ELE 3739 Co-creation: co-creating customers
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ELE 3739 Co-creation: co-creating customers
Responsible for the course
Tor Geir Kvinen
Department of Leadership and Organizational Behaviour
According to study plan
ECTS Credits
Language of instruction
Why and how can organizations learn from LEGO, Wikipedia, Nike, Kristiansand Zoo, Co-creation and others who use co-creation? Co-creation is when two or more partners make creative action of the products, services and experiences to create added value and/or innovation. Several companies achieve success through co-creation by inviting active users and the environment in as partners in user-driven production and user-driven innovation. It creates value to multiple parties from new forms of interaction, experiences and learning mechanisms.
All industries have increasingly focused on employee and customer orientation. In many cases, customers or users are co-producers and function as innovators with respect to products, services and experiences. The organization must facilitate creative action with its surroundings. Lego is one example of active use of co-creation. A few years ago Lego was close to bankruptcy, but through active involvement of customer’s innovation, the business was turned into a company with a profit of one billion Danish kroner. There are numerous examples of international, national and regional companies that use co-creation.
The course has a theoretical, research-based and practical approach to co-creation related to leadership, co-ownership and user and stakeholder involvement.
Learning outcome
Acquired knowledge
Students will acquire knowledge of co-creation through theories, models and methodological concepts and through practice of co-creation. Students will gain an understanding of where and how your business can establish co-creation with users, customers, guests and other stakeholders.
Acquired skills
Students will be able to use co-creation through the theories, concepts, processes and practices for increased innovation and customer satisfaction.
The course will develop an understanding of scientific and practical use of co-creation as a tool.
Compulsory reading
Prahalad, C. K., Venkat Ramaswamy. 2004. The future of competition : co-creating unique value with customers. Harvard Business School Press
Collection of articles:
Kvinen, Tor Geir. 2014. Artikkelsamling for Co-creation. Formidles via Itslearning
Recommended reading
Andreassen, Tor Wallin. 2006. Serviceledelse : planlegging og styring av sannhetens øyeblikk. 5. utg. Gyldendal akademisk
Boswijk, Albert, Thomas Thijssen, Ed Peelen. 2007. The experience economy : a new perspective. Pearson Education
Gilmore, James H., B. Joseph Pine II. 2007. Authenticity : what consumers really want. Harvard Business School Press
Mossberg, Lena M. 2007. Å skape opplevelser : fra OK til WOW!. Fagbokforlaget.
Course outline
Introduction and conceptual clarifications
- From raw materials to products, services, experiences and transformations
- Different types of co-creation with practical examples
- Co-creation design
- New forms of interaction, service and learning mechanisms
- Organizational structure and design
- Roles of co-creation
- Leadership, employee lockers, user involvement
- Motivation Factors
- Communication and drivers for co-creation
- Co-creation culture
- Co-creation and innovation
- User involvement and user-driven Innovation
- Incorporating partnership innovation in networks
Tools for co-creation
- Social media, web sites, blogs, etc.
Effects of co-creation:
- Managers, employees, customers / guests
- Innovation
- Brand and reputation
- Economy
Computer-based tools
Its Learning
Learning process and workload
The course includes a total of 45 hours of lectures, independent study, guidance and work on the project. It is recommended that the course be organized in the form of three 2-day modules, but it may also be organized in the form of one-day modules. The work methods include lectures, discussions, project work, student presentations and guidance in connection with the project.
Individually or in groups of up to three members, students may work with a selected organization on co-creation. Guidelines and requirements for the project will be handed out at the beginning of the course. The purpose is to create an active learning environment built on partnerships around specific co-creation issues.
Activity | Hours |
Lectures (participation in class) | 39 |
Participations in student presentation | 6 |
Individual study and group work | 70 |
Work on the project as an examination | 85 |
Total |
A project of maximum 20 pages, counts 100% of the final grade for the course, 7,5 credits. The task can be solved individually or in groups of up to three students.
Examination code(s)
ELE 37391 Project assignment counts 100 % of the final grade in the course ELE 3739 Co-creation, 7,5 credits.
Examination support materials
All support materials are allowed
Re-sit examination
It is only possible to retake an examination when the course is next taught.
Additional information