 ECTS. Examination support materials All aids allowed + calculator TEXAS INSTRUMENTS BA II Plus™. Re-sit examination This course was lectured for the last time autumn 2010.A re-sit exam will be offered every term even spring 2013. Additional information . |
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