BØK 3647 Financial Accounting
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BØK 3647 Financial Accounting
Responsible for the course
Roy Kristen Kristensen
Department of Accounting - Auditing and Law
According to study plan
ECTS Credits
Language of instruction
This course is part of the statutory curriculum for approval as a Norwegian Certified Accountant. The programme meets the requirements of the Certified Accountant Regulation of 8 February 1999 no. 196 (education requirements for certified accountants).
Learning outcome
Acquired knowledge
The course will give the students in-depth knowledge about the theoretical basis, laws and other central regulations regarding production of annual accounts and drawing up the annual report for private enterprises in accordance with Norwegian generally accepted accounting principles (NGAAP). Furthermore, basic knowledge about differences between NGAAP and IFRS is included.
Acquired skills
The students shall be able to produce annual accounts including consolidated accounts, and annual reports according to Norwegian accountancy legislation. The students shall also be able - with reference to actual legislation - to address and discuss definite accountancy problems related to annual accounts and annual reports.
The students should be conscious about the importance of accurate financial accounts.
The course requieres knowledge corresponding to following courses or eqivalent:
BØK 3411 Finance and Managerial Accounting I, BØK 3421 Finance and Managerial Accounting II, BØK 3531 Financial Accounting and Financial Statement Analysis, BØK 3541 Managerial Accounting and Control.
Compulsory reading
Gjems-Onstad, red. Skattelovsamlingen. Siste utg. Gyldendal juridisk
Huneide, Jens-Erik. ... [et al.]. Årsregnskapet i teori og praksis. Siste utg. Gyldendal akademisk
Kristensen, Roy, Janicke L. Rasmussen og Tonny Stenheim. 2014. Årsregnskapet : oppgavesamling med løsningsforslag. 8. utg.. Gyldendal akademisk
Recommended reading
Kvifte, Steinar Sars, André Tofteland og Anne-Cathrine Bernhoft. 2011. Finansregnskap : god regnskapsskikk og IFRS - Oppgaver og løsninger. 3. utg. Fagbokforlaget
Course outline
Accounting theory
- Focus on the users of company accounts
- Norwegian and international accounting rules
- Profit and loss versus balance orientation
- Generally accepted accounting principles
- Valuation and accrual rules
- Requirements to annual accounts and the annual report
- Special regulations for micro companies
- Differnces accounting/taxation
- Consolidated accounts
Computer-based tools
Computer-based tools are not used in this course.
Learning process and workload
The course is taught in teaching sessions over two terms. The students are enrolled in each semester, named BØK 3648 and BØK 3649. Teaching is based on 90 lecturing hours. Curriculum proposals and exercise suggestions are distributed each term.
Activity | Use of time |
Participation in teaching sessions | 90 |
Preparation for teaching sessions | 60 |
Self-tuition/reading literature | 120 |
Own work on cases/exercises | 120 |
Examination | 6 |
Recommended total use of time | 396 |
BI Nettstudier
In BI Nettstudier the teaching sessions are carried out in modules. Furthermore, exercises for submission and marking are used (not obligatory), giving the students continuous possibility to test their own comprehension of the subjects.
Activity | Use of hours |
Participation in teaching sessions | 90 |
Preparation for teaching sessions | 30 |
Exercises for submission | 90 |
Self-tuition/reading literature | 90 |
Own work on cases/exercises | 90 |
Examination | 6 |
Recommended total use of time | 396 |
A six- hour individual written examination completes the course.
Examination code(s)
BØK 36471 Written examination, which accounts for 100% of the grade in BØK 3647 Financial Accounting, 15 ECTS.
Examination support materials
All support materials are allowed plus calculator TEXAS INSTRUMENTS BA II Plus™.
Examination support materials at written examiniations are explained under examination information in the student portal @BI. Please note use of calculator and dictionary. https://at.bi.no/EN/Pages/Exa_Hjelpemidler-til-eksamen.aspx
Re-sit examination
A re-sit examination is offered in connection with the next course.
Additional information