ORG 1210 Organizational Theory and HRM - RE-SIT EXAMINATION
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ORG 1210 Organizational Theory and HRM - RE-SIT EXAMINATION
Responsible for the course
Thorvald Hærem, Cecilie Asting
Department of Leadership and Organizational Behaviour
According to study plan
ECTS Credits
Language of instruction
Jeffrey Pfeffer's statement that the main explanation for sustainable competition advantage is the way organizations treat their employees, is no longer just a cliché. Several studies show that various measures of Human Resource Management (HRM) at the organizational level are positively related to organizations' performance in terms of both financial and non-financial indicators. In spite of this, it is not uncommon that many organizations' HR functions struggle with a lack of status and influence. Therefore, it is important that managers both within and outside the HR department acquire more knowledge of and insight into how to choose, frame and implement HR practices in order for organizations to achieve a competitive advantage. Accordingly, the course will provide the students with an introduction to and understanding of basic theoretical and empirical contributions of research related to Human Resource Management (HRM) at the individual, group, and organizational level of analysis. After having completed the course, the students should be able to apply obtained knowledge in work settings.
Learning outcome
Acquired Knowledge
- Essential theories and perspectives within Organizational Theory and HRM.
- The most salient and robust research findings within HRM at the individual, group, and organizational level
Acquired Skills
- The students should be able to identify, analyze and understand what differentiates more effective and less effective HRM in different types of organizations
The students should be able to critically assess organizations' HR practices in light of the most important and robust research findings within HRM at different levels of analysis.
ORG 3401 Organizational Behaviour and Leadership or equivalent
Compulsory reading
Jacobsen, Dag Ingvar og Jan Thorsvik. 2007. Hvordan organisasjoner fungerer. 3. utg. Fagbokforlaget
Arthur, J. B., & Boyles, T.. 2007. Validating the human resource system structure: A levels-based strategic HRM approach. Human Resource Management Review. 17. 77-92
Briner, R. B., & Rousseau, D. M. 2011. Evidence-Based I–O Psychology: Not There Yet. Industrial and organizational psychology. 4. 3-22
Collins, C. J., & K. G. Smith. 2006. Knowledge exchange and combination : the role of human resource practices in the performance of high-technology firms. Academy of Management Journal. 49(3). s. 544-560
Combs, J., Liu, Y., A. Hall & D. Ketchen. 2006. How much do high-performance work practices matter? A meta-analysis of their effects on organizational performance. Personnel Psychology. 59 (3). s. 501-528
Harrison, D. A., D. A. Newman, & P. A. Roth. 2006. How important are job attitudes? Meta-analytic comparisons of integrative behavioral outcomes and time sequences. Academy of management journal. 49 (2). 305-325
Peterson, S. J. & F. Luthans. 2006. The impact of financial and nonfinancial incentives on business-unit outcomes over time. Journal of applied psychology. 91(1). 156-165
Pfeffer, J., & Sutton, R. I. 2006. Evidence-based management. Harvard business review. 84 (1). 62-75
Salanova, M., S. Agut, & J. M. Peiró. 2005. Linking organizational resources and work engagement to employee performance and customer loyalty : the mediation of service climate. Journal of applied psychology. 90 (6). 1217-1227
Wright, P. M., T. M. Gardner, L. M. Moynihan & M. R. Allen. 2005. The relationship between HR practices and firm performance: Examining causal order. Personnel Psychology. 58(2). 409-446 Collins, C. J., & Smith.
Recommended reading
Course outline
- Evidence-based management and HRM
- Studying organizations
- Organizations as rational systems
- Organizations as natural systems
- Organizations and the environment
- HRM and organizational performance
- HRM and individual/group performance
- Ethics and work settings
Computer-based tools
Learning process and workload
In order to give the students an opportunity to indentify what they have learned, and what they need to improve on, they will be given previous examinations to discuss and give each other feedback on.
Students will be given guidance in the form of plenary lectures in which important aspects of writing assignments will be reviewed. Students are divided into smaller groups to work with curriculum articles. Each group is expected to deliver and to make a presentation of assigned article.
At the presentations class is divided into smaller groups and each group will be given about 15 min. to present their article. A summary of the presentation must be delivered in advance of the review, and lecturer will provide immediate feedback about the content, and how this can be linked to the rest of the curriculum and examinations, etc.
Students are responsible for obtaining access to the Internet, and to keep abreast of the content posted on the course website.
Recommended use of hours:
Activity | Use of hours |
Participation in lectures and presentations | 27 |
Preparation for the lecture / reading literature | 46 |
Individual study and group work | 122 |
Examiniation | 5 |
Recommended time in total | 200 |
A five hour individual written examination concludes the course.
Examination code(s)
ORG 12101 . Written examination. Counts for 100 % towards the final grade in ORG 1210 Organizational Theory and HRM - 7,5 credits.
Examination support materials
Re-sit examination
A re-sit examination is offered autumn 2013 and last time spring 2014.
Additional information