BIK 9990 HES - Management; Health, Environment and Safety Management


BIK 9990 HES - Management; Health, Environment and Safety Management

Responsible for the course
Jon Lereim

Department of Leadership and Organizational Behaviour

According to study plan

ECTS Credits

Language of instruction

The society is evermore focusing on health environment & safety (HES) issues in organisations. It is the head of the organisation that is the ultimate accountable for the HES results. The associated HES coordinator shall make sure that plans and systems for the HES work are satisfying the laws and regulations at any time. The HES coordinator is further responsible for designing the HES system such that it becomes a primary management support tool for the operations management. HES audits are also part of the responsibility for HES coordinator. HES focus affects all activities within an organisation, the technical and physical activities as well as the corporate social responsibility, CSR.

The current HES management program is providing a holistic program on topics affecting the strategic, tactic and operating issues related to HES management. The target group for the program are line managers, project managers and HES coordinators/internal HES consultants.

Learning outcome

  • The students will acquire research based knowledge related to HES management what are the implications on managing from a strategic, tactic and operational perspective,& understanding the basic HES principles
  • The participants will achieve updated knowledge on how to perform effective HES management, planning, monitoring, control and on why there is a need for continuous improvement on HES issues
  • The participants will acquire enhanced knowledge concerning Corporate Social Responsibility and its impact on operations and maintenance,

  • The participants shall develop skills related to application and implementation of HES processes, tools & systems in the positions as operational managers
  • The participants must show skills in being in the role as HES coordinator or internal HES advisor and demonstrate skills in developing, customize and implement HES systems plus managing HES audits in operations and in projects.

  • The participants shall acquire an enhanced consciousness related to the impact of HES, application of new technology in view of HES primary issues such as safety, ethical aspects, environmental, and energy savings and person protection perspective.

In full compliance with BI Student general regulations for bachelor level.

Compulsory reading
Aune, Asbjørn. 2000. Kvalitetsdrevet ledelse - kvalitetstyrte bedrifter. 3. utg. Gyldendal akademisk
Bolman, Lee G. og Terrence E. Deal. 2009. Nytt perspektiv på organisasjon og ledelse : strukturer, sosiale relasjoner, politikk og symboler. 4. utg. Gyldendal akademisk
Hotvedt, Terje. 1997. Konflikt og konflikthåndtering i arbeidslivet. Ad notam Gyldendal
Karlsen, Jan Erik. 2010. Ledelse av helse, miljø og sikkerhet. 3. utg. Fagbokforlaget
Kaufmann, Geir og Astrid Kaufmann. 2009. Psykologi i organisasjon og ledelse. 4. utg. Fagbokforlaget
Roos, Göran, Georg von Krogh og Johan Roos. 2010. Strategi : en innføring. 5. utg. Fagbokforlaget

Recommended reading

Kommunal- og arbeidsdepartementet. 2003. Forskrifter av 6. desember 1996 nr 1127 om systematisk helse, miljø og sikkerhetsarbeid i virksomheter (Internkontrollforskriften). Oslo: Cappelen
Miljøverndepartementet. 1995. Forskrift om frivillig deltagelse for industriforetak i en miljøstyrings- og miljørevisjonsordning (Forskrift om EMAS). Oslo: Departementet. ca 20
Norges standardiseringsforbund. 1992. Kvalitetsledelse og kvalitetssystemelementer: retningslinjer: NS-ISO-9004. Oslo: NSF. ca 20

Course outline
BIK 9990 HES Management consists of in total 6 modules, each of 25 hours, in total 150 hours with following topics for respective modules:

Module 1: HES management from a business perspective

Module 2: HES management within the framework of TQM, Total Quality Management

Module 3: HES tools, techniques and methods

Module 4: HES in relation to organisational issues and work environment

Module 5: HES management audits & control

Module 6: HES & CSR, Corporate Social Responsibility

Site visits to different companies will be done for practising the planning and executing of HES audits.

Computer-based tools

Learning process and workload

    The program HES management has a size of 30 study points.
    There are three exams on this program.
    At the end of term one, there is a written individual scientific paper assignment/essay, counting 30 %.

    During term 2, there is a group project assignment plus a four hour individual written exam.
    The project assignment counts for 50 %, and the final individual written exam counting 20 %.
    The project assignment may be performed by a group of maximum 3 participants.

    The written individual exam is a check of the candidates’ competence and skills within the core topics in HES management.
    The project assignment is an assessment of a specific topic or problem in a company in relation to HES.

    All three exams must be completed and passed in order to achieve an approved grade in the Program HES Management BIK 9990, 30 study points.

    Examination code(s)
    BIK 99901 HES - Management. Individual term paper accounts for 30% to pass the course BIK 9990, 30 credits.
    BIK 99902 HES - Management. term paper; accounts for 50% to pass the course BIK 9990, 30 credits.
    BIK 99903 HES - Management. written exam; accounts for 20% to pass the course BIK 9990, 30 credits.

    All three evaluations must be passed to obtain a certificate for the program BIK9990, 30 credits.

    Examination support materials
    Open books & open notes for the paper assignment and project assignment.
    On the exam, BI defined accepted calculator is of the type Texas Instruments BA II Plus

    Re-sit examination
    At the next ordinary exam.

    Additional information