KLS 2602 Management of creative projects - RE-SIT EXAMINIATION
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KLS 2602 Management of creative projects - RE-SIT EXAMINIATION Responsible for the course Donatella de Paoli Department Department of Communication - Culture and Languages Term According to study plan ECTS Credits 9 Language of instruction Norwegian Introduction Projects and the project working mode increases in the art- and cultural field with a higher degree of projects in traditional art institutions as well and increasing amount of festivals and events. The artistic field has well developed modes of project management within the performative arts, film, music, design and architecture, but project management as a management task has not been professionalized in the same way as in business. Objective The objective of the course is to give the students an understanding of what traditional project management is and how this working mode can be adjusted to lead and manage interdisciplinary creative processes within design and in the art- and cultural field. An introduction to the most used perspectives and definitions within the field of project management will be highlighted, based upon the specific challenges art- and cultural projects raise. The course will apply a practical approach and give the students the necessary tools and experiences necessary to be professional project managers within creative fields by making students use the knowledge in an actual interdisciplinary and creative project . Prerequisites There are no specific prerequisites. Compulsory reading Books: Karlsen, Jan Terje og Petter Gottschalk. 2008. Prosjektledelse : fra initiering til gevinstrealisering. 2. utg. Oslo : Universitetsforlaget. 409 sider Collection of articles: De Paoli, Donatella. 2007. Artikkelsamling: Ledelse av kreative prosjekter. Oslo: Handelshøyskolen BI Recommended reading Books: Kolltveit, Bjørn J., Jon Lereim og Torger Reve. 2009. Prosjekt : strategi, organisering, ledelse og gjennomføring. 3. utg. Oslo : Universitetsforlaget Kupferberg, Feiwel. 1996. Kreativt kaos i projektarbejdet. Aalborg : Aalborg universitetsforlag Yeoman, Ian ... et al. 2004. Festival and events management : an international arts and culture perspective. Amsterdam : Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann Course outline
Computer-based tools None Course structure The course is run by 54 hours lectures, seminars and group work as part of the spring the 3rd year. The course will be run together with MRK 2602 Visual communication and design. It implies a joint program for lectures and exam, that will be informed in detail in the lecture content. The course will consist of lectures, guest lectures, visits to other institutions, cooperation with external actors, presentation of project work and discussions. It is expected that the students are present and contributes actively during the lectures, in the same time as they will be working in groupwork with the project task during the whole period the course is running in january. The last mentioned imply presentations of own and group work. Examination A term paper that has to written individually or in groups up to 2 students. Examination code(s) KLS 26021 - Term paper accounts 100% of final grade in the course KLS 2602 Management of creative projectst, 9 credits. Examination support materials All support materials are allowed. Re-sit examination This course was lectured for the last time spring 2011. A re-sit exam will be offered every term even spring 2013. Additional information |
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