BØK 2215 Strategic Management Control - RE-SIT EXAMINATION
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BØK 2215 Strategic Management Control - RE-SIT EXAMINATION Responsible for the course Tor Tangenes Department Department of Accounting - Auditing and Law Term According to study plan ECTS Credits 6 Language of instruction Norwegian Introduction The course starts with a presentation of the concept of Management Accounting and Control, and proceeds with an introduction to strategic cost analysis. Then, we go through methods of decision support, applicable in situations of process change, including a thorough presentation of multi-dimensional process analysis. The purpose of the process-oriented methods is to provide relevant information for decision support in order to maintain or increase the firm's competitive position by attacking problems of low productivity, ineffectiveness, process instability and undesired product functionality. Part 2 of the course presents and critically discusses contemporary concepts of management control, such as The Balanced Scorecard, Beyond Budgeting, and Levers of Control. The choice of control systems in a firm specific context is highlighted. The final part of the course scrutinizes traditional financial measures of effectiveness in a world where intellectual capital is a necessary condition for competitive advantage, and where firm strategies are driven by a continuous process of learning. By means of a nuanced concept of effectiveness and resourced-based financial reports, it is shown how financial accounting numbers can be adjusted in order to achieve improved measures of effectiveness, both in the short- and long-run. Objective Learning objectives are:
Prerequisites Managerial and Financial Accounting I and II (BØK 2601 and BØK 2602) and Managerial Accounting (BØK 2302) or equivalents. Compulsory reading Books: Sending, Aage, Tor Tangenes og Svein H. Gjønnes. 2007. Driftsregnskap og budsjettering : økonomi- og virksomhetsstyring. 2. utg. Bergen : Fagbokforlaget. Kap. 5, 6, 7, 16 og 17 Sending, Aage, Tor Tangenes og Svein H. Gjønnes. 2008. Arbeidshefte til Driftsregnskap og budsjettering: økonomi- og virksomhetsstyring. 5. utg. Bergen : Fagbokforlaget Articles: Barney, Jay. 1991. Firm Resources and Sustained Competitive Advantage. Journal of Management. 17 (1). s. 99-120. Tilgjengelig på Blackboard Dekker, Henri C. 2003. Value Chain Analysis in Interfirm Relationships : a Field Study. Management Accounting Research. 14. p. 1-23. Tilgjengelig på Blackboard Kaplan, R. S og D. P. Norton. 1992. The Balanced Scorecard - Measures that Drive Performance. Harvard Business Review, January-February, 71-79. Tilgjengelig på Blackboard Kaplan, R. S. og D. P. Norton. 1996. Using the Balanced Scorecard as a Strategic Management System. Harvard Business Review, Januar-Februar, 75-85. Tilgjengelig på Blackboard Kaplan, R. S. og D. P. Norton. 2000. Having Trouble with Your Strategy? Then Map It. Harvard Business Review, September-October, 167-176. Tilgjengelig på Blackboard Mintzberg, Henry. 1987. Crafting Strategy. Harvard Business Review. July-August. 66-75. Tilgjengelig på Blackboard Quinn, James B. 1977. Strategic Goals : Process and Politics. Sloan Management Review. Fall. 21-37. Tilgjengelig på Blackboard Shank, J. K. 1992. Strategic Cost Analysis of Technological Investments. Sloan Management Review. Fall. 39-51. Tilgjengelig på Blackboard Simmonds, Kenneth. 1986. The Accounting Assessment of Competitive Position. The European Journal of Marketing. 20 (1). 16-31. Tilgjengelig på Blackboard Wilson, Richard M. S., ed. 1997. Strategic cost management. Aldershot: Ashgate. Introduksjonskapittel. Tilgjengelig på Blackboard Recommended reading Books: Porter, Michael E. 1998. Competitive advantage : creating and sustaining superior performance : with a new introduction. New York : Free Press Course outline Strategic Cost Analysis Introduction to Management Accounting and Control Strategic Cost Analysis Process Oriented Methods for Decision Support Multi-dimentional process analysis Alternative Control Systems Beyond Budgeting - philosophy Beyond Budgeting - case Levers of Control A critical view on The Balanced Scorecard Performance Measurement Resource-based View of the Firm, Intellectual Capital, and Competitive Advantage Financial Metrics in relation to the Resource-based View of the Firm and Emergent Strategy Computer-based tools No specified computer-based tools are required. Course structure 36 hours of lectures and case studies Examination Three hours written exam Examination code(s) BØK 22151 - Written exam, accounts for 100% of the final grade in the course BØK 2215 Strategic Management Accounting, 6 ECTS credits Examination support materials All aids are allowed + calculator TEXAS INSTRUMENTS BA II Plus™. Exam aids at written examiniations are explained under exam information in our web-based Student handbook. Please note use of calculator and dictionary. http://www.bi.edu/studenthandbook/examaids Re-sit examination This course was lectured for the last time autumn 2010. Re-sit exam will be offered every term from autumn 2011up to and including spring 2013. Additional information |
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