ORG 2401 Innovation and Entrepreneurship - RE-SIT EXAMINATION
Responsible for the course Thomas Hoholm
Department Department of Innovation and Economic Organisation
Term According to study plan
ECTS Credits 6
Language of instruction English
Introduction Innovation and entrepreneurship address basic processes of industrial evolution, which can take many forms in processes of developing new products and processes, starting up new firms or developing or restructuring existing firms, or for instance by organizing collaboration with customers or clients. Basically, innovation and entrepreneurship are focusing on the same type of processes, however, with a tendency of innovation to be more focused on developing the functional aspects of products or processes, while entrepreneurship is more focused on commercialization and starting up new ventures.
During recent years, there has developed a growing awareness of the importance of innovation and entrepreneurship, and this field is now one of the highest priorities of the Norwegian Government which has developed its "holistic innovation policy framework" formulated in the document "From Idea to value", in which it is stated that Norway is going to become "one of the most innovative countries of the world". In this course we will take this as the point of departure, and discuss what innovation and entrepreneurship are, and analyse the importance of these phenomena and how they are materializing in "real" life, both in existing firms and by starting up new firms.
Objective The course will give basic theoretical and practical insight in innovation and entrepreneurship, and an understanding of how context (the innovation system) support and/or inhibit opportunities for innovation. The students will get to know central parts of the relevant theory. They will further improve their understanding of how the different phenomena unfold in practice, and important preconditions for innovation. The course will also give concrete advice on practical work with entrepreneurship and innovation, and display some of the central challenges associated with such activities.
Prerequisites None
Compulsory reading Books: Tidd, Joseph and John Bessant. 2009. Managing innovation : integrating technological, market and organizational change. 4th ed. Chichester : Wiley. kap.1, 2, 4-6, 8-11
Wickham, Philip A. 2010. Strategic entrepreneurship. 5th ed. Harlow : FT/Prentice Hall. kap. 1, 2, 4, 6-12, 16. Ny utg ventet juni 2010
Recommended reading Books: Spilling, Olav R., red. 2006. Entreprenørskap på norsk. 2.utg. Bergen : Fagbokforlaget
Spinosa, Charles, Fernando Flores, Hubert L. Dreyfus. 1997. Disclosing new worlds : entrepreneurship, democratic action, and the cultivation of solidarity. Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press. kap.2
Tidd, Joseph and John Bessant. 2009. Managing innovation : integrating technological, market and organizational change. 4th ed. Chichester : Wiley. kap. 7
Wickham, Philip A. 2010. Strategic entrepreneurship. 5th ed. Harlow : FT/Prentice Hall. 13-15, 17-24, 29. Ny utg ventet juni 2010
Other: "Fra ide til verdi. Regjeringens plan for en helhetlig innovasjonspolitikk." 2003
Course outline
The course is organised in the following twelve sequences:
1. Introduction to innovation and entrepreneurship.
2. Entrepreneurship
3-4. Start-ups, stages and developing a business plan
5-7. Innovation and innovation processes, stages and approaches
8-9. The firm perspective - corporate entrepreneurship.
10 Innovation systems.
11 Innovation systems and institutions.
12 Developing innovation systems.
Computer-based tools None.
Course structure 36 hours of lectures.
Examination Grades in the course are based on a home examination over 72 hours.
Examination code(s) ORG 24011 - Home examnination accounts for 100% of the final grade in the course ORG 2401, 6 credits.
Examination support materials All written support materials are permitted.
Examination support materials at written examinations are specified under exam information in our web-based Student Handbook. Please note the use of calculator and dictionary.
Re-sit examination This course was teached for the last time spring 2011. Re-sit exam will be offered every term from autumn 2011 even spring 2013.
Additional information