BMP 2315 Project Management
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BMP 2315 Project Management Responsible for the course Anne Live Vaagaasar Department Department of Leadership and Organizational Behaviour Term According to study plan ECTS Credits 30 Language of instruction Norwegian Introduction The course will give an introduction to project management. The students will be given an understanding of what a project is and a foundation for planning, organizing and controlling projects. The course will further give an understanding of the problems of project work and will by the help of theory and practical examples show how to manage a project to achieve the goals. Learning outcome Knowledge outcomes By the end of course the student will have developed the following knowledge outcomes:
Skills outcomes By the end of the course the student should have developed the following skill outcomes:
Value/attitudes outcomes By the end of the course the student should have developed the following value/attitudes outcomes:
Prerequisites There are no specific prerequisites needed to be accepted to the program. The target group for the program is people from industry with working experiences. Compulsory reading Books: Andersen, Erling, S., Kristoffer Grude og Tor Haug. 2009. Målrettet prosjektstyring. 6. utg. NKI-forlaget Briner, Wendy, Colin Hastings og Michael Geddes. 2000. Prosjektledelse. Gyldendal akademisk Husby, Otto ... [et al.]. 1999. Usikkerhet som gevinst : styring av usikkerhet i prosjekter : mulighet - risiko, beslutning, handling. Norsk senter for prosjektledelse Mikkelsen, Hans og Jens O.Riis. 2011. Grundbog i projektledelse. 10. udg. Prodevo Recommended reading Books: Andersen, Erling S. og Eva Schwenke. 2012. Prosjektarbeid : en veiledning for studenter. 4. utg. NKI-forlaget Jessen, Svein Arne. 2002. Prosjektadministrative metoder. 5. utg. Gyldendal akademisk Course outline Session 1 - Project concept and overview of project work Session 2 - Project planning and uncertainty Session 3 - Project organizing Session 4 - Project execution and control Session 5 - Project management For a more detailed description, see "Free text" below. The project paper will be a practical assignment, where the students by the help of theory and methodological tools shall solve a practical problem associated with project work in an organization (private company, governmental agency, organization etc.). The paper should not exceed 30 pages of text. Computer-based tools itslearning. Demonstration of computer-tools might take place. Learning process and workload The course consists of 150 hours of instruction over two semesters. For administrative reasons the program is organized as two courses. In the first semester the students are registered as students on BMP 2316, in the second semester BMP 2317. Examination The students must hand in a project paper at the end of the course, which counts for 60% of the total grade. A written exam counts for 40%. More detailed instructions will be given about the requirements for the project paper. The paper can be written individually or in a group of maximum three students. Examination code(s) BMP 23151 - 5 hours written exam, taken individually, counts for 40% of the grade of BMP 2315, 30 credits BMP 23152 - project paper, counts for 60% of the grade of BMP 2315, 30 credits Both exams must be passed in order to get a passing grade for the course. Examination support materials BI-approved exam calculator TEXAS INSTRUMENTS BA II PlusTM. Re-sit examination Re-sit at the next ordinary exam. Additional information
Objective: The students should be given an understanding of what a project is and how a good starting point for project work is established. Topics: Session 2: Project planning and uncertainty Objective: The students should be learned how to plan a project, both on an overall level and on activity level. They should learn how to treat project uncertainties. Topics: Session 3: Project organizing Objective: The students should learn how to organize a project. Emphsis should be placed on the importance of human cooperation during all phases of project work. The importance of creating a specific organizational culture will also be emphasized. Topics: Session 4: Project execution and control Objective: The students should get an understanding of the importance of good project execution and continous control and evaluation. Quality assurance of projects will also be discussed. Topics: Session 5: Project management Objective: The students should be given an understanding of what is required of a project manager and the challenges confronting the project manager. Topics: The project paper On all sessions there will be time allocated to discuss different aspects of the project paper. On sessins 1 and 2 the students will be given help to select a topic for their project paper. On sessions 3 and 4 we will discuss how to get information about the topic and get literatur that may be of help in writing the paper. On session 5 there will be an opportunity for the students to present a preliminary draft of the project paper to their fellow students. |
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