MRK 3654 Product Planning - RE-SIT EXAMINATION
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APPLIES TO ACADEMIC YEAR 2015/2016 Norwegian version |
MRK 3654 Product Planning - RE-SIT EXAMINATION
Responsible for the course
Sangeeta Singh
Department of Marketing
According to study plan
ECTS Credits
Language of instruction
Products include both tangible and intangible exchanges in the marketplace. Their planning lies at the very heart of the firm’s overall strategy and must occupy a dominant role in the firm’s planning and actions. This requires an in-depth knowledge of product and services. This course is designed to provide an understanding of product and services which leads to developing product and service plans that are viable and successful. The goal of the course is to make students integrate knowledge acquired in general marketing courses (knowledge on the 4Ps, buyer behavior, etc.) into planning products and services to put the 4 Ps in practice.
There are two parts to the course. The first part focuses on analyzing information pertaining to product and services' environment, customers and competitors. The second part builds on this foundation to familiarize students with the complexities of product and services planning.
Learning outcome
Acquired knowledge
This course is designed to provide an understanding of marketing planning which leads to developing strategies for successful and sustainable pricing and product management. The goal of the course is to make students integrate knowledge about the 4 Ps of marketing into developing a marketing plan that applies the 4 Ps in practice, with special emphasis on pricing and product.
Students should be able to
- Understand that a company operates in a marketing environment and how it affects the strategic decisions the marketing/product manager makes. Also understand the relative importance of these market/environment forces.
- Understand how the different aspects of the marketing mix are interrelated
- Understand the different strategic choices available to a marketing/product manager and the implications of these strategies for the company
Acquired skills
Students should be able to
- Perform a SWOT and PESTEL analysis
- Develop a marketing mix that 'hangs together'
- Develop a marketing plan that demonstrates pricing and product management suited to the chosen strategy
- Students should be aware that a sustainable product and services plan takes into account social responsibility and ethical considerations
The course is based on the knowledge of marketing that the students have acquired from other marketing courses in their studies
Compulsory reading
Lehmann, Donald R., Russell S. Winer. 2005. Product management. 4th ed. McGraw-Hill/Irwin. 512 sider
Gjeldende avis og magasin artikler blir levert ut i løpet av kurset eller gjort tilgjengelig på Itslearning
Recommended reading
Aaker, David A and McLoughlin, Damien. 2010. Strategic market management - Global Perspectives. 1st ed.. Wiley
Course outline
Part I: Analyzing Information
- Defining the competitive set
- Industry analysis
- Competitor analysis
- Customer analysis
Part II: Planning
- Products and services classification, consumer behavior, product life cycle, product portfolios, new product development
- Pricing and price structures
- Different marketing strategies
Computer-based tools
It's Learning
Learning process and workload
The learning objectives of the course are accomplished through a combination of lectures, case studies, group work, group presentations and feedback.
Two group presentations during the semester and feedback on the presentations ensure progress on the term paper. Participation in lectures is crucial to the successful completion of the term paper.
Coursework requirements
Groups (of up to 3 students) make two presentations of the term paper during the semester: One at the beginning of the semester and the other towards the end of the semester (but before lectures end).
The students' workload in hours:
Activity | Use of hours |
Lectures | 30 |
Preparation for lectures/readng literature | 20 |
Presentations | 6 |
Preparation for presentations | 20 |
Group work | 24 |
Research, information gathering and analysis | 50 |
Writing paper | 50 |
Total recommended hours | 200 |
Coursework requirements
At the last re-sit exams in autumn 2015 and spring 2016, the coursework requirements are no longer mandatory.
The course is evaluated on the basis of a term paper in which students will be required to develop a market plan for a company of their choice and then design a product or service strategy or strategies based on the market plan.
Students work in groups of up to 1-3 students to complete the term paper.
Examination code(s)
MRK 36541 - Project paper, counts for 100 % of the final grade in MRK 3654 Product Planning 7,5 credits.
Examination support materials
All support materials are allowed for the term paper.
Re-sit examination
This course was lectured for the last time spring term 2015. Re-sit examiniations will be offered autumn 2015 and last time spring 2016.
Additional information