MET 0920 Statistics

MET 0920 Statistics

Course code: 
MET 0920
Course coordinator: 
Pål Lauritzen
Course name in Norwegian: 
Statistikk for økonomer
Product category: 
Bachelor - Common Courses
2020 Spring
Active status: 
Level of study: 
Teaching language: 
Course type: 
One semester

Statistics is a basic statistics course that is included as a mandatory part of the bachelor programs in business administration subjects. The course is conducted in the spring semester.

Please note!

Due to the Corona situation, BI Norwegian Business School has decided that the exam in this course will be changed in the spring of 2020. The course this spring will be evaluated with a home exam which counts 100%. This will be assessed as pass / fail. No one will get a letter grade.

All students who have registered for the exam in this course in spring 2020 will be registered for this new course and exam code. This also applies to re-sit students.

Re-sit students who prefer to re-sit for the original exam codes, will be able to do so in the fall of 2020, provided the Corona situation is under control. The spring exam will not count as an exam attempt, and will also be free of charge for students. No continuation exam will be offered for this spring's home exam.

Learning outcomes - Knowledge

After completing this course, students will have acquired knowledge of statistical concepts and thinking.

Learning outcomes - Skills

It is a goal that the course will enable students to plan and conduct investigations using the most commonly used statistical methods. Students will be able to interpret the analysis results from for instance reports or computer printouts. After completing the course students should be familiar with the use of computer tools for statistical analysis.

General Competence

The aim is to develop a critical attitude to the interpretation of statistical results and to be critical of the condition durability. Particular emphasis is placed on applications related to economic issues so that students will be able to use statistics in courses that come later in the programme.

Course content
  • Descriptive statistics
    • chapter  1
  • Probability Models and Probability
    • chapter  2 -4
  • Probability Distributions and Estimation
    • chapter  5 - 8 except Poisson-distribution, Opsjoner og Lotterimodellen
  • Hypothesis Testing
    • chapter  9
  • Parametric and Non-parametric Tests
    • chapter 10 except Wilcoxons test
  • Correlation
    • chapter 11 simple linear regression
Teaching and learning activities

The course has 54 hours and will consist of lectures, where the curriculum is reviewed, exercises in statistics software, and assignments. Problem solution will be a central part of the joint lectures, where papers are introduced in class and feedback given when these are reviewed and discussed in class. Training / use of Excel will be integrated into teaching.

For each week a work program with literature references and tasks will be prepared. Students must acquire the substance in the reference literature and solve problems. Some of the tasks will be discussed in the plenary sessions. In lectures the theory will be discussed by using multiple data sets and related tasks. The final exam will be based on the assumption that the student has worked with these exercises throughout the semester.

In course delivery as online courses, lecturer will, in collaboration with the student administration, organize an appropriate course implementation, combining different learning activities and digital elements on the learning platform. Online students are also offered a study guide that will contribute to progression and overview. Total recommended time spent for completing the course also applies here.

Software tools
No specified computer-based tools are required.
Additional information

For å støtte studentenes læreprosess, arrangerer BI seminargrupper og andre veiledningstilbud ved våre Campuser. Det oppfordres sterkt til at studentene deltar på disse tilbudene for å oppnå faglig mestring.


Higher Education Entrance Qualification.

Required prerequisite knowledge

No spesific prerequisites is required. 

Exam category: 
Form of assessment: 
Written submission
6 Hour(s)
Exam code: 
Grading scale: 
Type of Assessment: 
Ordinary examination
Total weight: 
Student workload
54 Hour(s)
Prepare for teaching
65 Hour(s)
Group work / Assignments
75 Hour(s)
6 Hour(s)
Sum workload: 

A course of 1 ECTS credit corresponds to a workload of 26-30 hours. Therefore a course of 7,5 ECTS credit corresponds to a workload of at least 200 hours.

Reading list