REV 3625 Financial Statements / Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
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REV 3625 Financial Statements / Generally Accepted Accounting Principles Responsible for the course Roy Kristen Kristensen Department Department of Accounting - Auditing and Law Term According to study plan ECTS Credits 15 Language of instruction Norwegian Introduction This course is part of the statutory curriculum for approval as a Norwegian registered public accountant. Learning outcome Acquired knowledge The course will give the students in-depth knowledge about the processes of closing the annual accounts and drawing up the annual report in accordance with Norwegian generally accepted accounting principles (NGAAP). This includes thorough knowledge about Norwegian generally accepted accountancy principles (NGAAP). Furthermore the students shall have basic knowledge about the differences between NGAAP and IFRS. Acquired skills The students shall be able to produce annual accounts including consolidated accounts, and annual reports according to Norwegian accountancy legislation. The students shall also be able - with reference to actual Norwegian legislation and accountancy standards - to address and discuss definite accountancy problems related to annual accounts and annual reports. Reflection The students should be conscious of the importance of accurate and informative financial accounts.. Prerequisites The first two years of the program or equivalent. Compulsory reading Books: Huneide, Jens-Erik. ... [et al.]. Årsregnskapet i teori og praksis. Siste utg. Gyldendal Akademisk Kristensen, Roy, Janicke L. Rasmussen og Tom Engelsborg. 2010. Årsregnskapet : oppgavesamling med løsningsforslag. 7. utg. Gyldendal Akademisk Other: Den norske Revisorforening. Revisors håndbok. Siste utgave. DnR Recommended reading Books: Kvifte, Steinar Sars, André Tofteland og Anne-Cathrine Bernhoft. 2011. Finansregnskap : god regnskapsskikk og IFRS. 2. utg. Fagbokforlaget Other: NOU 1995: 30 Ny regnskapslov Ot prop nr 42 (1997-98) Om lov om årsregnskap m.v. (regnskapsloven) Course outline The program includes the following main topics:
Computer-based tools Computer-based tools are not used in this course. Learning process and workload The course is taught in teaching sessions over two terms. The students are enrolled in the relevant part of the course, REV 3626 and REV 3627, each semester.. The teaching is based on 90 lecturing hours. Curriculum proposals and exercise suggestions are distributed each semester. Recommended use of hours:
Examination A six-hour individual written exam concludes the course. Examination code(s) REV 36251 - written exam, which accounts for 100% of the grade in REV 3625 Financial Statements / Generally Accepted Accounting Principles - 15 ECTS credits. Examination support materials The following support materials are allowed (withe the reservation that updates and changes might be carried by Fagrådet for Revisorutdanning): - Revisors håndbok, latest issue - Selected IFRS-standards - Norges Lover/offprints or bodies of laws without comments - Tax dictionaries (Ole Gjems-Onstad or Jacob Jarøy) - Interest tables - International Accounting Standards (IAS) 16, 18 og 40 (special print) - BI-approved exam calculator is accepted (TEXAS INSTRUMENTS BA II Plus TM) Examination support materials at written examinations are specified under exam information in our web-based Student Handbook. Please note the use of calculator and dictionary. Re-sit examination A re-sit exam is held every term. Additional information For candidates seeking to be authorized as registered public accountants, a minimum grade of C is required. |
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