BIK 3134 Sustainable business in operations - RE-SIT EXAMINATION

BIK 3134 Sustainable business in operations - RE-SIT EXAMINATION

Course code: 
BIK 3134
Law and Governance
Course coordinator: 
Caroline Dale Ditlev-Simonsen
Course name in Norwegian: 
Bærekraft i daglig drift - KONTINUASJONSEKSAMEN
Product category: 
Executive - Special Course
2024 Autumn
Active status: 
Re-sit exam
Level of study: 
Resit exam semesters: 
2024 Autumn
Teaching language: 
Course type: 
One semester

The world is facing major challenges in sustainability. Companies have a major role and tasks related to ensuring sustainable development. This is linked to new challenges and opportunities. This course consists of three course elements that address topics from a broader perspective.

  • SLM 8001 Sustainability Basics
  • SLM 8002 Sustainability and  Shared Value Creation
  • SLM 8003 Circular Economy and New Opportunities

New opportunities The UN's sustainability goals are the framework for how the world will develop until 2030. But, in practice, what do these goals mean and what do they mean for your company, employer or organization? This is the focus of this course. Key concepts and frameworks for sustainability, practical model for introducing sustainability in daily operations will be addressed. This is addressed in module 1 of the course package.

Central to the UN's 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (SDG) Goal  17, which is a call for action from all countries - developed and developing - in a global partnership. This course will follow up Course 1 Sustainability basic, with an explicit focus on goal 17, partnership. We want to transfer the idea of ​​partnership to an organizational level and focus on how companies and other entities create value together. This is the domain of collaboration strategy where the idea is to "get better with others", instead of trying to "be better than others". We will work with frameworks and tools that recognize the interdependencies that organizations need to work with in a systematic way in order to co-create value. Goal 17 is, in many ways, a meta-goal, or a means to an end, in the sense that the quality of partnerships, at different levels of analysis, has a significant impact on many other goals.

Circular economy challenges us by asking us to think about material flows in addition to cash flows in economic activities. Reduced waste, increased recycling and less pressure on non-renewable resources are all important building blocks for a sustainable future. This course therefore deals with why you need circular solutions and gives examples of circular solutions in practice. Platforms - often digital - are an important part of the practical implementation of circular economy. This is addressed in module 3 of the course package.

Learning outcomes - Knowledge

The candidate ...

  • has basic knowledge of concepts and definitions in sustainability
  • knows the The UN Sustainable Development Goal and what they entail
  • has knowledge about the role of business associated with sustainability
  • has basic knowledge of strategy.
  • has basic knowledge of value creation.
  • has basic knowledge of the interplay between strategy, value creation and sustainability
  • has basic knowledge of the concept of circular economy and how it has developed over time
  • has knowledge of possible areas of application for circular economy business models
  • has knowledge of how actors from both the private and public sectors meet the challenge of better resource utilization
Learning outcomes - Skills

The candidate ...

  • can introduce sustainability in a company, based on anchoring in management, mapping, testing, launching, implementing and reporting on sustainability
  • can reflect on their own professional practice and adjust this under supervision
  • can master relevant professional tools, techniques and forms of expression within sustainability
  • has basic knowledge of strategy.
  • has basic knowledge of value creation.
  • has basic knowledge of the interplay between strategy, value creation and sustainability
  • can identify circular opportunities in different economic sectors
  • can discuss barriers and how these can be overcome
  • can evaluate potential for change of business model in different sectors
General Competence

The candidate ....

  • has knowledge of key elements within business and sustainability
  • can plan and implement sustainability in business
  • can relate to different roles within sustainability in business
  • can use the classic resource analysis
  • can use the interactive resource analysis
  • has a basic understanding of the need to focus on material flows in the assessment of economic activity as part of the work towards a sustainable society
  • knows the history of and can participate in debates about the development towards increased circularity
Course content
  • What sustainability means for companies
  • Introduction to the UN's sustainability goals and how to apply these in the company
  • Model for introducing sustainability in the company
  • Opportunities and challenges in sustainability
  • Key regulations related to sustainability
  • Strategy = value creation through competition or collaboration?
  • Perspective on value creation and resource analyzes
  • Classic resource analysis (focus on competition)
  • An introduction to interactive resource analysis
  • Interaction between own business and other organizations
  • Presentation and discussion of joint case analysis
  • Interaction between own business and other organizations
  • Presentation and discussion of joint case analysis
  • Presentation of various platform solutions for circular business models
  • Basic concepts and definitions in sustainability
  • What is in the concept of circular economy, and what challenges is it intended to solve
  • How can one go from linear production to service delivery (servitization)?
  • Presentation of various platform solutions for circular business models
Teaching and learning activities

The course consists of real-time lectures, digital teaching material (e.g., podcasts, videos, interactive tools/quizzes), group work, student presentations, and plenary discussions.

In all BI Executive courses and programs, there is a mutual requirement  for the student and the course responsible regarding the involvement of the student's experience in the planning and implementation of courses, modules and programmes. This means that the student has the right and duty to get involved with their own knowledge and practice relevance, through the active sharing of their relevant experience and knowledge.

Software tools
No specified computer-based tools are required.
Additional information

The course is part of the SLM course series, Sustainability in Daily Operation, which consists of the SLM courses SLM 8001 Sustainability Basics, SLM 8002 Sustainability and Shared Value Creation, and SLM 8003 Circular Economy and New Opportunities. The courses are based on the course BIK 3134 Sustainability In daily operation, 7.5 ECTS. If you have completed three courses from the same SLM course series, and meet the admission requirements for taking the exam at BI, you can take an exam within that course series, which gives a total of 7.5 credits.


Higher Education Entrance Qualification


Deviations in teaching and exams may occur if external conditions or unforeseen events call for this.

Required prerequisite knowledge

Higher Education Entrance Qualification

Deviations in teaching and exams may occur if external conditions or unforeseen events call for this.

Exam category: 
Form of assessment: 
Written submission
72 Hour(s)
Individual 72 hour take home exsam.
Exam code: 
BIK 31341
Grading scale: 
Examination when next scheduled course
Type of Assessment: 
Ordinary examination
Total weight: 
Student workload
45 Hour(s)
24 Hour(s)
Work with 72 hour individual take home eksam.
Prepare for teaching
46 Hour(s)
Student's own work with learning resources
85 Hour(s)
Sum workload: 

A course of 1 ECTS credit corresponds to a workload of 26-30 hours. Therefore a course of 7,5 ECTS credit corresponds to a workload of at least 200 hours.