ENT 2802 Entrepreneurship in a globalized economy - RE-SIT EXAMINATION


ENT 2802 Entrepreneurship in a globalized economy - RE-SIT EXAMINATION

Responsible for the course
Heidi Wiig Aslesen

Department of Innovation and Economic Organisation

According to study plan

ECTS Credits

Language of instruction

Globalization affects where and how businesses develop their innovative capacity and where economic processes are located. The transfer of labour-intensive production processes to low-cost countries has been occurring for some time. With China and India at the forefront, such countries are now also fast moving into developing competencies and associated competence-intensive industry. To an increasing extent, starting up a business involves establishing a presence in an international or global market and interacting with foreign business environments in order to develop the business. In many cases the domestic market is too small to sustain the establishment of a business. The value chain may include foreign suppliers.

The course covers an area located in the intersection between international business and entrepreneurship. It aims first to focus on general trends within globalization and development of different markets/economies by looking at selected regions and business opportunities and challenges in so-called emerging economies. The course will be looking at various types of internationalisation – gradual establishment abroad, born globals and following customers abroad (network internationalisation.)

The course will provide students with:
  • An understanding of the possible consequences and challenges globalisation may offer for different locations and businesses
  • An understanding of the possibilities and challenges inherent in internationalisation for small and medium-sized businesses
  • Knowledge of different internationalisation strategies which can be used by small and medium-sized businesses
  • Knowledge about selected emerging economies and how entrepreneurs may enter these countries.

General knowledge within economic administration.

Compulsory reading
Dicken, Peter. 2007. Global shift : mapping the changing contours of the world economy. 5th ed. London : Sage

Special issue 2005. The internationalization of entrepreneurship. Journal of International Business Studies. 36(1). s 1-41


Recommended reading

Course outline
  • Globalization of production and innovation
  • The international competitive arena
  • Internationalisation of sales, production and inovation
  • Step- by-step internationalisation
  • Born Globals
  • Internationalisation through networks
  • International financing
  • Studies of countries with emerging economies, e.g. China, India, Lithuania and Latvia

Computer-based tools

Course structure
The course consists of 36 hours of lectures, group discussions and groups work and presentation and business presentations. The course will aim at a high level of interactivity.

A term paper that has to be handed in within six weeks. The term paper has to be solved individually and has to be between 20-25 pages.

Examination code(s)
ENT 28021 -Term paper counts 100% to obtain the final grade in the course ENT 2802, 6 ECTS.

Examination support materials
All written support materials are allowed.

Re-sit examination
This course was lectured for the last time autumn 2010. Re-sit exam will be offered every term even spring 2013.

Additional information