MAN 3160/3161/3162/3163 Healthcare Management

Norwegian version

MAN 3160/3161/3162/3163 Healthcare Management

Responsible for the course
Thomas Hoholm

Department of Innovation and Economic Organisation

According to study plan

ECTS Credits

Language of instruction

This healthcare management program aims for educating primary healthcare leaders to become action oriented and competent in handling the needs for change and innovation in the sector. The students are supposed to develop their competence in managing and leading in settings characterized by tensions between professional knowledge, available resources, and politics. Furthermore, students are supposed to develop their capacity to practice leadership and governance, in order to achieve the organization’s aims regarding service quality, as well as resource utilization.

Learning outcome

Acquired knowledge

The students are expected to become familiar with research-based knowledge on central theories and models for leadership, management, organization, change and innovation, with a particular focus on leading and managing within the primary healthcare services.

In addition, the students are expected to learn about:

-the relationships between organizing and user-, relationship-, and goal-oriented leadership.

-tools and methods for analyzing and managing competence.

-the primary healthcare services’ framework conditions, and how they influence management.

-the interplay between economic management and work to improve quality, efficiency, change, and innovation within the healthcare services.

Acquired skills

The students are expected to:

-learn to recognize leadership and management related challenges, and utilize relevant perspectives, models and tools for identifying, developing and using the available room for action.

-develop ability to initiate and manage innovation and change oriented activities at different levels.

-learn how to facilitate workplace learning.

-strengthen their abilities in interaction oriented management; to communicate and mobilize resources across service providers, voluntary organizations, users and their relatives, and specialist healthcare.

The students are expected to become able to:
-reflect critically on their own leadership and management skills.
-reflect on the relationships between value based and relationship oriented leadership, and motivation, job satisfaction, and efficiency.
-challenge and stimulate a professional system, based on user orientation.
-discuss and balance the relationships between loyalty and mandate on the one hand, and room for action and local challenges on the other.
-reflect on their own way of managing, related to organization, professional knowledge, ethical and legal concerns, and the users’ needs.

Bachelor degree or equivalent and 4 years of work experience. Please consult our student regulations.

Compulsory reading
2011. Harvard Business Review on fixing health care from inside & out. Business School Press. Kap 1, 3, 4, 8 og 10, ss 1-22, 29-90, 161-178, 203-220 (NB! Lenker direkte til HBR fra biblioteket)
Arntzen, Elisabeth. 2014. Ledelse og kvalitet i helsetjenesten : arbeidsglede og orden i eget hus. Gyldendal akademisk
Arnulf, Jan Ketil. 2012. Hva er ledelse. Universitetsforlaget
Busch, Tor, Erik Johnsen og Jan Ole Vanebo. 2009. Økonomistyring i det offentlige. 4. utg. Universitetsforlaget
Carlsen, Arne, Stewart Clegg, Reidar Gjersvik. 2013. Idea work : om profesjonell kreativitet. 2. rettet oppl. Cappelen Damm akademisk. Utvalgte kapitler, ca 70 s
Christensen, Clayton M. 2009. The innovator's prescription: a disruptive solution for health care. McGraw-Hill. Kap. 1 ,4 ,5 og 7, ss 1-36, 111-182, 221-260
Grant, Adam. 2014. Gi og ta : hvordan lykkes gjennom å hjelpe andre. Cappelen Damm. Kap 1, 4, 5 og 6, ca. 100 sider
Kvalnes, Øyvind. 2012. Etikk og samfunnsansvar. 1. Universitetsforlaget. 160
Lee, Graham. 2003. Leadership coaching : from personal insight to organizational performance. CIPD. Kap 2, 4, 7 og 8, ss. 24-42, 60-76, 111-141
Martinsen, Øyvind L., red. 2009. Perspektiver på ledelse. 3. utg. Gyldendal Akademisk. Kap 3, 4, 5, 8, 10 og 15, ss 59-70, 73-87, 88-115, 167-204, 245-268, 355-373
Molven, Olav. 2015. Helse og jus. 8. utg. Gyldendal juridisk
Tjora, Aksel og Line Melby, red. 2013. Samhandling for helse. Gyldendal akademisk. Kap 2, 3, 4 og 7, ss 31-52, 54-78, 81-101, 144 - 156

Book extract:
Baldersheim, Harald og Lawrence E. Rose, red. 2014. Innovasjonsteori og framveksten av digital forvaltning - hvorfor noen kommuner går foran og andre kommuner etter. I: Det kommunale laboratorium: teoretiske perspektiver på lokal politikk og organisering. Fagbokforlaget. Kap.8, ss 153-176
Dopson, Sue and Louise Fitzgerald, eds. 2005. Knowledge to action? : evidence-based health care in contex. Oxford University Press. Kap 3, 6 og 9, ss 28-47, 104-131, 182-197
Hatch, Mary Jo. 2001. Organisasjonsteori : moderne, symbolske og postmoderne perspektiver. Abstrakt Forlag. Kap 7, ss 225-261
Kuvaas, Bård og Anders Dysvik. 2012. Lønnsomhet gjennom menneskelige ressurser : evidensbasert HRM. Fagbokforlaget. Kapitlene 5, 6, 7 og 12 (65 sider)
La Rocca, A., Hvidsten, A. & Hoholm, T. 2015. Making innovations work locally: The role of Creativity in introducing innovations across multiple users and organizations in healthcare. Kapittel. I: Skerlavaj, Miha ...[et al.], eds. Capitalizing on creativity at work : fostering the implementation of creative ideas in organizations. Edward Elgar
Lian, Olaug S. 2007. Når helse blir en vare : medikalisering og markedsorientering i helsetjenesten. 2. utg. Høyskoleforlaget. Kap 1, 2 og 3, ss 11-69

Hoholm, T. 2015. Innovasjon og innovasjonsledelse i kommuner, en innføring. Upublisert notat, 10 s

Andersen, S. 2009. Stor suksess gjennom små, intelligente feil. Erfaringsbasert kunnskapsutvikling i toppidretten. Tidsskrift for Samfunnsforskning. 50 (4). ss 427-461
Dutton, J. E. 2003. Fostering high quality connections through respectful engagement. Stanford Social Innovation Review. ss 54-57
Grant, A.M. June 2011. How customers can rally your troops: End users can energize your workforce far better than your managers can. Harvard Business Review. ss 97-103

Utvalgte lov- og forskriftstekster fra Lovdata, dommer, forvaltningsavgjørelser og proposisjoner

Recommended reading
Amabile, Teresa, Steven Kramer. 2011. The progress principle : using small wins to ignite joy, engagement, and creativity at work. Harvard Business Review Press
Berry, Leonard L., Kent D. Seltman. 2008. Management lessons from Mayo clinic. McGraw-Hill
Botten, Grete S., red ... [et al.]. 2014. Helsetjenestens nye logikk. Akademika
Casebeer, Ann L., Alexandra Harrison, Annabelle L. Mark, eds. 2006. Innovations in health care : a reality check. Palgrave Macmillan
Christensen, Clayton M. 2009. The innovators prescription : a disruptive solution for health care. McGraw Hill
Collins, Jim and Morten T. Hansen. 2011. Great by Choice : uncertainty, chaos, and luck? - why some thrive despite them all. Harper Business. 178 s
Cooper, Colin. 2010. Individual differences and personality. 3rd ed. Hodder Education
Cosgrove, Toby. 2014. The Cleveland Clinic way : lessons in excellence from one of the world's leading health care organizations. McGraw Hill. Utvalgte kapitler
Dickinson, Helen, Russell Mannion, eds. 2011. The reform of health care : Shaping, adapting and resisting policy developments. Palgrave Macmillan
Dutton, Jane E. 2003. Energize your workplace : how to create and sustain high-quality connections at work. Jossey-Bass. ss 1-51, 79-139
Gabbay, John ... [et al.]. 2011. Organisational innovation in health services. The Policy Press
Irgens, Eirik J. 2011. Dynamiske og lærende organisasjoner : ledelse og utvikling i et arbeidsliv i endring. Fagbokforlaget
Keating, Mary A., , Aoife M. McDermott and. 2013. Patient-centred health care : achieving coordination, communication and innovation. Palgrave Macmillan
Kvalnes, Øyvind. 2008. Se gorillaen! : etikk i arbeid. 2. utg. Universitetsforlaget
Kvalnes, Øyvind. 2010. Det feilbarlige menneske : risiko og læring i arbeidslivet. Universitetsforlaget
McKee, Lorna, Ewan Ferlie, Paula Hyde, eds. 2008. Organizing and reorganizing : power and change in health care organizations. Palgrave Macmillan
Melberg, Hans Olavog Lars Erik Kjekshus, red. 2012. Fremtidens Helse-Norge. Fagbokforlaget
Mol, Annemarie. 2008. The logic of care : health and the problem of patient choice. Routledge
Osborne, Stephen P., Louise Brown, eds. 2013. Handbook of innovation in public services. Edward Elgar
Ringholm,Toril, Håvard Teigen og Nils Aarsæther, red. 2013. Innovative kommuner. Cappelen Damm akademisk
Rommetvedt, Hilmar ... [et al.]. 2014. Hvordan har vi det i dag, da?: flernivåstyring og samhandling i dansk og norsk helsepolitikk. Fagbokforlaget
Tjora, Aksel, red. 2012. Helsesosiologi : analyser av helse, sykdom og behandling. Gyldendal Akademisk
Vabø, Mia og Signy Irene Vabo, red. 2014. Velferdens organisering. Universitetsforlaget
Veggeland, Noralv, red. 2013. Reformer i norsk helsevesen : veier videre. Akademika forlag
Yukl, Gary A. 2013. Leadership in organizations. 8th ed. Pearson

Book extraxt:
Sims, Peter. 2011. Little bets : how breakthrough ideas emerge from small discoveries. Random House Business. ss 1-163

Andersen, S. og Sæther, Ø. 2009. Kompetansemobilisering for prestasjonsutvikling. Hvordan oppnå fremragende resultater med vanlige medarbeidere?. Magma. 1 (11). 10 s

Course outline
The program consists of six modules with different main themes:
-Leadership and interaction in knowledge-based organizations.
-Organization culture and group dynamics in primary healthcare organizations.
-Managing innovation and change.
-Strategic management and development of competence.
-Economy and management: governance in healthcare service organizations.
-Healthcare law, internal control, and ethics.

Computer-based tools

Learning process and workload
The programme is conducted through six course modules, a total of approx. 150 lecturing hours.

Project tutorials differ in each Executive Master of Management programme. It will consist of personal tutorials and tutorials given in class. Generally the students may expect consulting tutorials, not evaluating tutorials. The total hours of tutorials offered is estimated to two hours pr. students following an ordinary Master of Management programme. For students taking the programme as their final Master of Management programme the tutorials offered are estimated to a total of six hours per term paper.

Please note that while attendance is not compulsory in all programmes, it is the student's own responsibility to obtain any information provided in class that is not included on the course homepage/ itslearning or other course materials.

Coursework requirements

The students are evaluated through a term paper, counting 18 ECTS credits and an individual written home exam; 72h, counting ECTS 12 credits. Both evaluations must be passed to obtain a certificate for the programme. The term paper may be written individually or in groups of maximum three persons.

For students taking this programme as the final Master of Management Programme the following applies:
The students are evaluated through a term paper, counting 24 ECTS credits and an individual written home exam; 72h, counting ECTS 6 credits. The term paper may be written in groups of maximum two persons. Both evaluations must be passed to obtain a certificate for the programme.

Examination code(s)
MAN 31601 - Term paper; accounts for 100 % of the grade to pass the programme MAN xxxx, 18 credits
MAN 31611 - Individual written home exam; 72 hours, accounts for 100 % of the grade to pass the programme MAN xxxx, 12 credits
Both evaluations must be passed to obtain a certificate for the programme.

For students taking this programme as the final Master of Management Programme the following applies:
MAN 31621 - Term paper; accounts for 100 % of the grade to pass the programme MAN xxxx, 24 credits
MAN 31631 - Individual written home exam; 72 hours, accounts for 100 % of the grade to pass the programme MAN xxxx, 6 credits;.
Both evaluations must be passed to obtain a certificate for the programme.

Examination support materials

Re-sit examination
It is only possible to re-sit an examination at the next ordinary examination. When a programme is discontinued, the re-sit examination will take place in a replacement programme.

The assessment is mainly based on more than one examination code. Where this is the case, you may re-sit only the assessed components of one of these examination codes. Where this is not the case, all of the assessed components of the course must be retaken. All re-sit examinations will incur an additional fee.

Additional information