MAN 2836/2837/2838/2839 PR-Management and Strategic Communication


MAN 2836/2837/2838/2839 PR-Management and Strategic Communication

Responsible for the course
Pål Kraft, Tor Bang

Department of Communication and Culture

According to study plan

ECTS Credits

Language of instruction

Work in connection with the dissemination of information is often carried out on the basis of the practical experience those involved and their employers have with regard to information and the media. Information associates’ theoretical ballast often comes from other areas than public relations (PR). In a complex decision making environment that is in a state of continuous change, this pool of practical experience can nonetheless prove to be inadequate for the occasion. The need arises for grounding infrastructure that puts daily events into perspective. This involves knowledge that, among other things, is founded on the systematic research of relationship management, communication and susceptibility to influence.

Persons who have management responsibility in PR must also carry out strategic analyses and implement strategic processes. In addition they need to master the modern principles of strategic communication and PR management.

This program is intended to give participants theoretical and practical insight into PR-management and strategic communication in order to help them in their work in these areas. The program will illustrate how this knowledge can have relevance both for concrete areas of work, such as, for example, communication strategy, message shaping, crisis management and media management, as well as for environmental scanning, issues management and the planning and assessment of PR. With the competence obtained from this Management program, participants will be better qualified to assume management responsibility for the communication needs of companies, organizations and public enterprises.

Learning outcome
· have knowledge of different models of strategic communication
· have knowledge of different theories and models of influence and persuasion
· have knowledge of different models of issues management
· have knowledge of different models and theories of crisis communication
· have knowledge of what image is, what influences image and how it can be changed
· have knowledge of the mentality of the media and its way of working

Skills outcomes
· can carry out an environmental scan and develop a communication strategy
· can establish a plan and carry out issues management in practice
· can create a plan for crisis communication and manage communication during a crisis
· can plan an information campaign
· can analyze an organization’s image

Behavioral outcomes

  • have an approach to PR that is in accordance with professional and ethical standards in the subject

General requirements: 180 study points and 4 years of working experience. Please consult our student regulations.
The program is intended for top management and middle management in private and public enterprises who are involved in the enterprise’s PR activities (information and public affairs).

Compulsory reading
Botan, Carl and Vincent Hazleton, eds. 2006. Public relations theory II. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Kap. 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 10. 192 sider.
Brønn, Peggy Simcic og Øyvind Ihlen. 2009. Åpen eller innadvendt : omdømmebygging for organisasjoner. Gyldendal akademisk. 255 sider
Heath, Robert L., ed. 2010. The SAGE handbook of public relations. 2nd ed. SAGE Publications. Utvalgte 722 sider
Johansen, Winni og Finn Frandsen. 2007. Krisekommunikation : når virksomhedens image og omdømme er truet. Samfundslitteratur. 388 sider
O'Keefe, Daniel J. 2002. Persuasion : theory & research. 2nd ed. Sage Publications. Kap. 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9. 177 sider

Watson, T.. 2001. Intergrating planning and evaluation. Evaluating the public relations practice and public relations programs. I: Heath, Robert.L., ed.: Handbook of public relations. Sage. 259-268

Recommended reading

Course outline
· Strategic processes and strategic analysis Strategiske prosesser og strategisk analyse
· Environmental scanning
· Strategic information management
· Communication strategy
· Issues management
· Crisis communication
· Information and communication theory
· Attitude forming and persuasion
· Media relations
· Ethics and PR
· The media’s ways of working and function
· Image
· Planning and assessment of PR

Outline of the seminars:

1st Seminar: Strategic communication

The seminar will give participants knowledge of strategic analysis, processes and strategic communication in PR.

Brief description
In addition to possessing the technical skills that the PR subject demands, a top manager must master theories and methods that contribute to PR having a strategic function for the organization. Consequently, the manager must be able to see what role PR can play in its interaction with other areas of the enterprise such that the organization can achieve the objectives it has defined. Of special importance is here knowledge of methods for strategic implementation of PR.

Outline of topics:
· Communication strategy
· Systems theory
· Strategy and stragegic knowledge
· Communication excellence
· Rhetorical and critical perspectives in PR

2nd Seminar: Influence and persuasion

The seminar aims to give participants insight into the psychological foundation for attitudes and changes of attitude. This knowledge will be put to use in the practical shaping of messages.

Brief description
The seminar will provide and overview of the central theories of information and communication as well as the subjects of influence and persuasion. The structure and function of attitudes will be more closely looked into in addition to the relationship between attitude and behavior. Central theories of attitude change and influence will be reviewed.

Outline of topics
· Persuasion and influence
· Influencing attitude
· Attitude and behavior

3rd Seminar: Environmental scanning, issues management and online PR.

The purpose of this seminar is to provide insight into how the organization is dependent on external relations and how it can handle them, whether these be in the form governments, other organizations, groups or individuals.

Brief description
In order to succeed, an organization is dependent on establishing and maintaining relations with its environment. Consequently, it is necessary to be able to carry out an analysis of its environment and how it can influence the organization. An organization must also keep abreast with issues that can be critical or challenging for its survival and image.

Outline of topics:
· Situation analysis
· Environmental scanning
· Issues management
· Online PR

4th Seminar: Crisis communication, media relations, assessment

The purpose of this seminar is to provide students with an insight into crisis communication as well as the media’s tasks, functions and working methods. The seminar will also proved insight into the fundamental methods for planning and assessing PR.

Brief description
In certain situations, difficult issues can develop into crises for an organization. Students will receive a theoretical and practical introduction to crisis communication. The media represents a central component of the environment for an enterprise. In order to be able to handle its relationship with the media in a rational fashion, knowledge of what role the different media have in society, their function and how journalists work is necessary. The interplay between PR personnel and the media should also be understood within a broader power perspective. Providing advice to top management regarding how to conduct themselves and handle the media is also an important task for PR personnel. The seminar will also provide a foundation for making decisions in connection with the planning and assessment of PR, which is a top management responsibility.

Topic outline
· Crisis communication
· Communication management and management counseling
· Media relations
· The media’s role and mentality
· Being a spokesperson
· Planning and assessment of PR

5th Seminar: Image, identity and rhetoric

The intention of this seminar is to give participants insight into what such concepts as reputation, identity and image represent. And how can this be measured? What influences an organization’s reputation? Why is reputation important? The intention here is that students should be able to use this knowledge in practical situations in connection with their “image management” in an organization.

Brief description
The importance of a good reputation is often talked about. But what is reputation? How is it created and how can it be threatened? And what consequences does reputation have for different groups of stakeholders, such as employees, customers and the financial market? How do you measure reputation? And how can image management be carried out? How can workers contribute to shaping the organization’s reputation? And how can the organization itself influence its image through the rhetoric that it uses? These are topics that will be covered during this seminar.

Topic outline
· The construct of reputation, measuring reputation and the consequences of reputation
· Identity and reputation
· Argumentation, rhetoric and reputation

Learning process
The seminars primarily use lectures. In addition, students work with group tasks/cases in connection with some of the topics taught at the seminars.
Between seminars students will work in individually initiated groups (volunteer participation). These groups will work with tasks connected to topics related to a seminar that are regarded as particularly central in the syllabus literature.

The project paper in the PR management and strategic communication program is based on an individually chosen subject. The paper is given a letter grade that comprises 60% of the final grade in the course. The purpose of the paper is to give students the opportunity to show their ability to shed light on a problem through the use of individual treatment of relevant literature in connection with the chosen specialization. It is not expected that the candidate gather empirical data for the paper, but this can be included should the student want it.

For students who are taking this program as their final program there are other regulations for the project paper. For these students, the final project paper in the Master’s course in PR management and strategic communication will be comprised of an individually chosen project paper. The paper is given a letter grade that makes up 80% of the final grade in the course. The paper will provide training in applying empirical date and relevant theory to analyze and assess a problem, as well as plan possible strategies with regard to PR management and strategic communication. The theory will provide better understanding of what processes are in play, as well as what might be done and why. Applying theory constructively is a skill that does not come of itself and this project provides a platform for training at it. The project paper will also provide training in the use of empirical data and relevant literature as aids for solving problems in relation to information/information management.

Two to three days during the seminars are devoted to the project paper. During the first seminar, time is allocated to reviewing the procedures for project counseling, as well as an introduction to such topics as the shaping of the project’s approach to the problem, etc. Students are given information concerning how the process of work on the paper should be carried out. During the second seminar, one day is devoted to the project paper. This is in the form of short lectures on such topics as problem theory, literature, etc. After each topic lecture, students work in small groups to use this material in making concrete choices for their own project papers
During the fourth seminar, one day is devoted to student plenary presentations of their project ideas.

Computer-based tools

Learning process and workload
The program is conducted through five course modules, a total of 150 lecturing hours. Project tutorials differ in each Master of Management program. It will consist of personal tutorials and tutorials given in class. Generally the students may expect consulting tutorials, not evaluating tutorials. The total hours of tutorials offered is estimated to two hours pr. students following an ordinary Master of Management program. For students taking the program as their final Master of Management program the tutorials offered are estimated to a total of six hours.

Students are assessed on the basis of individual term paper for 18 study points and an individual written exam for 12 study points. Both must be passed in order for a course certificate to be awarded. The term paper is submitted individually.

For students taking this program as the final Master of Management Program the following applies:
The students are evaluated through a term paper, counting for 24 credit hours and an five hours individual written exam, counting for 6 credit hours. The term paper may be written individually or in groups of maximum two persons. Both evaluations must be passed to obtain a certificate for the program.

Examination code(s)
MAN 28361 – Term paper; counts 100% for a grade in MAN 2836, 18 study points.
MAN 28371 – 5 hour individual written exam; counts 100% for a grade in MAN 2837, 12 study points.
Both must be passed in order for a course certificate to be awarded.

For students who are taking the program as their final Master of Management Program, the following conditions apply:
MAN 28381 - Term paper; counts 100% for a grade in MAN 2838, 24 study points.
MAN 28391 - 5 hour individual written exam; counts 100% for a grade in MAN 2839, 6 study points.
Both must be passed in order for a course certificate to be awarded.

Examination support materials
No examination support materials are permitted at the 5 hour individual written exam.

Re-sit examination
At the next ordinary exam.

Additional information