Responsible for the course
Sverre Tomassen, Debbie Harrison

Department of Strategy and Logistics

According to study plan

ECTS Credits

Language of instruction

This course is lectured overd two semesters and is consisting following two parts:
STR 2201Strategic Analysis - autum
STR 2202 Strategic Management - spring

STR 2201Strategic Analysis
The course aims to give the students an understanding of strategy at the corporate and business unit level. Strategic analysis and decission making will be emphasized. Likewise, models and procedures for strategic analysis will be presented.

STR 2202 Strategic Management
This is a course in strategic development processes. The complexity of organizations means that strategy development and implementation is as important as strategic decision making. This course uses leadership, organization, and internal and external change processes as important components of the strategy process.

First and second year of the "siviløkonom studie" or equivalent.

Compulsory reading
Johnson, Gerry, Kevan Scholes and Richard Whittington. 2008. Exploring corporate strategy : text and cases. 8th ed. Harlow : FT Prentice Hall. (Kap. 1-10 for STR 2201 Grunnkurs i strategisk analyse)(Kap. 1-2 og 11-15 for STR 2202 Grunnkurs i strategisk ledelse)

Collection of articles:
Artikkelsamling for STR 2201 Grunnkurs i strategisk analyse (trykket).
For STR 2202 vil det bli brukt følgende 12 artikler som er tilgjengelig gjennom bibliotekets databaser:
Goleman, D. (2000), Leadership that gets results, Harvard Business Review, March-April, 78-90.
Boal, K. B. and Hooijberg, R. (2000), Strategic Leadership: Moving On, Leadership Quarterly, Vol. 11, 4, 515-549.
Grant, R. (2003), Strategic Planning in a Turbulent Environment, Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 24, 491-517.
Hodgkinson, G. et al (2006), The Role of Strategy Workshops in Strategy Development Processes…, Long Range Planning, Vol. 39, 5, 479-496.
Boulding, W. and Christen, M. (2001), First mover disadvantage, Harvard Business Review, Vol. 79, 9, 20-21
Kim, C. and Mauborgne, R. (2000), Knowing a winning business idea when you see one, Harvard Business Review, Vol. 78, 5, 129-138
Collingwood, H. (2001), The earnings game, Harvard Business Review, Vol. 79. 6, 65-72.
Holmen, E. and Pedersen, A-C. (2003), Strategizing through analysing and influencing the network horizon, Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 32, 409-418.
Jemison, D.B. and S.B. Sitkin (1986). Acquisitions: the process can be a problem. Harvard Business Review Vol. 64, 2, 107-110.
Finkelstein, S. (1986). The Acquisition Integration Process. Academy of Management Proceedings, 12-16.
Schweiger, D.M., E.N. Csiszar and N.K.Napier (1993). Implementing International Mergers and Acquisitions. Human Resource Planning Vol. 16, 1, 53-70
Løwendahl B, Revang Ø, Fosstenløkken S. (2001) Knowledge and value creation in professional service firms: A framework for analysis. Human Relations 54 (7): 911-931

Recommended reading
Barney, Jay B. 2007. Gaining and sustaining competitive advantage. 3rdd ed. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson Prentice Hall
Porter, Michael E. 1998. Competitive strategy: techniques for analyzing industries and competitors. New York: Free Press

Course outline
STR 2201Strategic Analysis
  • What is strategy?
  • External analysis
  • Internal analysis
  • Strategic choice
  • Corporate strategy
  • Competitive strategies

STR 2202 Strategic Management
  • What is a strategy process?
  • Strategy and organization
  • Strategic leadership
  • Dynamic strategies

Computer-based tools

Course structure
The course is based on 36 hours of lectures in autum and spring term.

The total garde in the course STR 2200 Strategy is based on following activities and weightening.

Part 1 - Three hour individual written exam after autumn term. Counts for 50% of final grade.
Part 2 - Three hour individual written exam after spring term. Counts for 50% of final grade.

Both parts must be passed with the grade E or bether to get the final grade.

Examination code(s)
STR 22008 - Written exam count for 50% of the total grade in STR 2200 Strategy, 12 credits.
STR 22009 - Written exam count for 50% of the total grade in STR 2200 Strategy, 12 credits.

Examination support materials
STR 22008 - No aids allowed.
STR 22009 - No aids allowed.

Re-sit examination
This course was teached for the last time in the academic year 2010/2011.
From autumn 2011 up to and including spring 2013 there will be offered re-sit exams in STR 22008 Written exam and STR 22009 written exam.

Additional information