MAN 2319/2320/2321/2322 Team Management and Management Teams


MAN 2319/2320/2321/2322 Team Management and Management Teams

Responsible for the course
Trond Kjærstad, Donatella de Paoli

Department of Communication - Culture and Languages

According to study plan

ECTS Credits

Language of instruction
To be decided


    Learning outcome
    The aim of the program is to provide a research-based foundation for team competence, team development and team-based organization. Major emphasis will be placed on team achievements in terms of today’s research on diversity, virtual teams, internationalization and management of expert teams.

    Bachelor degree or equivalent and 4 years work experience. Please confirm our Student regulations.

    Compulsory reading
    Apollonius Rhodius. 1997. The Argonautika. University of California Press. Bok I og III, 150 s
    Bauman, Zygmunt. 2000. Savnet fellesskap. Cappelen akademisk. Sidene 33-95 + etterordet 192-216
    Campbell, Joseph. 2008. The hero with a thousand faces. 3rd ed. New World Library. Del 1, kap.1,2 og 4, 70 s.
    Carroll, Lewis. 2008. Alice's adventures in wonderland : and, Through the looking-glass. Chartwell Books. Finnes mange utgivelser av denne
    Katzenbach, Jon R., Douglas K. Smith. 1993. The wisdom of teams : creating the high-performance organization. Harvard Business School Press. Prolog, kap 1,3,5,6,8, 109s
    McKenna, Patrick J., David H. Maister. 2005. First among equals : how to manage a group of professionals. Simon & Schuster. kap 1-18, 217 s
    Milton, John. 1993. Det tapte paradis. Aschehoug. Bok I, II, IV, IX og X samt etterordet, 212s
    Morgan, Gareth. 1993. Imaginization : the art of creative management. Sage. Kap 1-4, 9-10 og Appendix A, 109s
    Nadler, David A., Janet L. Spencer and associates, Delta Consulting Group. 1998. Executive teams. Jossey-Bass Publishers. kap 1,2,5, 7-8, 147s
    Robbins, Harvey, Michale Finley. 2000. The new why teams don't work : what goes wrong and how to make it right. Berrett-Koehler. kap 1-9 og 12-19, 158 s
    Shakespeare, William. 2002. Kong Richard III's liv og død. Aschehoug
    Trompenaars, Fons and Charles Hampden-Turner. 2012. Riding the waves of culture : understanding cultural diversity in global business. 3rd ed. McGraw Hill. kap. 1, 3-11, 130 s
    Zweig, Connie and Steve Wolf. 1997. Romancing the shadow : illuminating the dark side of the soul. Ballantine Books. Introduksjon, kap. 1, 7-9, 140s

    Collection of articles:
    Artiklene nedenfor blir samlet i en artikkelsamling. Det kan også komme noen flere artikler enn det som er listet opp.
    Bang, H. 2008. Effektivitet i lederteam - hva er det, og hvilke faktorer påvirker det ?. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening. 4. s. 272-286
    Cohen, S. and D. E. Bailey.. 1997. What makes teams work : group effectiveness research from the shop floor to the executive suite.. Journal of Management.. 23(3). s. 239-290
    Erez, M. and P. C. Earley.. 1993. Culture, self-identity, and work.. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Kap. 2, 18-37, 232s
    Katzenbach, J. R.. 1997. The myth of the top management team. Harvard Business Review. November-December. p. 82-91
    Lewicki, R. and Bunker, B. B.. 1995. "Trust in Relationships". Jossey Bass Wiley. Chapter 5; in Bunker,B.B and J.Z. Rubin eds. Conflict, cooperation and justice s 133-173
    Manz, C. C. and H. P. Sims. 1987. Leading workers to lead themselves: the external leadership of self-Managing work teams. Administrative Science Quarterly. 32. s. 106-128
    Sundstrom, E., M. McIntyre, T. Halfhill and H. Richards. 2000. Work groups: from the Hawthorne studies to work teams of the 1990s and beyond.. Group Dynamics. 4(1). s. 44-67
    Tjosvold, D. 1995. "Cooperation Theory, Constructive controversy and effectiveness: Learning From Crisis". San Francisco: Jossey Bass.. Chapter 4 in Guzzo, R. A and E. Salas, eds. Team effectiveness and decision-making in organizations, s 79-112

    Recommended reading
    Leonard-Barton, Dorothy, Walter C. Swap. 1999. When sparks fly : igniting creativity in groups. Harvard Business School Press
    Wheelan, Susan A. 2010. Creating effective teams : a guide for members and leaders. 3rd ed. SAGE

    Course outline
    1st course module – The High performing team
    2nd course module – Management of the privileged team
    3rd course module – Creative team processes
    4th course module – Does the management team exist?
    5th course module – Intercultural and international teams - study tour to Barcelona

    Computer-based tools

    Learning process and workload
    The programme is conducted through five course modules, a total of 150 lecturing hours.

    Project tutorials differ in each Master of Management program. It will consist of personal tutorials and tutorials given in class. Generally the students may expect consulting tutorials, not evaluating tutorials. The total hours of tutorials offered is estimated to two hours pr. students following an ordinary Master of Management program. For students taking the program as their final Master of Management program the tutorials offered are estimated to a total of six hours.

    The students are evaluated through a term paper, counting for 18 credit hours and an individual written exam, counting for 12 credit hours. Both evaluations must be passed to obtain a certificate for the program. The term paper may be written individually or in groups of maximum three persons.

    For students taking this program as the final Master of Management Program the following applies:
    The students are evaluated through a term paper, counting for 24 credit hours and an individual written exam, counting for 6 credit hours.The term paper may be written individually or in groups of maximum two persons.
    Both evaluations must be passed to obtain a certificate for the program.

    Examination code(s)
    MAN 23191 - term paper; accounts for 100 % to pass the program MAN 2319, 18 credits
    MAN 23201 - written exam; accounts for 100 % to pass the program MAN 2320, 12 credits
    Both evaluations must be passed to obtain a certificate for the program.

    For students taking this program as the final Master of Management Program the following applies:
    MAN 23211 - Term paper; 24 credits; counts for 100 % to pass the program MAN 2321.
    MAN 23221 - individual written exam; 6 credits; counts for 100 % to pass the program MAN 2322.
    Both evaluations must be passed to obtain a certificate for the program.

    Examination support materials
    All aids are allowed + calculator TEXAS INSTRUMENTS BA II PlusTM.

    Re-sit examination
    At the next ordinary exam.

    Additional information