SPÅ 2922 Business communication in French - Oral - RE-SIT EXAMINATION
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APPLIES TO ACADEMIC YEAR 2016/2017 Norwegian version |
SPÅ 2922 Business communication in French - Oral - RE-SIT EXAMINATION
Responsible for the course
Bente Messel
Department of Communication and Culture
According to study plan
ECTS Credits
Language of instruction
The course is an introduction to oral communication with French professionals, focusing upon presentations and discussions.
Learning outcome
Acquired knowledge
- Differences between Norwegians and French
- French negotiation strategies
- Some ethical dilemmas
Acquired skills
- The course develops linguistic skills enabling students to participate actively in conversations and negotiations. They will prepare, do and evaluate presentations
- Develop awareness of own values before meeting French people
- Develop the ability to cooperate through knowledge and communication
French from upper secondary school or equivalent
Compulsory reading
Collection of articles:
Georges Gaspard og Terje Selmer. 2013. Le français professionnel. Muntlig og skriftlig kommunikasjon for næringslivet. Handelshøyskolen BI.
- A la découverte de la France, www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/france/geography, 2010
- Les institutions françaises, www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/france/institutions, 2010
- Les symboles de la République, www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/france/symboles, 2010
- 2000 ans d’histoire, www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/france/history, 2010
- L’enseignement en France, www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/france/education, 2010
- Comment peut-on être français ? LE NOUVEL OBSERVATEUR, 1er- 7 juin 2006, François Armanet et Gilles Anquetil
- L’Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Paris (ESCP) ESCP.COM, 2010
- Lobbying et corruption . Jean Quatremer, LIBERATION, 2006
- Lobbies : l’ère du soupçon. Christophe Doré, Gilles Denis, Charlotte Autier, FIGARO MAGAZINE, 2006
- La France, eldorado pour les entreprises et les capitaux étrangers. Caroline Mignon, 2006
- Négociations : attitude positionnelles, Roger Fisher + William Ury: Getting to Yes. Editor Bruce Patton, 1991
- Les Français récoltent la palme de l’inhospitalité, LE FIGARO, 2006
- Perception de la France et des Français, Pratiques du management en Europe. Editor: les éditions d’organisation 1992, Paris
- Le management français, Jean Simonet : Pratiques du management en Europe. Editor: les éditions d’organisation,Paris , 1992
- L'étrangère. Eva Joly, 2005
- Gestion et motivation du personnel: attitudes norvégienne et française. Cecilie Solberg, 1990
- La France vue d'ailleurs. Fritz Utzeri, Théodore Zeldin, 1985
- Les conceptions éthiques. J.-C. Usunier, 1985
- Savoir-vivre en affaires, Daniel Poirot : Savoir-vivre en affaires. Editor les éditions d’organisation , Paris, 1997
- Communication commerciale. T. Selmer (red), 2010
- Cases : Marcel, C. et Pastou, B. Annales, Paris 1985. Følgende cases:
Faire connaissance / mieux se connaître
Un déjeuner d’affaires infructueux
Le syndicat rencontre la direction I
Le syndicat rencontre la direction II
Faire un voyage d’études
Le tourisme
Est-ce que la fin justifie les moyens ?
Recommended reading
Course outline
- Oral presentations in French
- French negotiation strategies
- Ethics
- Intercultural communication with French: differences between French people and Norwegians
Computer-based tools
Internet, It's learning, PowerPoint
Learning process and workload
The course cinsists of 39 hours classroom teaching: Some lectures (knowledge transfer), but mostly talking and discussions in groups (training, practical work) and presentations (active outreach activities).
Each student should conduct three presentations.
To be thoroughly prepared, a detailed schedule used.
Students will be trained in individual presentations in French.
Activity | Hours |
Classroom learning | 39 |
Preparation for class | 50 |
Preparation for presentations | 50 |
Self-study and study groups | 50 |
Preparation for the examination | 6 |
Examination | 5 |
Total recommended use of time | 200 |
The oral exam consists of two sections that are weighted equally. Candidates must achieve a passing grade in both sections to pass the exam. The two parts of the exam consist of:
1) an oral presentation. Presentations should last from 7 to 8 minutes.
2) a 7-8-minute discussion on one or more subjects from the syllabus OR related to cases by drawing lots.
Examination code(s)
SPÅ 29221 - Oral exam accounts for 100% of the final grade in the course SPÅ 2922 Business Communication in French 2 - oral - 7.5 credits.
Examination support materials
Re-sit examination
Re-sit exam will be offered autumn 2016 and last time spring 2017.
Additional information
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