REV 3617 Auditing
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APPLIES TO ACADEMIC YEAR 2015/2016 Norwegian version |
REV 3617 Auditing
Responsible for the course
Kari Birkeland
Department of Accounting - Auditing and Law
According to study plan
ECTS Credits
Language of instruction
This course is part of the statutory curriculum for approval as a Norwegian registered public accountant.
Learning outcome
Acquired knowledge
During the course, students will:
- Acquire in-depth knowledge of the formal framework for the audit profession. It includes laws , regulations and other authoritative legislation on auditing , auditor independence , impartiality , confidentiality and disclosure / right , liability , criminal liability , election and dismissal of auditors , etc. .
- Acquire in-depth knowledge of the theoretical foundation for auditing and convenient method for the audit of financial statements.
- Acquire basic knowledge of normative ethical theories and moral teachings and the ethical and moral issues related to professional practice .
- Students will also acquire basic knowledge of auditing in the public sector.
Acquired skills
After completing the course , students will :
- Have the necessary theoretical and practical skills to participate as an auditor employees in the audit of the financial statements for the audited entity undertaking, in accordance with the requirements of laws , regulations and international auditing standards.
- Have basic knowledge of auditing and participate as employees of auditing in the public and private sectors.
Students will develop an awareness of the importance of the audit as a prerequisite for a well functioning financial market of the auditor's role as a trustful person for the general public and the requirements for integrity and objectivity of the auditor .
The first two years of the programme or equivalent.
Compulsory reading
Gulden, Bror Petter. 2010. Revisjon : teori og metode. 6. utg. Cappelen akademisk
Gulden, Bror Petter. 2014. Etikk, moral og revisjon : teori, analyse og handlingsvalg. 3. utg. Den norske revisorforening : DnR kompetanse
Gulden, Bror Petter. 2015. Den eksterne revisor. 9. utg. Gyldendal akademisk
2011. RSK 001 Standard for forvaltningsrevisjon. Norges Kommunerevisorforbund. Standarden kan lastes ned fra Norges Kommunerevisorforbunds hjemmeside
Den norske Revisorforening. Revisors Håndbok. Siste utgave. Den norske Revisorforening
Materiale utlevert eller henvist til i forbindelse med forelesningene
Recommended reading
Gulden, Bror Petter. 2010. Oppgavesamling i revisjonsfag med løsningsforslag. 7. utg. Cappelen akademisk
Innst. O. nr. 25. (1997-98). Innstilling fra finanskomitéen om lov om revisjon og revisorer. Finansdepartementet
NOU 1997: 9. Om revisjon og revisorer.. Statens forvaltningstjeneste
NOU 2008:12 Revisjonsplikten for små foretak.. Finansdepartementet
Ot. prp. nr. 75 (1997-98). Om lov om revisjon og revisorer. Finansdepartementet
Ot.prp. nr. 78 (2008-2009) Om lov om endringer i revisorloven og visse andre lover (gjennomføring av revisjonsdirektivet). Finansdepartementet
Course outline
- The auditing profession and the regulatory framework for auditors
- Ethical issues
- Audit theory
- Planning and execution of audit an assignment
- Auditing and corporate governance
Computer-based tools
Computer-based tools are not used in this course.
Learning process and workload
The course is taught in teaching sessions over two terms. The students are enrolled in each semester, the course in the autumn term is named REV 3618 and the course in the spring term REV 3619. Teaching is based on 120 lecturing hours, 60 hours each term.
A teaching plan for the term with reference to the curriculum is distributed at the beginning of each term. In the spring term, there is a voluntary trial exam, and the students' answers are evaluated, marked and commented upon.
Activity | Hours |
Participation in teaching sessions | 90 |
Preparation for teaching sessions | 64 |
Self-tuition/reading literature | 120 |
Own work on cases/exercises | 120 |
Examination | 6 |
Total recommended use of time | 400 |
A six-hour written exam concludes the course.
Examination code(s)
REV 36171 - written exam, counts for 100% of the grade in REV 3617 Auditing, 15 credits.
Examination support materials
Revisors håndbok, Norwegian Code of laws (non-annotated), tax law compilations (Jacob Jarøy or Ole Gjems-Onstad), BI-approved exam calculator
Examination support materials at written examiniations are explained under examination information in the student portal @BI. Please note use of calculator and dictionary.
Re-sit examination
A re-sit exam is arranged every term.
Additional information
In this course, the grade C or better is required for candidates who seek approval as a registered auditor (registrert revisor).
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