ORG 3510 Ethics, Social Responsibility and Sustainability

ORG 3510 Ethics, Social Responsibility and Sustainability

Course code: 
ORG 3510
Leadership and Organizational Behaviour
Course coordinator: 
Mads Nordmo Arnestad
Course name in Norwegian: 
Etikk, samfunnsansvar og bærekraft
Product category: 
Bachelor - Electives
2023 Autumn
Active status: 
Level of study: 
Teaching language: 
Course type: 
One semester

Human-induced climate change represents the single largest threat to our well-being and health in the next century. Working to prevent or mitigate this crisis is the greatest challenge facing tomorrow's workforce. The climate crisis raises fundamental questions of ethics, including how to navigate trade-offs between different goods and evils. For example, the climate crisis sharpens the dilemma between producing enough energy to lift millions out of poverty, or prioritizing emissions reductions that will benefit future generations. Therefore, an introduction to basic ethical theory is useful in approaching these types of issues. Psychological research on how people tend to approach ethics and ethical dilemmas is also helpful, as being able to anticipate others' reactions is valuable for decision-makers at all levels. Furthermore, the climate crisis also requires a rational and nuanced approach to assigning responsibility. The climate crisis concerns all people on Earth, and one can argue that both states, companies, and individuals should take responsibility for their emissions. To think sensibly about the social responsibility of states, companies, and individuals, it is also useful to be aware of theory and research on how people perceive and attribute responsibility for different outcomes in different situations.

The climate crisis requires a global behavioral change. To succeed in this, we need good policies, innovative businesses with good technology, but also good models for human cognition and behavior related to climate issues. The latter can be understood as climate psychology, which is an emerging field within psychological research. In addition to addressing the political, economic, and technological perspectives on the climate crisis, the field will focus extensively on how our intuitive psychological apparatus can lead decision-makers to systematic errors. By better understanding our own cognitive processes in relation to the climate crisis, there is hope that more of these pitfalls can be avoided.

Key objectives of the course include:

  • Providing participants with research-based and balanced knowledge about human-induced climate change, including its causes and consequences
  • Increasing participants' research-based knowledge about the miscalibration of the human cognitive apparatus in the face of global crises like human-induced climate change
  • Providing participants with research-based knowledge about the connection between thoughts, emotions, actions, and individual carbon footprints
  • Increasing participants' level of reflection on their own role in the climate crisis and providing concrete tools and measures for those who wish to engage in the issue
  • Providing participants with an explanation of the most fruitful choices to successfully achieve the 2-degree target
Learning outcomes - Knowledge

Students should acquire fundamental knowledge about ethics, the social responsibility of nations, companies, and individuals, the causes, consequences, and solutions of the climate crisis, as well as their own socio-cognitive framework in dealing with these issues.

After this course, students should have knowledge of:

  • The climate crisis and other environmental threats
    • Industrialization and human well-being
    • The difference between climate and weather
    • The greenhouse effect
    • Various greenhouse gases
    • Sources of CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions
    • The nine planetary boundaries for human activity
    • The plastic crisis
  • Ethics
    • Deontological ethics
    • Consequentialist ethics
    • Virtue ethics
    • Moral psychological perspectives on ethics
    • Game theory and the climate crisis
    • The tragedy of the commons
    • Dyadic morality
  • Responsibility
    • Social loafing and the Köhler effect
    • Diffusion of responsibility and the bystander effect
    • Attribution and blame shifting
    • Carbon footprint
    • Corporate Social Responsibility
    • The power of states and reactance
  • Climate psychology
    • Risk perception
    • Assessment and decision-making over large temporal and geographical distancesAssessment and Assessment and empathy with large and small numbers
    • Social comparison and attitude formation
  • Solutions to the climate crisis
    • Political solutions
    • Economic solutions
    • Technological solutions
    • The role of the individual
Learning outcomes - Skills

Students should be able to explain what climate change is and what causes it. They should also be able to discuss key psychological concepts, processes, and theories on how people think and feel about climate change. Additionally, students should become more effective in their interactions with individuals who do not share their views on climate change or their values regarding what is ethically right to do in relation to climate change. This includes being able to apply the course material and tools presented to practical examples related to sustainability.

After this course, students should be able to:

  • Demonstrate a basic understanding of how different individuals come to different conclusions regarding ethics, morality, and sustainability
  • Communicate openly and constructively with people who hold different viewpoints on ethics, morality, and sustainability
  • Identify greenwashing when companies and others attempt to portray themselves as more sustainable than they actually are
  • Distinguish between genuine solutions to the climate crisis and trendy behaviors that are only loosely connected to overall emissions.
General Competence

Students should be able to utilize their academic competence in their own development as future leaders and reflect on their responsibility and its limitations in addressing the climate crisis.

After this course, students should:

  • Have a clear and conscious approach to the reality of the climate crisis and the monumental but unavoidable challenge of solving it
  • Demonstrate a balanced attitude towards the question of individual responsibility in the face of the climate crisis
  • Metacognitively challenge their own intuitions about the climate crisis and evaluate whether they are well-founded
  • Approach the ethical dilemmas and moral psychological challenges associated with the climate crisis with curiosity and awareness

By completing this course, students will be better equipped to understand and discuss various aspects of the climate crisis and have a foundation for making better decisions regarding the choice of strategies and tools to mitigate it.

Course content
  • The Climate Crisis: Industry, Welfare, and the Greenhouse Effect
  • Climate Psychology: Human Cognitive Processes in the Face of the Crisis
  • Ethics: Different Approaches to Questions of Right and Wrong
  • Responsibility: The Responsibility of States, Companies, and Individuals The Temporal and Spatial Dimensions of the Climate Crisis: How Human Judgment and Decision-Making are Influenced by Temporal and Geographic Distance
  • Magnitude and Number: How Human Judgment and Decision-Making are Influenced by the Size of the Problem
  • Social Comparison: How Attitudes and Behaviors are Shaped in Interaction with Others
  • Solutions to the Climate Crisis: Political, Economic, Technological, and Individual Strategies to Solve the Crisis.
Teaching and learning activities

Varied teaching methods, including lectures, group activities, problem-solving exercises, case studies, and tool training.

In addition to the required readings, classroom teaching, and asynchronous content, a digital workbook will be published for sale through the mobile application Pugg. This is a recommended but optional learning resource.

Software tools
Software defined under the section "Teaching and learning activities".
Additional information


Required prerequisite knowledge

No specific prerequisites are required.

Exam category: 
Form of assessment: 
Written submission
Support materials: 
  • No support materials
5 Hour(s)
Exam code: 
ORG 35101
Grading scale: 
Examination every semester
Type of Assessment: 
Ordinary examination
Total weight: 
Student workload
30 Hour(s)
Student's own work with learning resources
150 Hour(s)
Prepare for teaching
15 Hour(s)
5 Hour(s)
Sum workload: 

A course of 1 ECTS credit corresponds to a workload of 26-30 hours. Therefore a course of 7,5 ECTS credit corresponds to a workload of at least 200 hours.

Reading list