ELE 3720 Media Training
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ELE 3720 Media Training
Responsible for the course
Morten William Knudsen
Department of Marketing
According to study plan
ECTS Credits
Language of instruction
For many enterprises the media coverage is the most important factor affecting reputation. In a world where the agenda is set by the media, where speed, scope and intensity have increased quickly, and where journalism has become more aggressive and revealing, enterprises, organizations, politicians and others are surprised by other enterprises that dare risk their reputation through unstructured and unprepared media handling. The result, frequently, is that one is not understood or regarded as relevant, reliable, truthful and interesting. Without any knowledge of the rules and routines of the press – written as well as unwritten ones – enterprises and organizations are often helpless in their contact with journalists.
Learning outcome
Through the course, the students are to learn how to define and develop media strategies through knowledge about the work methods and news assessment of the media. This requires knowledge and skills within the following main areas:
Acquired knowledge
- Basic knowledge and understanding of communication as a leadership responsibility
- Knowledge of the possibilities and limitations, as well as the complexity of the ”new” media landscape, including knowledge of the way editors assess news, as well as the premises on which they base their considerations, and rules of the game
- Knowledge of methods and tools to develop communication concepts with a sales triggering and profiling focus
- Ability to apply methods and techniques to deal with difficult interview situations in a better way and avoid the most common errors
- Knowledge of the rights of sources and the editors’ ethical responsibility
Acquired skills
On completion of the course the students are to be able to apply the acquired knowledge in their contact with the mass media. This requires skills related to:
- An awareness of the requirements and expectations the role as the enterprise’s spokesperson towards the media imply
- An ability to identify and develop communication concepts that gives extra credibility and reliability to the brand
- Contribution to the production of tailor-made communication material adapted to the needs of the media
- Ability to apply methods and tools in the battle for credibility
- Ability to use the rules on the editors’ ethical responsibility in relation to own rights
On completion of the course the students shall be able to ask critical questions about and reflect on the importance of the fact that communication is to contribute to building trust and credibility in relation to the surroundings.
There is no specially required prerequisite knowledge.
Compulsory reading
Cappelen, Anders W. 2012. Bruk pressen 3.0 : komplett guide i presserelatert PR. 3. utg.. PRforlaget. 613 sider
Recommended reading
Apeland, Nils M. 2010. Det gode selskap : omdømmebygging i praksis. 2. utg. Hippocampus. 226
Course outline
- Communication, identity and reputation building
- Media structure and media channels
- The methods of news journalism, the struggle for specific angles and the struggle against time
- Media strategy, target group thinking and message development
- The media in emergency situations
- How to handle the interview - proactive and reactive media handling
- The toolbox of rhetoric
- How to gain sympathy in the battle for credibility
- The rights of sources, replies and countering at the same time
- Practical camera training
Computer-based tools
No special computer-based tools are used in this course.
Learning process and workload
The course has 36 hours and is built on a theoretical introduction, practical training and teamwork. The practical training is carried out in the form of concrete interview exercises intended to give the participants experience in appearing before the camera and to use the TV interview to present their message. The latter is carried out in such a way that the groups have to relate to concrete problems and jointly choose message and sender. In other words:
- The teaching will be case-/exercised-based in the sense that much of the theory is incorporated in the actual training
- Collective assessment in the sense that we review and assess the training/interviews jointly.
Recommended use of time for the students:
Activity | Hours |
Class participation | 36 hours |
Preparation for classes | 80 hours |
Assignments / assessment | 75 hours |
Total | 200 hours |
A 72-hour case-based home examination that is taken individually or in groups of up to three (3) students. The home examination counts 100% towards the grade.
Examination code(s)
ELE 37201 – Home examination, counts 100% towards the grade in the course ELE 3720 Media Relations, 7.5 credits.
Examination support materials
All support materials allowed.
Examination support materials at written examiniations are explained under examination information in the student portal @BI. Please note use of calculator and dictionary. https://at.bi.no/EN/Pages/Exa_Hjelpemidler-til-eksamen.aspx
Re-sit examination
A re-sit examination is offered in connection with the next ordinary course.
Additional information