BST 3105 Brand Management
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BST 3105 Brand Management Responsible for the course Elisabeth Falck Department Department of Marketing Term According to study plan ECTS Credits 15 Language of instruction Norwegian Introduction This course, in combination with BTH 3106 Dissertation - Strategic Branding - 15 credits, represents a depth of 30 credits, and constitutes the in-depth study in connection with the diploma. It is valid for students on the Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing. Other students may choose to take this course as an optional course in their 3rd academic year. Brand building, brand management, branding – dear child has many names. The phenomenon of branded articles plays a central role in modern marketing, and it is thus also characterized by a diversity of approaches and perspectives. In this course, students develop a broad knowledge platform and action competence in the lead corporate brand processes.
Prerequisites The course requires two years of college education in Business Administration, Marketing or equivalent, including minimum basic course in statistics from the first- year bachelor's programme (MET 3431 or MET Statistics 2920 Statistics for Economists). Students must also have basic knowledge of MRK 3414 Marketing Management (or MRK 2914), MRK 3480 Consumer Behaviour (or MRK 2980 Consumer Behaviour), MRK 3510 Marketing Communication and EXC 2123 Methods or MET 3592 Econometrics. Students must be able to use the computer programme JMP. Compulsory reading Books: Askheim, Ola Gaute Aas og Tor Grenness. 2008. Kvalitative metoder for markedsføring og organisasjonsfag. Universitetsforlaget Keller, Kevin Lane. 2008. Strategic brand management : building, measuring, and managing brand equity. 3rd ed. Pearson/Prentice Hall Samuelsen, Bendik Meling, Adrian Peretz og Lars Erling Olsen. 2010. Merkevareledelse på norsk 2.0. 2. utg. Cappelen akademisk Collection of articles: Følgende artikler vil bli publisert som linker i It's Learning. Edell,Julie A. og Marian Chapmann Burke. 1987. The power of feeling in understanding Advertising Effects. Journal of Consumer Research. Vol 14. 421-433 Keller, K.L.. 1993. Conceptualizing, Measuring and Managing Customer-based Brand Equty. Vol 57 Januuary. 1-22 Kelle, K.L:. 2001. Building Costumer-Based Brand Equty. Marketing Management. July/August Olsen, L.E. & Hem. 20004. Merkeutvidelser: tre spørsmål som bør stilles.. Magma. Nr 5/6. Fagbokforlaget Supphellen, M. 2000. Understansing core brand equit: guidelines for indepth ecliciation of brand associations. Internattional Journal of Market Research. Vol 42 Issue 3 Aaker, D.A & Keller, K.L. 1990. Consumer Evauation of Brand Extensions. Joural of Marketing. Vol 54. 27-41 Aaker, Jenifer L. 1997. Dimensions of Brand Personality. Journal of Marketing Resaerch. Vol 34 (3). 347 - 357 Recommended reading Books: Gripsrud, Geir, Ulf Henning Olsson og Ragnhild Silkoset. 2010. Metode og dataanalyse : beslutningsstøtte for bedrifter ved bruk av JMP. 2. utg. Høyskoleforlaget Kapferer, Jean-Noël. 2012. The new strategic brand management : advanced insights and strategic thinking. 5th ed. Kogan Page Kardes, Frank R. 2002. Consumer behavior and managerial decision making. 2nd ed. Prentice Hall Leedy, Paul D. and Jeanne Ellis Ormrod. 2012. Practical research : planning and design. 10th ed. Pearson Educational Mitchell, Mark L. and Janina M. Jolley. 2012. Research design explained. 8th ed. Cengage Learning Aaker, David A. and Erich Joachimsthaler. 2000. Brand leadership. Free Press Course outline The course applies a management perspective, which is the basis for its approach to strategic branding. This means in practice that the course is built around three elements of a management process: brand analysis, brand development and positioning. Brand Analysis Whether you plan to develop a new brand or an existing one, the brand analysis and audience understanding the basis for action are important. There is no single correct approach, and students must therefore establish the knowledge and experience through a set of analytical approaches to understand the brand's presence in the market. The analysis will lead to an understanding of a brand's strategic opportunity area. The module implies both depth and breadth in buying behaviour and market analysis. Brand Analysis consists of: 1. Basic understanding of brands 2. Attention Analysis 3. Methods for measuring brand associations 4. Brand value and valuation (for customers and businesses) 5. Customer – brand relationships 6. Assessment of growth opportunities for the brand Strategic branding As a consequence of the analysis phase, the brand development and positioning a brand concept will be developed that should be able to consolidate a position in the market represented by the strong, favourable and unique brand associations. This means working with issues related to brand positioning, which will include brand strategy, concept and brand identity development. The emphasis is on developing a broad understanding of how the brand's strategic opportunity areas identified in the analysis phase can be utilized. Alternative brand promises (Brand Promise) will be developed, supported by the identity and brand element program. Today a lot about how to develop brands stands alone. A key challenge in business is that the brands (and their owners) often have portfolios of brands. This is complicated further by the frequent collaboration between the owners of brands, for instance in the form of brand alliances, co-branding and / or ingredient branding. Furthermore, private brands or private labels are on the rise in many markets, and thus a subject we cover as a separate decision point. It is important for a company looking to build brands that they know the principles of influence and persuasion through communication. Communication also plays a central role when unforeseen events affect the brand, and crises can potentially occur. The course therefore, will be concluded by this topic. Strategic branding consists of: 1. Positioning strategies and brand promise (brand position and brand value proposition) 2. Different challenges - Corporate brands - Product brands 3. Brand element strategy to support the positioning 4. Brand portfolio strategy 5. Brand alliances, cobranding, ingredient branding, brand positioning 6. Private brands (private labels) 7. Communication and influence - Attitude formation and change of attitude, learning - Influence strategies - Message strategies 8. Brand crisis
Examination A project of Brand Analysis announced at the start of the course. The task can be carried out individually or in groups of up to 3 students. The project assignment counts 100% towards the grade in the course. Individual control examination of two (2) hours with the assessment Pass/Fail. Examination code(s) BST 31051 Project in brand analysis counts 100% towards the grade in BST 3105, 15 credits BST 31052 Control Exam. Must be passed for the student to achieve a grade in BST 3105, 15 credits. Examination support materials BST 31051 Project - all support materials are allowed. BST 31052 Control exam - no support materials are permitted. Re-sit examination Re-sit examiniation is offered at next ordinary course. Additional information |
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