SØK 2500 Applied macroeconomics and financial change - RE-SIT EXAMINATION
SØK 2500 Applied macroeconomics and financial change - RE-SIT EXAMINATION Responsible for the course Emanuel Blattner, Sverre Knutsen, Anders Tveit Department Department of Economics Term According to study plan ECTS Credits 12 Language of instruction Norwegian Introduction Objective The course aims to offer perspectives on the development and function of the financial system and knowledge of societal conditions and contexts that are vital for personnel in the financial service industry. This objective will be fulfilled with the students' completion of the two course sections "Applied macroeconomics" and "Financial change". Prerequisites The course is based on knowledge acquired in the Foundation Program in Business Adminstration or equivalent. Compulsory reading Books: Ecklund, Gunhild J. og Sverre Knutsen. 2000. Vern mot kriser? : norsk finanstilsyn gjennom 100 år. Fagbokforlaget Mishkin, Frederic S. 2010. The economics of money, banking and financial markets. 9th ed. Boston : Prentice Hall Recommended reading Other: Blattner, Emanuel og Anders Anders. Siste versjon. Kompendium - Deltakermanual TOPSIM Macroeconomics. Oslo: Handelshøyskolen BI Course outline See under "Tilleggsinformasjon" Computer-based tools A macroeconomic simulation model is used in section 1. Course structure The course is based on 72+12 teaching hours organized in two sections:
The course includes a macroeconomic simulation model in which the students "take over" leading positions in private and public sector. Data material from the simulation is then used to study macroeconomic terms and relationships listed in the course outline. Actuality when it comes to Norwegian and international conditions, will also be focused. In the course there will be used electronic portfolio as part of work during the course and at the end as part of examination. Each student must establish an electronic portfolio placed at Internet. The exact dates for publishing will be announced at the start of the program. Then approximately one month before hand in of final individual project assignment, students are informed about which part of the working portfolio to be handed in for examination. A part of the final project assignment will also be a reflection paper. More information of this paper will be given together with information of project assignment. Section 1: Applied macroeconomics Objectives of the course are to understand the behaviour of interest rates in financial markets. An important issue will be the connection between the goods –, financial markets and interest rates. Central banking and the conduct of monetary policy and the impact of companies, financial institutions and the government on the economy will also be discussed. Compulsory literature Mishkin, Frederic S. Last edition. The economics of money, banking and financial markets. 8th ed. Pearson education. Topics
Section 2: Financial change The objective of section 2 of the course is to understand the economics of financial institutions and - markets and their function in the economy in a historical perspective. Compulsory literature Mishkin, Frederic S. Last edition. The economics of money, banking and financial markets. 8th ed. Pearson education . Ecklund, G. og S. Knutsen. 2000. Vern mot kriser? Norsk finanstilsyn gjennom 100 år. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget. Artikler som oppgis ved semesterstart. Topics
Examination An individual project paper concludes the course. Examination code(s) SØK 25004 – individual project assignment accounts for 100 % of final garde in SØK 2500 Applied macroeconomics and financial change, 12 credits. Examination support materials All aids allowed. Re-sit examination This course was lectured for the last time spring 2011. Re-sit exam will be offered every term even spring 2013. Additional information |
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