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MAN 5153 Global Strategy & Sustainable Business

MAN 5153 Global Strategy & Sustainable Business

MAN 5153
Strategi og entreprenørskap
Birgitte Grøgaard
Kursnavn på engelsk: 
Global Strategy & Sustainable Business
Executive Master of Management
2023 Høst
2024 Vår
Aktiv status: 
Hold - Midlertidig
Deaktivert termin: 
2023 Høst
Kurs med hjelpekoder
Kurskoder for multi- og assosierte kurs
MAN 5154 - 1. semester
MAN 5155 - 2. semester

In today’s economy, most businesses face global challenges either through direct global activities or through global suppliers, customers or partners. In this course, we focus on strategic challenges that arise from cross-border business activities and the development of successful global strategies as businesses and societies transition towards a more sustainable future.

This course provides you with the tools and skills to grow your business internationally and navigate the complexities of your external surroundings to compete sustainably.

We help you critically assess your organization and environment before making important business decisions. Which strategy is most suitable for your organization in a complex and changing world? Will the transition towards a more sustainable world require strategic changes? How can you become more agile and flexible? Do cultural and institutional differences matter for your business? How are successful companies balancing the demands of ongoing operations and future needs? The program provides a rich overview of strategic challenges facing global organizations and the tools available to assess the situation and make sound business decisions.

The course is grounded in global strategy thinking. We cover theories and frameworks to help you develop a sound and sustainable global strategy. Topics that we cover include, but are not limited to: business decisions in a global context; global strategies; understanding the changing demands as businesses and societies transition towards an increasingly sustainable world, increasing organizational agility and flexibility; building global competitiveness; knowledge-transfer; and collaborative efforts.

The program will mix digital content with five in-class modules. Our fourth module is a study-trip to Canada's energy capital Calgary where we examine sustainability challenges such as the energy transition and aligning needs of businesses and indigenous populations. Throughout the modules, the sessions are highly interactive with in-class discussions, a focus on practical applications, and a dialogue with corporations.

All classes will be conducted in English (the term paper may be written in Norwegian).


Who is this program for?
This program is suited for business professionals who are focused on understanding the global business context and developing global strategies as businesses and societies transition towards a more sustainable world. We focus both on small and large firms and therefore welcome participants who are focused on new business development as well as those interested in developing sustainable global strategies for established corporations.

  • Participants can analyze the dynamic international business context and the increasing demands on sustainable business
  • Participants understand the complexities through knowledge of key theories and concepts in global strategy
  • Participants have in-depth knowledge of theories of the multinational enterprise
  • Participants identify and assess how institutional and cultural differences influence global organizations
  • Participants can critically assess how and why to transfer knowledge across borders
  • Participants have developed skills in assessing the appropriateness of applying key concepts and frameworks to practice
  • Participants are able to identify, gather and analyze data to make robust strategic decisions
  • Participants have developed skills in assessing and acting on sustainable business opportunities
Generell kompetanse
  • Participants understand the complexities and challenges related to global strategy
  • Participants have an increased recognition of challenges related to sustainable business
  • Participants can critically evaluate the meaning of institutions and culture and their implications for strategic decisions and sustainable business
  • Participants can see how international challenges can create new business opportunities
  • Participants can draw on insights from established theories to improve their decision-making
  • Participants can reflect on the applicability of established theories and frameworks for new contexts such as emerging markets and emerging market multinationals
Kursets innhold

1st course module
Understanding strategy in a global context. Identifying challenges and opportunities as businesses and societies transition towards a sustainable world

2nd course module
Do global strategy decisions differ for sustainable business?

3rd course module
Building competitive and agile global organizations 

4th course module
Global strategy in practice: Study-trip abroad with a focus on global strategy in transitioning companies 

5th course module
Sustainability at the forefront of global strategy (themes include impact investing and reaching the UNs sustainable development goals).  

Undervisnings- og læringsaktiviteter

A digital tool will be used for the digital peer evaluation.

The program is conducted through five course modules over two semesters combined with digital pre-and post-module content and deliverables.

Each in-class module at BI Nydalen will consist of 3 full day interactive sessions, while the fourth module is a full week study-trip abroad. 

Project tutorials differ in each Executive Master of Management program. It will consist of personal tutorials and tutorials given in class. Generally, the students may expect consulting tutorials, not evaluating tutorials. The total hours of tutorials offered is estimated to 4 hours per term paper.

Please note that while attendance is not compulsory in all programs, it is the student's own responsibility to obtain any information provided in class that is not included on the course homepage/ itslearning or other course materials.

The students are evaluated through a term paper counting for 60% of the total grade and digital assignments inlcuding peer evaluation, counting for 40% of the total grade. The term paper may be written individually or in groups of maximum three persons. All evaluations must be passed to obtain a certificate for the program. 

The term paper is included in the degree’s independent work of degree, cf national regulation on requirements for master’s degree, equivalent to 18 ECTS credits per. program. For the Executive Master of Management degree, the independent work of degree represents the sum of term papers from three programs.

In all BI Executive courses and programs, there is a mutual requirement  
for the student and the course responsible regarding the involvement of the student's experience in the planning and implementation of courses, modules and programmes. This means that the student has the right and duty to get involved with their own knowledge and practice relevance, through the active sharing of their relevant experience and knowledge.

Dataverktøy definert under punktet "Undervisnings- og læringsaktiviteter".

Fullført bachelorgrad, tilsvarende 180 offentlig godkjente studiepoeng fra høyskole, universitet eller tilsvarende. Søkeren må være minst 25 år og det kreves minimum fire års arbeidserfaring. For søkere som har en fullført mastergrad fra før, kreves det tre års arbeidserfaring.


Grunnet Covid-19 pandemien vil det kunne forekomme avvik i undervisnings- og læringsaktiviteter samt eksamen, sammenlignet med det som er beskrevet i denne kursbeskrivelsen.

Skriftlig innlevering
2 Semester
Denne eksamen er organisert som en mappevurdering. Denne består av fire innleveringsoppgaver mellom læringsmodulene. Det er den siste innleveringen av mappen som vil bli sensurert. Mappevurderingen teller til sammen 40% av den totale karakteren.
MAN 51532
Eksamen ved neste kursgjennomføring
Skriftlig innlevering
Gruppe/Individuell (1 - 3)
2 Semester
Prosjektoppgave, teller 60% av den totale karakteren.
MAN 51533
Eksamen ved neste kursgjennomføring
Ordinær eksamen
Alle eksamener må bestås for å oppnå karakter i kurset.
Total vekting: 
Reduction description
  • Can not be included in combination with MAN 5012 International Management
  • ​Can not be included in combination with MAN 2205/2206/2290/2291 International Management
Forventet arbeidsinnsats
150 Time(r)
Forberedelse til undervisning
150 Time(r)
Studentenes eget arbeid med læringsressurser
500 Time(r)
Selvstudium, arbeid med prosjektoppgave og eksamen
Sum arbeidsinnsats: 

Et kurs med 1 studiepoeng tilsvarer en arbeidsmengde på 26-30 timer. Et kurs på 30 studiepoeng tilsvarer derfor en arbeidsmengde på minimum 800 timer.