PRK 3522 Writing for PR - RE-SIT EXAMINATION


PRK 3522 Writing for PR - RE-SIT EXAMINATION

Responsible for the course
Tor Bang

Department of Communication and Culture

According to study plan

ECTS Credits

Language of instruction

Successful PR professionals must understand principles of good writing and possess superb reporting and research, writing and editing, and production skills. They must also have a good understanding of the skills necessary for interacting and building relationships with journalists on behalf of their organizations.
This course teaches skills of persuasive writing that are of value for anyone seeking employment in any public relations position from the arts and entertainment to politics. It also gives students insight into media relations.

The course covers all forms of writing for public relations in a variety of media, including press releases, public service announcements, magazine queries, securing television and radio interviews, coverage memos, media alerts, features, trade press releases, newsletters, backgrounders, and public relations presentations. Digital and new social media will also be featured. Successful students will be able to go to job interviews with the assurance that they have had professional exposure to the writing required for a PR career.

Learning outcome
Acquired Knowledge

  • Recognize the importance of crafting and delivering a PR "message"
  • Appreciate the need for pre-writing, writing, and re-writing, in writing assignments
  • Understand the significance of the different audiences to which PR writing is addressed
  • Become familiar with a range of PR writing tools, sufficient to take part in PR planning at the entry level
  • Media contact as a tactical and strategic tool
  • The Norwegian media landscape

Acquired Skills
  • Improve critical thinking skills as they achieve the above knowledge outcomes
  • Be able to create a Message Planner to organize their writing
  • Be able to write an effective press release on short notice
  • Be able to write a PSA (public service announcement)
  • Be able to write a pitch letter, and know how to pitch a story
  • Be able to successfully interact with members of the media on behalf of their organizations

  • Understand the ethical obligations of a professional PR writer
  • Appreciate the ethical dilemmas sometimes faced by PR writers
  • Discern between the relative priorities of client, editor, and ultimate audiences
  • Take pride in the role of PR writers in today's information economy

Taken Introduction to PR.

Compulsory reading
Bonvik, Øystein ; med Peggy S. Brønn. 2010. Virksomhetens stemme : digital, trykket eller fremført - tekst som informerer og inspirerer. Gyldendal akademisk
Kjendsli, Veslemøy. 2008. Rett på sak! : lærebok i praktisk journalistikk. IJ-forlaget

Recommended reading
Cappelen, Anders. 2012. Bruk pressen 3.0: Komplett guide i presserelatert PR. 3. utg. PR-forlaget
Harr, Erik. 2006. Medielobbyisme : kunsten at sætte en dagsorden. Børsen

Course outline
Written communication roles in a business

To give business a voice
  • The starting point for the company's voting
  • Who is responsible to provide, develop and maintain the company's voice?
  • Review of relevant rhetorical, language and other knowledge techniques
  • How to choose the formats that fit the business best

Written media relations and media relations
  • The press release
  • The background paper
  • Chronicle, and similar letters to the editor
  • E-mail correspondence with a journalist (the written interview)
  • To complain about the editorial content
  • Building a relationship with journalists

Written communication in their own channels - internal audiences
  • Interal newspaper
  • Intranet
  • Joint Letter to Employees (electronically or on paper)
  • Bulletins
  • Internal Presentations

Written communication in their own channels - external audiences
  • Homepages
  • Customer Magazines
  • Annual Reports
  • Brochures and other publications
  • Business Advertising
  • White papers
  • Lectures, presentations and speeches

Direct follow-up
  • Individuals, organizations or other pressure groups
  • Government Organ, letters to the editor, blog comments, etc.
  • Hearing Statements

  • Questions and Answers, Message, Business Information, Fact Sheet
  • Business Presentation

The special occasions
  • Crises, conflicts, restructuring and other situations that require special care in
  • Stock exchange announcements, profit warnings

Law and Ethics
  • Legislation must be taken into account when writing
  • Editorial responsibility and relationship to ethical guidelines

Computer-based tools
Proficiency in word or other text programs.

Learning process and workload
The course will primarily consist of lectures with an emphasis on writing practice by students. The course may also include role-playing as a way to understand media relations. Students are expected to bring their PC's (or macs) to class.

Use of hours
Participation in lectures
Preparation for lectures
Self study/home work - writing assignments
Preparation for the examination
Total recommended use of hours

    The final grade in the course is based on following activities and weighting:
    1) 60 % - examples of writing to be delivered in an individual portfolio. Must be passed to pass the course.
    2) 40 % - a three-hour written exam. Must be passed to pass the course.

    Examination code(s)
    PRK 35221 - Portfolio, counts 60 % towards the final grade in PRK 3522 Writing for PR, 7,5 ECTS credits
    PRK 35222 - Written examination, counts 40 % towards the final grade in PRK 3522 Writing for PR, 7,5 ECTS credits

    Examination support materials
    None for the written exam.

    Re-sit examination
    This course was lectured for the last time autumn 2013. Re-sit exam will be offered autumn 2014 and last time spring 2015.

    Additional information