ORG 3610 Management and influence

ORG 3610 Management and influence

Course code: 
ORG 3610
Leadership and Organizational Behaviour
Course coordinator: 
Mette Marthinussen Aanes
Wajda Wikhamn
Course name in Norwegian: 
Ledelse og innflytelse
Product category: 
Bachelor of Organisational Psychology, HR and Leadership - Programme Courses
2022 Spring
Active status: 
Level of study: 
Teaching language: 
Course type: 
One semester

Influence based management concerns itself with how an organisation can be guided to effectiveness through the empowerment, involvement, and accountability of co-workers. To achieve effectiveness in management, managers are dependent on integrity and influence. To succeed in their position, the manager needs to have competence in the organisation’s psychological and social processes that facilitates good cooperative processes within the organisation. It is also crucial that the manager can transform this competence into acts that are visible within the organizational culture. Good management is about conveying visions and goals in a clear and inspiring way, and the ability to divide work in accordance with the maturity level of each individual co-worker. Central to this process of influence is the knowledge of one’s own influence, knowledge about how co-workers are affected and what motivates and inspires them, and what creates secure relationships and healthy structures around the work process.

This course uses development oriented, relational oriented and change oriented leadership perspectives, and offers a toolbox that can lead to better influence and effectiveness in the organisation.

The manager is responsible for developing their leadership through introspection, awareness of their role as a manager, personality, and leadership style, and how the use of power and influence can affect those it is imposed on. Through increased awareness, managers will be able to adapt their leadership style and become a developmental agent in the process of developing co-workers, and through this influence one can increase productivity and well-being in the organisation.

The central goals of this course are:

  • To increase the course participants level of reflection concerning their own role as a leader; what characterizes you as a leader, personality, leadership style, mindset and mental robustness, ability to see yourself from the outside and co-workers from the inside – develop a larger repertoire of emotional strategies
  • To help course participants describe their own priorities and values, and to show the useful tools leaders can use to investigate if these are in accordance with the priorities of the employees – develop a more investigative interaction strategy
  • To increase course participants understanding of what affects whom in the organisation; focus on safety, self-determination, and recognition as forms of motivation – develop skills in trust-based feedback, communication, creation of good organizational cultures and autonomy-supportive leadership
  • To introduce relevant organisation psychological theories, models, tools, exercises, and cases that promote the candidates’ chances of succeeding in the role as a leader – develop a larger repertoire of action strategies.
  • To increase course participants awareness of social, cultural, and situational challenges that can affect the level of organizational power, influence, and innovation processes – develop an increased openness to how globalization, sustainability, digitalization, diversity, and cross-cultural perspectives affect leadership
Learning outcomes - Knowledge

Students will acquire basic knowledge about psychological, managerial, and organizational theories that are relevant for work life and for future studies within organizational leadership.

After taking this course, students should know about:

  • Effective forms of management
  • Development oriented, relationship oriented and change oriented types of management
  • Psychological and social influence factors
  • Organizational culture, psychological safety and processes that promote autonomy
  • Empowering leadership
  • Evaluating tools and methods used in leadership development
  • Situational, cross-cultural, and innovative processes of influence
  • Power and influence
Learning outcomes - Skills

Students will be able to explain central terms, processes, and theories, and how these are related to effectiveness and influence in organisations. This means that students will be able to use the teaching material and accompanying tools in an active way when faced with practical examples from organizational life.

After taking this course, students will be able to:

  • Show a basic understanding of leadership in a modern perspective
  • Explain the theoretical, empirical, and strategic background for the subject of leadership
  • Describe development oriented, relationship oriented, change oriented and empowering leadership strategies
  • Discuss the meaning that different leadership perspectives have for a leaders influence in the organisation.
  • Know how to plan and implement developmental leadership measures.
  • Analyse the significance of 360-degree feedback, with a focus on feedback
  • Show ethical awareness of how power and influence can affect the organizational culture
General Competence

Students will be able to use the professional competence they gain in this course in their own development as future leaders and reflect on their own leadership behaviour and how this influences the interactions in the organisation.

After finishing this course, students will be able to reflect on:

  • Their own leadership, value hierarchy, personality, leadership style and influence
  • The value of research-based knowledge about leadership
  • Ethical aspects related to development-oriented leadership
  • Challenges connected to leader development programmes and feedback on leader assessments
  • The utility of the different theories, models and tools that are presented in the course
  • How power and influence can be used in a constructive way to achieve effectiveness, well-being, and development in the organisation

By the end of this course, students will have a better understanding of and be able to discuss different parts of the role of a leader, their influence, and have a basic understanding of how to make decisions concerning the choice of strategies and tools that optimises effectiveness and influence in the organisation

Course content
  • Influence based leadership
  • Change leadership
  • Relational leadership
  • Empowering leadership
  • Leadership in a research-based motivational perspective
  • Destructive forms of leadership, hazardous leadership, and the ethics of leadership
  • Leadership development and the use of 360-degree leadership tools
  • Practical implications of development-oriented leadership
  • Communication theory/tools
  • Digital leadership/tools
  • Cross-cultural perspectives on leadership
  • Power, integrity, and influence
  • Ethics within the field of modern leadership
Teaching and learning activities

The teaching will be varied, with a combination of lectures, group activities and solving of exercises, cases and training with tools.

Software tools
No specified computer-based tools are required.

Higher Education Entrance Qualification


Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, there may be deviations in teaching and learning activities as well as exams, compared with what is described in this course description.


Information about what is taught on campus and other digital forms will be presented with the lecture plan before the start of the course each semester.

Exam category: 
Form of assessment: 
Written submission
Support materials: 
  • No support materials
5 Hour(s)
Exam code: 
ORG 36101
Grading scale: 
Examination every semester
Type of Assessment: 
Ordinary examination
Total weight: 
Student workload
45 Hour(s)
Student's own work with learning resources
150 Hour(s)
5 Hour(s)
Sum workload: 

A course of 1 ECTS credit corresponds to a workload of 26-30 hours. Therefore a course of 7,5 ECTS credit corresponds to a workload of at least 200 hours.

Reading list