GRA 8274 Organizational Ethics (2024/2025)

GRA 8274 Organizational Ethics (2024/2025)

Course code: 
GRA 8274
Leadership and Organizational Behaviour
Course coordinator: 
Øyvind Kvalnes
Course name in Norwegian: 
Organizational Ethics (2024/2025)
Product category: 
EMBA Business Administration - Core Courses
2024 Spring
Active status: 
Level of study: 
Teaching language: 
Course type: 
Associate course
Course codes for multi- or associated courses
Course codeSemester
GRA 8275
2024 Spring
GRA 8276
2024 Autumn
Course codes for multi- or associated courses.
GRA 8275
GRA 8276

Business executives depend on an ability to handle ethically challenging situations and make sustainable, long-term decisions. There can be no credibility without personal integrity, a consistent adherence to a stable set of ethical principles. Decision-makers in business must be able to identify and reason about ethical issues and proceed to put them ahead of narrow, short-term gain. Some of the most critical ethical issues they need to address are connected to diversity, equity, and inclusion. Doing so strengthens the organizations’ foundation for innovation, progress and success. Ethical decision-making on these and other issues rests on a communication climate where there is psychological safety, and group members sense that they can speak their minds and disagree with colleagues without fear of repercussions.

The course has two overall goals. The first is to strengthen the participants’ ability to understand, analyze and respond to a variety of ethical dilemmas in organizational life. The second is to provide them with tools to establish and maintain a communication climate where diverse voices are heard and appreciated.


Learning outcomes - Knowledge

The participants will become familiar with the basic concepts of organizational ethics, and their links to business objectives and strategies. Knowledge about diversity, equity and inclusion will be a core element in the course. Concepts and findings from moral psychology will enhance the participants’ understanding of decision processes where ethical issues are at stake. Communication climate is a key element in working with ethics in a business community, and the participants will gain knowledge about ways to create psychological safety and enhance dialogue about ethical dimensions of decision-making.

Learning outcomes - Skills

Dilemma training will be a central activity in the course. The purpose of the training will be to prepare the participants for the dilemmas they are likely to encounter in professional settings. They will learn to provide justification for their choices, and to analyze disagreement about moral issues. Through familiarity with ethical theories, concepts, and principles, they will become better equipped to navigate in business environments where dilemmas are commonplace.

General Competence

The participants will learn to consider their professionalism in the light of how to deal with conflicts of interest and the effects on the environment and society. They will gain understanding of the significance of diversity, equity and inclusion for individuals, organizations and society.

Course content
  • Ethical navigation:  A presentation of tools and concepts to analyze ethical dilemmas in business.
  • Diversity, equity and inclusions as a foundation for successful organizations.
  • Communication climate and psychological safety
  • Moral psychology: The effects of personal and situational elements on practical decision making.
  • Corruption: A case-based discussion of the ethical implications of fraud, corruption, and bribery in business.
Teaching and learning activities

1 ECTS credit corresponds to a workload of 26-30 hours. 

The course is designed as a combination of lectures, case discussions, team presentations and group work.  

Attendance to all sessions in the course is compulsory. If you have to miss part(s) of the course you must ask in advance for leave of absence. More than 25% absence in a course will require retaking the entire course. It's the student's own responsibility to obtain any information provided in class that is not included on the course homepage/ It's learning or other course materials.

Specific information regarding student evaluation beyond the information given in the course description will be provided in class. This information may be relevant for requirements for term papers or other hand-ins, and/or where class participation can be one of several elements of the overall evaluation.

Deadline for submission of term paper will be 3-4 weeks after the module.

The course is a part of a full Executive MBA programme and examination in all courses must be passed in order to obtain a certificate.

In all BI Executive courses and programmes, there is a mutual requirement  
for the student and the course responsible regarding the involvement of the student's experience in the planning and implementation of courses, modules and programmes. This means that the student has the right and duty to get involved with their own knowledge and practice relevance, through the active sharing of their relevant experience and knowledge

Software tools
No specified computer-based tools are required.

Granted admission to the EMBA programme. Please consult our student regulations.


Deviations in teaching and exams may occur if external conditions or unforeseen events call for this.

Exam category: 
Form of assessment: 
Submission PDF
Group (2 - 8)
1 Semester(s)
The evaluation will be based on term paper written in groups.
Exam code: 
GRA 82741
Grading scale: 
Examination when next scheduled course
Type of Assessment: 
Ordinary examination
Total weight: 
Student workload
32 Hour(s)
Prepare for teaching
25 Hour(s)
Student's own work with learning resources
58 Hour(s)
Sum workload: 

A course of 1 ECTS credit corresponds to a workload of 26-30 hours. Therefore a course of 4 ECTS credit corresponds to a workload of at least 110 hours.

Reading list